A chinup bar is all you need!!


Hey Chinstas!! How is everyone? Or should I say where is everyone LOL!!

Ms Soooooooooooooosan, how is yoga class going? How is your mom? I am still keeping her in my prayers!!

Joanne, hanging out on any bars lately? No, not in bars LOL!!

Briee, how are things with you? Any ER trips recently??

I did P90X legs and back this evening. Did chins in sets of 7,6,6,5,4,4&4. Not to shabby seeing how I've had a crummy week!!

I am leaving for New Orleans in the morning!! DH and I finally going on a vacation. First one in 6 years :eek:

Take care everyone!! :* :*

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



I know you already left but I hope you are having a great vacation! Are you going to look for a bar at the park? I went to New Orleans about 5 years ago for Mardi Gra. I have family down there-say hi to them for me :)


It looks like you are back. Did you have a nice time on your vacation? What did you do?

I did Imax 2 today. That one is so fun. Hopefully, later, I am going to work on hanging from the bar.

Hey Joanne!! Glad to hear from ya! Hanging from the bar eh? I am planning on that as well!! Not sure if I'm gonna make it though LOL!! Really tired and zoned out- so it's not looking hopeful.

We had a great time. We weren't sure about the weather on arrival there was a threat of a tropical storm and everyone was wigging out. Turned out no storm, but a little rain. We did the boat ride, lots of walking, ate, ate, and ate. We went to Preservation Hall one night to listen to some jazz. Also took a New Orlean style cooking class. Was like :eek: when the teacher said she used LARD in the gumbo. Of course she said if you're health conscious "Get Over It!!" So I did and I ate so much that I wouldn't normally eat. Now it's back to the grind so to speak :D

We had a nightmare trying to get back yesterday. Flight delays and cancellations. We literally could have drove home and had time to spare. We spent 16 hours in travel yesterday. I am very glad to be home!!

Hope everyone else is doing good!!

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Catherine-The lard story reminded me of when we were in Poland a couple of years ago. The had lard sandwiches. I thought I was going to puke watching my SIL eating one. I usually will taste anything but I just couldn't do it. SIL said they are very popular there (she is from there).

Woo Hoo!! Joanne made 1000!! I sooooo can not imagine a lard sandwich-blech!! I had a hard enough time eating the gumbo knowing it was in there!!

Now on to serious business LOL. I was exhausted yesterday and developed a headache so opted to rest. Today was better, felt rested. Did heavy legs and chinups. Not terribly happy with chinups :(

Squats 85# 4x5 and 1x3 (same wt increased reps on sets 2-4)
DL 100#:)o never thought I'd say 100# on anything) 4x6 (increase 10#)
Bulgarian Squats 25# DBs (legs were toast by this time) 3x4 (down from 4x5)
Plie Squats 70# 3x6 (increase 10# less reps though)
Calf Raises 100# 2x20 (increase 10#)

Chins: 6,3,4,4 & 4 for a total of 21. Half of what I normally do. Here come the excuses,...... First, I don't usually do chins on heavy leg day (Usually do pullups, but later in the day). Second eating has been crap and that totally matters when you lift heavy. Third after those 100# DL my upper body was toast (of course as was my lower body ;) ) I think these are legitimate excuses- what do you guys think :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]


Catherine-yes, you had very good excuses. Wow-you have some very heavy leg work going Missy. Great job.

Today, I am walking about White Bear Lake with a friend. It is about 10 miles and a really beautiful walk and on such a beautiful day. Looking forward to it. I have been very bad about working on my chins and I have no excuses! The State Fair will here before I know it so I know I better get busy so I can do that challenge next year!

Catherine-I think it is just you and me :eek:

Today, I did the Timesaver upper body. I haven't done that one in a long time. I've been trying to hang longer on the bar. I'm doing about the same-no improvement. I know, I know, I have to work on them more.

Joanne, I love your new Avi!!! You are just too cute :) So did you hang on the bar before or after timesaver? I find it harder to do chins on upper body days. That's why I do them on leg day. That way my upper body is not fried already.

I did PS legs and chins today. I did 4,5,5,5,5,4 & 3. Still not back to where I was x( Two weeks ago I did 8 in a row and now I can not even do 6 x( OK, just means I need to work harder. I must have gained some wt on vacation. You know when you gain even a couple of pounds it makes chins harder. I am being serious here-sort of :D

[font color= purple size=+3]Catherine[/font]



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