:::: CHEETAHS :::: May 1st


Morning, ladies :)

This afternoon'll be a run plus abs (still undecided at the moment but it'll be anything BUT ARX.)

Wendy :: could it be the batteries in that thing are on the wane?...Good to know about ARX - I think I'm gonna wind up subbing more in these last few weeks...Totally LOST IT at the mention of your massage with no strings attached. Hope you enjoyed it. LOL :) In terms of results, the scale is up a few lbs. today - BOOOOO! - and otherwise, I have lost an inch in the chest and gained an inch in each biceps. Muscle, I hope? Regardless, I'm gonna go by how I feel, how the clothes fit, and the comments I've been getting from others - somehow it seems like I am getting smaller and am still on the right track.

Heather :: enjoy playing with the cam. New toys are always fun. :) Saw your progress report in the other thread - great job!! Rock on! And try to be patient. Five lbs. a month may *seem* slow, but it's the healthy way to go and more likely to be permanent that way. I have been losing MUCH slower than that - 30+ lbs. in 15 months!

In case some of the cheetahs don't get to last night's posts, I'd love to hear from everyone how/why you started running. (Gayle, you made me curious!) Please share your story - what made you lace up for the first time?

Have a great day and greater workouts, everyone! :)
~Cathy :)
Good morning cheetahs,

cathy- definitely sounds like you are on the right track! i started running simply to loose weight. no spectacular story. had no idea of what i was doing. just went outside and ran, lol.

i am off to the gym early this morning to attack my legs using heavy weights. my plan is to work legs twice a week. once at the gym and once with cathe. seems like i can't get them to look the way i want without going really heavy.

wendy- so how was your massage?

heather- sorry about your frustrating day. sounds like you have an awesome mother!

enjoy your day ladies. i will check back in later.

fyi- there are new itrains up!!!!
Good Morning Cheetah-Babes!:+

Well my calves are ***ON FIRE*** this morning!!! I'll be hobbling around until they stretch out some. Last night I decided that today may just be a yoga day. I have a run scheduled but I think I need the break so I will attach the run to another day. It would be great if I got my new yoga dvd in time for my work out this afternoon but I doubt I will. :-(

Cathy: LOL, my massage was nice. Good point. The omron appears to work fine but I don't think it's had a battery change since I got it so maybe that's the problem. I know old batteries can cause things to go batty as well as when they are losing power. I'll have to check out what kind of batteries it takes! I am sure your biceps have grown due to muscle. My biceps grew at one point during the X but then went back down. They measure smaller then they used to now but are definately more defined which is awesome! I think what happened is that I added lean muscle BEFORE I lost any fat in the area which caused the growth. Once I began losing the fat then they went back down in size. Are you working in the lean rep range? If so then the same thing will likely happen for you too!:)

SunnyD: So you aren't working today or just not until tonight? What is "the look" you want for your legs? It's amazing how everyone's body reacts differently to the same type of work out. I have just started adding some weight back on to my leg routines. I have lifted light weights for legs for probably a solid year now because I was getting bulky and didn't like it. My legs are naturally thick/solid. I didn't need to ADD size. They have leaned out considerably while maintaining lean muscle so now I am slowly adding weight back and will see what happens but if they start to bulk again the extra weight is GONE! LOL

I am off to my MIL's for tuesday night dinner later. Haven't been in a few weeks b/c we've been seeing them so often on weekends that we've been opting out of the ride up there on tuesdays but with my B'day being y'day, they want to "celebrate" so off I will go to eat some sinful dinner!:9 }( My DH can't come today. He has to work O/T. Oh well...more yumminess for me I guess!:p LOL

Okay...I'm done with my novel...I'll be back later to check on you ladies!;)
G'morning Cheetahs! It looks like another absolutely gorgeous day! I'm so excited! Come on spring!

Well, I ended up having play practice til after 10 last night! It was fun though & I'm really enjoying it. The kids are really working hard on their parts. It was a dress rehearsal so they were all in costume.

I haven't decided what I'm doing yet for cardio, either going to the Y or just going for a bike ride. I don't know if I can handle going to the Y when it's so nice out! Then it's S & A this afternoon. I love that workout!

Cathy ~ Let me see how I started running. I had been walking for a long time on my treadmill w/ no real plans for running. (in fact, my motto was only run when chased!) I think it started when my dd was riding her bike. I kind of jogged to keep up w/ her, and realized I could just keep running. I think I ran around our block (which is .7 miles I know now). Then I just kinda started adding on the running on my treadmill, going faster & longer. I did that for a good 6 mos before I really started running outdoors. My treadmill died and I had no choice but to keep it up outside. Then I ended up meeting my friend Erin (well, we kinda knew each other but I didn't know she ran). I ran my first 5K in June of '05, and then ended up training the rest of the summer for my first half. The obsession took off!! ;-)
legs and itread set 9 20 mins done!

wendy- i also have pretty big solid thighs and i like the serena williams look for legs! all the muscle with none of the fat:)
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I started running in High School mainly to condition my body for my long volleyball workouts. Then of course for weight control!! Good job with CST. I see nothing wrong with subbing some Cathe abs.

Sunny...good job with S&A and ARX yesterday, I laugh at those jokes every time too...:)..enjoy your heavy leg workout. I will check out iTrain...:)

Wendy...hope your B-Day was great and that the massage felt good...:)...Congrats also on the weightloss. Hey, I think you need one of those foam rollers for the sore calves!..:)..enjoy a nice B-Day dinner at your MIL's.

Gayle...wow! what a story about your half! Thank you for sharing...You did so awesome. I am lucky as walking always seems to help me, especially on long distance runs. But i would say you will most likely use the Fuel Belt next HM.

Kristi...Congrats on finishing that tough HM! You beat your goal and that is awesome! I agree that hill training would have helped. But did you know ahead of time this course was hilly? I know just how those quads must be feeling...downhills can really get my quads.

Shelly...enjoy your rest days....are you really resting?..:)

Jackie...my legs were fine yesterday, a bit of pain in my right hammy. It just felt good to do that distance. How was iClimb Bootcamp?

Jess...wow, Imax2 and then half of PlyoX! Great cardio workout yesterday. Ah...to be 30 again...:)

Christine...I can remember the first time I watched marathoners finishing, wow!...didn't seem to scare me as I ran them even after seeing those pained faces. Love the Quarter Hounder story!! Thanks, I really enjoyed the run sunday.

I was in a bit if a depressed mood yesterday morning (DH's procrastination does it to me sometimes), so I didn't post. I did BBC S&A and 30 min on my EXT. Today is Leaner Legs, abs and maybe a new iClimb...

Have a great day...:)
Good morning to all the fabulous cheetahs!!! Finishing up a night at work, not too busy:) I get one night off the then back for one more, then a stretch off with my race next Sat:7 Today, after my nap will be an easy paced 4 mile run and later some MM.

Cathy- You're really getting back into a regular routine of running again aren't ya? It must feel so nice! Like many others I fell into the routine of running by accident... it wasn't really intentional at all. Several years ago we were living temporarily in a small cabin and I didn't have room for our usual exercise equipment and I couldn't do any step aerobics, etc for lack of space. So DH got me a fold up TM and I started with walking/slow jogging, etc.
About a year later a friend at work organized a bunch of people to enter a local race and I decided to give it a try (a 10k) I placed second..... and the rest is history, I was hooked!

Jackie- Hiya! I didn't say hi to you yesterday :eek: I'm taking (gasp) 2 rest days this week because I have a particularly challenging HM coming up on Saturday. Whatcha up to today?

SunnyD- Gonna attack those legs eh? What do you prefer for heavy weights-- machines or free weights?

Christine- Sounds like you had a great time in Monterrey, sorry you couldn't participate in the race but I'm sure you had a wonderful time anyway with your bouncing little Jimmy!

Wendy- Okay, is this a second birthday dinner???? Boy are you getting spoiled!;-) How was the super deluxe no strings attached

Time to get moving..... I'll try to check back in later.

Hey guys! Good morning!

Cathy-great idea....I'm curious about the rest of us Cheetahs as well, and I love hearing life stories too! Thanks for asking that.

As you know, I started running just after DH passed away. I bought a treadmill, knowing that I needed to be able to workout completely at home with the kids in the house. A flyer from the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, advertising the Team In Training events caught my eye. It was perfect timing, because I was looking for a way to make DH's passing a learning experience for the kids (as if that event itself wasn't enough); I wanted to do something good with the kids from this bad thing. SO....I made a phone call and before I hung up an hour later, I had committed to the Disney Marathon in '06. The rest, is history.

OK...my quads are still on fire today. Makes doing the laundry today a chore, walking up and down the steps so many times. lol I've decided I'm going to do the May rotation with some running added in. So today called for KM low impact kickbox premix. Perfect for sore quads. The low impact really helped.

I'm off to do stuff around the house. I'm in charge of Staff Appreciation Week at the elementary school next week, so I have a large email to get together. DS's room is all painted, and today I'm slowly starting to put things back in. It looks great. I'll share pics when I have them on my picture trail.


Good morning ladies! Wow! May already!!

Jess - Glad to hear you and dh are getting better with P90X. Know you will feel so accomplished when you have completed the program. Glad you're having fun playing the flute. Good luck with rehearsals.

Gayle - Think I was reading about the Philadelphia HM in RW. Glad you're going to participate. What training program will you use for this one or will you continue what you're doing?

Sunny - I have 1 lb. weighted gloves. I think they are Everlast and I got them from amazon.com.

Christine - Glad you enjoyed your weekend. I like iClimb Bootcamp. You do about 10 minutes on the treadmill, then you go to the floor for some interval work, then it's onto the elliptical for about 10 minutes and back to the floor. You finish up on the treadmill and with stretching. You're getting leg work, core work, some strength work with push ups.

Wendy - I forgot you had moved on to BBC. My mind left me for a bit but I think it's coming back. Does your body feel different using BBC? Are you as tired? I'd like to know my true BF too but am sure that would cost some $$$$. I have a scale and digital calipers to measure. And, like you, it just gives me a point to work from. Glad you enjoyed that massage.

Cathe - I started running because I needed a change and I wanted to see if it would slim my thighs. I must say I have a love hate relationship with it. I love challenging myself to see what I can do. I dread actually getting started but I love the feeling of accomplishment when I finish a run. I've been running for about 3 years now. Got a little burned out on it last year and got down to running only once a week. I decided to participate in some races this year. So, I now have renewed vigor for running.

Heather - Enjoy that new camera. Glad to hear you have support from your mom. That makes all the difference sometimes. Bet you're excited about her visit.

Carole - Hope your day is better today. Which iClimb are you doing? Enjoy your workout.

Shelly - Glad you will be getting a day off. I'm sitting here thinking if I want to take a couple of days off from running after my 10K on the 12th. Or, maybe I should just do some easy runs for a week. My next race won't be until July. What do you think?

I did the all weights premix for All Body Attack. Sharon's workouts remind me so much of Cathe's workouts. I'm always amazed at the different ways these instructors come up with to whip my butt!! Finished up with Winsor Pilates Back.

Have a terrific Tuesday everyone!

Hi guys! I'm taking a mental break from my Staff Appreciation duties. I'm trying to send out a large group email with final details, but Yahoo is giving me problems with something and I just can't figure it out! I'm getting FRUSTRATED so I needed to walk away before I put a foot thru the PC! LOL

Jackie-For this past weekend's half, I followed a 14 week program designed by Bart Yasso (of Runner's World) and REALLY REALLY liked it. I want to see if he has a longer program for a full, and use that. The Philly HM falls just a month before Marine Corps so I want to combine training for all of that together.

OK....breath deep. Return to Yahoo. Do NOT toss the PC out the window!

Hey Ladies!

I printed out Cathe's May rotation and tweaked it to suit me. I plan to start it on Monday!!!}( The only running I will be doing is my weekly class which is enough to maintain my endurance so I am happy. I added yoga in as well as my weekly spin class and will do ARX as a sub for Core Max in most cases. I had to change a few other things around as well but I think it still resembles the orginal for the most part. :p I'm excited to get started now!}(

I was just outside playing with DS for an hour. The weather is phenomenal. It's not sunny but the temp is sooooooooo pleasant! I wanted to grab a blanket and lay down and take a nap out there!:+

As far as why I started running it's nothing inspirational or touching or anything. Basically, I had been doing pretty much only aerobics for cardio for years and needed a change. I was reading alot of Ima's posts at that time and she made me want to give running a try. I had also read that running was a great fat burner so that made me want to try it even more so I asked for a gym membership for my b'day in order to have access to a TM and that's where it all started...I started running in mid March 2006, took my first running class that summer and ran my first race in September 2006.}(

Okay, I'll be back for personals once DS goes down for his nap!:+
Hey, Wendy. Can I take a peak at your Tweaked May Rotation??? I'll be following May 07 also. I just wanted to do something different this month, after all the hard training runs. I want to relax my mind as well. SOmetimes, when the running miles pile up, I feel like I need a little fun break.

Hey Gayle...SURE! Here's my plan!

Week 1:

M: DM upper body only + running class
T: Spin
W: LIC Cardio Blast Timesaver + ARX
R: B&G overall legs
F: BM2 Double U/B
S: LIC L/B cardio blast + ARX
S: Yoga

Week 2:

M: KM Leg Conditioning Drills + ARX + running class
T: Spin
W: L&G Xtreme premix
R: SS/PP u/b 3 sets premix # 18 + yoga
F: KPC cardio cond. premix + KPC s-ball abs/stretch
S: C&W cardio and compound weights only premix

Week 3:

M: PLB up only + PUB up only + running class
T: SJP/SB step/hilo premix # 16
W: BC/ME everthing but core premix + ME abs
R: Spin + yoga
F: BM2 T/S cardio only + BM2 abs
S: MM T/S premix

Week 4:

M: running class only
T: SJP/SB weights only + ARX
W: LM step combos only + all 7 blast premix
R: Spin + yoga
F: Imax 2 blast mania + ARX
S: B&G floorwork & abs premix
Okay, I am finally back for personals!:)

Jess: Glad you and your girls had fun at the play rehearsal last night! So did you decide on that bike ride today? I was out this morning with Joey playing in the yard and man was it gorgeous out!!!

SunnyD: I love the Itread 20 mins runs! They are quick but tough! Perfect thing for days when you don't have the time or the need for a long cardio work out! All muscle, no fat sounds good to me girl!}(

Carole: Do I sense a bit of enabling going on here? Are you the newest sales rep for the foam roller company?? LOL

Jackie: BBC is very different from the X and although it's a super tough work out and I am often sore from it, it's not as taxxing as the X was. It's a tough but refreshing change.:)

Shelly: My massage was nice, thanks! :) Yup, a second B'day dinner! I love it! }( The scale may not...but I sure do!:7 I picked a bad day to nixx my run I think! DOH! LOL

Gayle: So did my rotation give you any ideas on how to make it work for you?
Hi Cheetahs! I'm sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Work is so BUSY I don't have enough time in the day to finish everything. Also, I'm trying to get stuff finished before I leave town for a girl's weekend in Raleigh, NC. (I wish I could get away to meet you SunnyD. BTW, cute avatar. You and your boys are a beautiful family) Anyway, my flight leaves early Thursday morning and I won't get back home until late Sunday night. There is so much stuff to do and so little time to do it all. I'm sure you all feel that way too.

This morning, as I was waking DS up, I found a tick in his hair. He must have got it camping at the Expo Center this weekend. I was pretty sure I checked him throughly, but I must have missed it. This past Friday while camping at the Expo Center I found 2 more ticks, one on our dog and one crawling on DD. I guess summer is here, or almost.

Gayle - Congrats on your race! Awesome job! Your race report brought tears to my eyes. During Saturday's race I ran past a TNT member. It instantly brought tears to my eyes. It has been 18 years since my dad died from Leukemia at the age of 35. I'm sure he would have been there cheering for me, just like your DH for you.

Cathy - Congrats on finishing your graduate school. I'm sure you will ace your test. Oh, to answer you question, I began running March of last year. I was trying to lose the baby weight and succeed in losing 60 pounds with running and eating well. Of course now, I have gained back 15 pounds, but plan to lose them, once again, before my July 4th 10K. I'm going to focus on that when I return from vacation.

Sorry, I don't have time for more personals. I need to wrap some things up here at work before I leave for lunch to take DD to her ENT follow-up visit. Then I'll be back to work to finish off my day.

Take care Cheetahs!
Good Morning Cheetahs!

I’m sitting here with a purring cheetah beside me and it’s the most wonderful little thing! Thank you Shelly!!! I’m nice and relaxed this morning. I did iCycle 16 40 minutes (which I really enjoyed) followed by Judy’s SS/PP UB Blast – back only (added the dead lifts). Then it was a puppy walk, and off to work with no commute (wonderful!). Got a question for you BBC users – do any of the workouts use a step? They’re selling one, so I was curious. My order is still in process. How long does it take to box up something and ship it off? Amazing. But, that’s okay. I have my rotation set for this week (figured since Wendy is not doing a set rotation, I’d better surrender my role as indecisive Cheetah :+).

Cathy – I didn’t do ARX that often either – probably less that once a week. It’s good, but I don’t like all the hip flexor work. And what’s your story about running? Mine is simple – DH is a runner and when I moved to California we started running together. At first I could run about 1 mile before I wanted to die, but gradually as the weight came off (lost a total of 70 pounds, but have gained 20 of it back) I could run further. Was still cycling more than running, but when I got Tucker, I realized I needed to start running more to give him exercise, so I focused more on that. Then I “met” you ladies, and I started running further than I ever thought I could because I received nothing but incredible encouragement from y’all. Amazing what positive influence can do – eh?

Sunny – Oh, I have to go check out the iTrains! I’m very excited about them as I’m using them more now! Have fun attacking your legs.

Wendy – glad you enjoyed your massage! Enjoy your dinner at your MIL’s. I am officially handing you the “Indecisive Cheetah” role. I need to get focused again. :+

Jess – Love your story! I’m glad your enjoying your play practice! How fun about the costumes! Sounds like opening night is coming up!

Carole – I think the inspiration for the marathon comes from seeing the light of accomplishment on the faces of the finishers, even through the grimaces. It is inspirational. Sorry you were depressed – we missed you yesterday.

Gayle – Oh, so happy to hear DS’s room is done. Must make you feel great knowing that you did it. Hope the quads feel better soon!

Jackie – I’ll have to do iClimb Bootcamp. It is amazing how these instructors find ways to kick our butts, isn’t it? I’ve been cycling and every time I think I’m going to have an easy workout, I get my tail kicked again!

Shelly – Yeah, I had a good time. Not enough exercise, though. So, you placed 2nd in your first race? Why am I not surprised?! How cool is that? Good luck with your HM this weekend. I’m thinking 1st place for you! :p

Darn Wendy! You have a rotation! Oh well, someone else will have to pick up the indecisive Cheetah crown… :p

Enjoy everyone!
Kristi - ICK! I HATE ticks!!!! I spray the dogs before we go hiking, and I stay on the trail! Hope things relax for you! We've missed you!
G'afternoon Cheetahs! I was a biker cheetah today & biked 12.5 miles. It was absolutely gorgeous & I enjoyed the nice weather!! But it was a bit windier than I realized, found that out on the way *back*!! Good quad work though, trying to fight the wind!

I'm going to do S & A in a few. Allison & I played outside a bit, had lunch, and now she's in dream land. :)

It was fun reading everyone's journeys to running. I always say to sign up for that first 5K & you'll be hooked!!! ;-)

OK, must work out. Have a great afternoon!
Oh, me too!! I actually got Lyme's disease a couple yrs ago from a deer tick. I took a dose of antibiotics (tetracycline, I think?). I hate them, my dd found one on her arm, but thankfully hadn't attached yet. We have tons of trees around our house, so we have to check for them often! Thanks for the reminder, Kristi!

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