::: CHEETAHS ::: blast off the funk Friday


Mornin', cheetah babes! :) :) :) Happy Friday!

Just a few personals to catch up with...

Christine -- Until now, I hadn't heard someone advocate an elevated intensity for the recovery period, so I've never tried it. But knowing how pooped I get when I do intervals, I do think I will have to go lower intensity for recovery. Guess I'll play w/ the idea when I get to WSFL, whenever that is. After I compare the programs this weekend, I'll see which one'll work best for me right now.

Gloria -- I hope you have off today! Feel better soon.

Wendy -- excellent job staying on track...Thanks for the info on Awaken the Body. I love Tony, but not his yoga, so that is one I can likely resist. IA with you on the intervals. Enjoy the DOMS!

So yesterday I was fiddling with the Wii Fit and did not get to 4DS CST. Not a big deal. I'll do it tonight with cardio TBD.

Thought I'd share thoughts about the Wii Fit for anyone who might be interested:

The Wii Fit gets a thumbs up. I tried a sampling of the strength training, yoga, and balance sections after having my center of balance, weight, BMI, and "Wii Fit Age" calculated. In the strength section, I did one-legged extensions and pushups/side planks. In yoga, I did tree, and in the balance portions, I did ski jump, ski slalom, and a balance game where you have to try to get a ball or balls to roll through a hole using your balance. Really like that one! The more activity points you rack up, you can begin to unlock new games/exercises. Then I tried my We Ski game (separate game) using the balance board. Fun but challenging! The board is very sensitive to every shift in your weight, so I definitely need to practice here. Going down moguls looks uglier than it does in real life. At least the face plants are far less painful. *lol* Overall, if anyone buys the Wii Fit expecting a true workout, there'll be disappointment. But I think it does have value, and as I anticipated, what I like best are the balance and ski activities. I'll be curious to see what kind of games are developed to take advantage of the balance board.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

*edited to fix typos*

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
Morning Girls :)

It's Friday :)

I will post workout, then go back and read yesterday's posts. I didn't make it back here yesterday--busy day.

Today I'll do 4miles, work shoulders and do some core work. I found some exercises to do on my foam roller for core-- can we say WOW :)

BRB need a refill and need to read yesterday's posts :)
Good morning Cheetahs!

Just got back from a nice, easy 4 miler. Legs felt like lead this morning so I didn't push for speed. I just enjoyed the beautiful sunrise and crisp morning and let the body loosen up a bit before my ride-a-thon that I have scheduled for today x(.

Oh, I saw the coolest thing last night on the way to bowling...a complete rainbow! I've seen some gorgeous rainbows in the past but I've NEVER seen a complete one, and this one even had a double :eek:. I was hoping that it would be some kind of good luck charm for bowling but it ended up being an average night for me and the team.

Cathy - LOL about being able to breath, ha!!! That's why I took yesterday off cuz I ain't gonna see another day off until at *least* a week from Monday :(. Oh my, you got lotsa goodies to play with, didn't ya :)? Glad you had fun with the Wii Fit. Enjoy 4DS tonight!

Christine - How are the hunger pangs :p...poor thing! I'd probably gnaw my arm off lol!

Gloria - Hope you're feeling better this morning. Glad you had a nice day planting trees!

Wendy - Thanks for the heads up regarding your schedule! I just don't know right now. At the very least we'll be able to GTG for the RT :D! Great job keeping your eating on track!

Kath - Nice workout you've got on tap for today! Enjoy that new core work on the roller.

Alrighty, gotta jump in the shower and then skidaddle into work. Have a great Friday everyone!
Good Morning Girls.

Well my intention was to get my work out done early this morning but I guess DS didn't see it that way. :p Oh well, nap time it is!

Cathy: Just so you know the vid has only about 10 mins of yoga in it at the end and most of it is quick moving like real power yoga. The rest is stretching and some kicking and punching that he uses to help warm up the body and stretch as well. I actually get a good stretch AND break a sweat with this one. :D
Thanks re staying on track. The first day was a shock to my system so it was tough but now it's getting easier. I can't wait to weigh myself on Sunday morning. I just know I'm going to be pleased!:)
Have you made a decision between WSFL and TT for June yet?

Kath: Good morning. :)

Wendi: I didn't realize you were going on the RT, girl! Or are you planning to crash it with Cathy? No biggie for the race. Just let me know. I'd love to meet you but it appears I will get the chance to this summer no matter what!:) Sorry the rainbow did not give you any luck though I'm sure it was an awesome sight!

Good morning cheetahs! Well, I'm afraid I did get some disappointing news yesterday. I never was even able to interview for the other two jobs, but that's the way the travel jobs are... they come and go quickly :( Anyway, I went ahead and accepted the position in Philly. The pay is a little lower then I'd like and I don't get to start until the 16th... that hurts! But I didn't want to pass on the job with nothing else definite at this point. Oh well, it is only for 13 wks and it is a nice place to work. This company is also putting me up in a fabulous luxury apartment. So... onward!
Truth be told I really haven't had a "break" yet. Too much frenzy with the move. Now I truly have a chance to rest... just can't spend any money!-- No retail therapy for me :(

This morning I was up at 0500, restless as usual so I did Cardio Fusion MixnMatch.. got good and sweaty. After finishing here I'll do B&G. Today is my DH's Bday so I'll devote the rst of the day to making my honey happy:)

Christine- Glad to hear your DH is better and I hope you had a good rest day... you were certainly due for one! Scary about that big fire!! I hope none of your friends lost homes.

Carole- Doing hill repeats now? Getting into some seriously good running shape. I bet you'll be doing great on the 5k coming up!

Jackie- Hey, I'd say you definitely deserve p90x+ now after getting thru building a house and moving in! Got any good plans for your long holiday weekend?

Wendy- dealing with total body DOMS today??? YIKES. Bent into a pretzel for me last nite? You're too funny! Re: you marathon plans... I very well may join you for your Mary in March... it sounds like fun! Another plus to my job not starting until the 16th... I can definitely join you for the Sheehan Classic!

Wendi- poor baby- you obviously have been working your body way too hard and it was telling you that yesterday. I guess you got enough energy back to get in a good decent run today though. Okay... you've got to tell me... what the heck is a fiddlehead????

Cathy- Wow you've got all sorts of new fitness toys to play with!! I'm quite jealous now. Since I'm out of work for a few more weeks I really need to budget... no new toys for me for a while! Yes, it does look like it's going to be a very nice weekend weather wise. Should be perfect for a long run!

Kath- Hope you get in a great 4 miler. What are those core exercises on the foam roller?

Time to get moving now... Hi to all who follow!


Sorry things didn't work out for you as planned on the job front but hey, you'll be working and if it's only temporary then you can continue the hunt for your dream job in the meantime! So you'll get put up in luxury huh? I think perhaps some Cheetahs need to come visit you in Philly while you are there! ROADTRIP and party at Shelly's place!!!!}( Oh and btw...I'm NOT kidding!:7 I would love to come hang in Philly with you. FUN!
Would you like me to scope out other full mary possibilities? What month in the first half of 09 would work best for you? I'm not against continuing to look. I just want it to be no farther then DC would have been. :) I really appreciate your willingness to do this with me so I want to make it as "Shelly-friendly" as possible. ;)
I guess I'll be signing up for the Sheehan!}(
Happy Friday Cheetahs!!!!

Gloria – glad you had a good time in the woods!

Cathy – To me an elevated intensity for a recovery period seems to be counter productive, but what do I know? :+ I’d be interested in hearing about how it goes with the other way! Did you decide on a program? Love your description on the WII.

Kath – Enjoy your workout!

Wendi – Oh wow! How cool on the rainbow!! Maybe it’s good luck elsewhere… :p I’m doing okay hunger wise – you’re funny. Enjoy the “rideathon”. That run sounds wonderful!

Wendy – I think play time with DH is much better than an early morning workout any day! :+ I actually think I would like that stretching video my Tony. Is that sold separately?

Shelly – Oh man, I’m sorry about the job! I hope this job works out well for you! Great that they are putting you up in a nice apartment. I want to come to the party at Shelly’s too!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your wonderful DH!!! Good job with your workout. Lucky DH! Very sweet of you, too. Enjoy his birthday! I’m still sore, but I think today’s workout will be easier. :p

Today is the Barbell Complex, followed by a 20 minute tough steady state cardio. I’ll probably do the second half of RSS. I need it. My boss, after a full year of leaving us alone to do our own thing, decided to go and start micromanaging us. It’s the end of the month, and I’m the only one who has made my numbers, but he’s assigning all of these stupid tasks to us. *sighs* He is seriously the worst manager I have ever had. Oh well, it’s Friday and I don’t have to deal with this stuff for three days! YEAH! The fire is still bad - the wind changed and I could smell the smoke when I took the dogs out this morning. If it continues this weekend, there is no way I can take DH out in it for a trail run. I guess it’s a good thing that spoiled mutt is going to day care today. He’ll get his energy out. Have a fabulous day everyone!
Good Morning Christine.

Well "playtime" with DH is a work out in itself. }( (re-read your post!LOL) Yes, the stretchy/yoga vid is sold seperately for cheap cheap cheap! That's why I bought it. I figured I couldn't go wrong...and I was right!:+ Sorry about the fires. I hope they subside soon.
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...I like Scramble as it seems easier than Scrabble...Scrabble is more about strategy IMO, and I have been learning from Nancy as she has been killing me!! My hairdresser also got the Wii Fit. Your review makes it seem like fun.

Christine...LOL, but it was Gloria that wondered if she could use Chipotles in the casserole recipe!! Funny about your growling tummy! I try to eat my dinner by 6 as I don't like eating later than that. My DH mentioned the fire to me yesterday and was asking about if it was close to you! Sorry about the smoke in the air. I hate that when we get fires here...no, I bet running outdoors in the smoke would not be good for DH. Sorry too about your silly boss...LOL about you and Wendy and the "playtime"...:D

Wendi..sorry about the workout and high heart rate! Good thing you let it come down and then modified the rest of the workout. The casserole is very good and easy to make. Good job with the run, I think I had those legs of your yesterday!!

Wendy...I know when I first went vegetarian going out to dinner in some places was such a pain and it seems like butter was always the main ingredient. I don't go out to dinner much now, but I do prefer Mexican as it seems easier to order veggie! Great job with your cals and ratios yesterday!

Shelly...http://smilies.sofrayt.com/fsc/happy%20birthday2.gif[/img] To your DH!!! Sorry about the jobs. Will you just be taking travel jobs now? I am trying to do hill repeats and intervals every week in prep for the 5K, but man, they were hard this last week. Good job with CF and have fun with B&G.

Jackie...the bonus room sounds cool and I am sure the stairs could give you a great workout. So, do you have a renter for your rental house yet? Good job with iTread and iClimb.

I am planning on some leg exercises and either the EXT or maybe some kickboxing..

Have a great day...:)
Good morning Cheetahs!

Christine - Is the fire still going? Laughing at your blond moment. :) I have those and I'm far from blond. Sorry for the horrible boss.

Wendi - So was BCX2 too intense for you? Glad you modified. I'm looking forward to some relaxation. Good run today! Glad you enjoyed it. Sorry bowling wasn't better for you but that rainbow sounds beautiful.

Gloria - Glad the tree planting went well. Hope you're feeling better.

Wendy - Carpet is all shampooed and fresh. One room could stand a little stretching but the guy seems to think it would tear it. I don't want to put a lot of money into the house until I decide if I'm selling within the next year. That BB shake sounds good.

Cathy - Love your title this morning! Thanks for the review of the Wii Fit. I really need to be picking up the Wii while they're available instead of waiting for the Christmas rush.

Kath - Hope you had a good run!

Shelly - Sorry the other interviews fell through for you. Hopefully after the 13 weeks, the one you want will come around again. Glad you will have a nice apartment. Happy Birthday to DH! Yes, make him happy. I have a class reunion this weekend. I plan on spending Monday finishing up a few things around both houses.

Carole - Another one here that like to have dinner by 6:00 but I still throw in a little snack before I go to bed. Yes, I have a renter for the house already. It's a single mother and her 6 year old DD. Think you will take care of the place for me. Hope you enjoy whatever workout you choose today.

I did SJP Hi/Lo & Weights premix. This one doesn't have a warm up and stretch. So, I added my own. I must have been really tired last night because I didn't wake up until the alarm went off this morning. Usually I'm awake long before that.

TGIF!!! Enjoy your day!

Hey Chickies!!!

I forgot the last time I posted, so have to go check the threads. Of course, it's been busier than usual. May always is...end of the school year stuff, sports, etc. DS5 had is preschool graduation y-day. Too cute!!! I was a blubbering idiot. ha ha! What the heck will I be like at the 8th grade graduation?!?! Let's not talk about high school. :( lol I only had time for ITR y-day. After the graduation I had a bunch of stuff to get done. I'm throwing DH a 40th cocktail party tonight. Now why did I add that to the month of May!!?!? :eek: Today the kids were off, but i still got up early and did 5.5 miles on the treadmill. Had a short break and did MM. :eek: Oh my! I think I like my longer break between cardio and weights! That was tough!!!}( We've been playing the Wii Fit all morning. Fun stuff. :D Did anyone else preorder it? Now I really have to get moving. I'll come back for personals after I feed them lunch.

What's your plans for the holiday weekend?

Be back in a bit...
I'm back...longer than expected.

Cathy ~ I see you got the Wii Fit too. IA it's not really for an intense workout, but its fun. I did terrble at the skiing. The kids were like, "Mom, you have to go through the flags!" I told them, "I'm TRYING!!" :7 I played that ball in the hole game and did much better. :) It does have my weight extremely low....not sure why? I haven't weighed that since 9th grade. LOL! I know it's wrong. Did you have problems with your numbers being off too? My DS is unlocking all kinds of new games. Not sure which program I'd like to start. I haven't had the chance to read up on anything these days. :(

Judy ~ So every time you run you're doing a HIIT workout?

Christine ~ Do you print out workouts for TT? There's no videos, right? I only glanced at the TT website. Yippee, no jury duty! lol'd about that race name. Sorry about the boss. UGH!

Kath ~ Almost done w/soccer. I think there's 2-3 more games. DS has one more than DD. We'll all be happy to have the break. :) What kind of exercises for the foam roller and core?

Wendy ~ Great job at the restaurant! Oh, I ended up doing iTread #13/45 minutes, but continued to run when Grace started the cool down at 40 minutes. I hate when some of the iTrains ends sooner than what it says. :(

Gloria ~ Feeling better yet? You'll love that Bosu.

Wendi ~ Sorry about your workout. Don't be so hard on yourself because you're working so hard. At least you did something, right?

Shelly ~ I was going to say good luck interviewing, but I see you found a job already! :) Way to go! So, it's only for 13 weeks? That's probably good, right??? Until you find that perfect job? Awww, thank you - you're too sweet! I did iTread #13 (see my comments to Wendy ^^^)

Carole ~ APX too? I was thinking I still haven't given P90X+ a try. Maybe I'll switch to them soon? Are you getting good results w/your freestyle rotation?

Jackie ~ You're working so hard, it's no wonder you slept through your alarm clock! Will you get to rest a bit this weekend?

Hi to the rest of the Cheetahs!

We'll be around this weekend. NO games!! We do have plans everyday, but it's all fun stuff with the kids. :) I'll be popping in here and there. :)
hey ladies,

this is my first time all day getting to play on the computer.

this morning i did the second level workout of shred. it was a good workout in only 30 mins. definitely got my heart rate up! i followed that up with a 1 hr run outside with my running buddy. lots of hills, very exhausting.

today my dsister is visiting from NJ. she is also a personal trainer and exercise instructor. i love when she visits because it is so much fun working out together!! so for the next couple of days my rotation will be a little messed up because we will be doing our own workouts.

now for the really great news: yesterday after i weighed myself i just couldn't hold off to check my bf%. drums roll please....... it is already down 2% in only 3 weeks. am i lovin' this program or what!!!! alwyn is a genuis!!

ok gotta go now my little ones are battling each other and i have to go break it.

cathy- thanks for your description of wii fit. to console myself for not getting it(waited too late and amazon sold out) i just ordered mario kart...;o)

shelly- congrats on finding a job! i know it's not what you want right now but i know in no time you will land your dream position!

have an awesome night ladies!!
Hey Ladies.

My A/B weight work out is done. I got through it alot quicker today since I was familiar with the exercises and the format. I used my new Gymboss (Yes, I took the bait!:p )to time my recoveries. It was great!:)

G2G for now but you know I'll be back!:7
I'm baaack!:7

Carole: So what did you decide on today? Kickbox or EXT? Doing anything to celebrate this holiday weekend?

Jackie: The BB shake is quite tastey. I even had it with just water and it wasn't bad. One day I am will add things to it like fruit or p/b to make it even better! YUMMY! :9 So are you pretty much settled into the new house now? How do you like it? I remember waking up the first morning in our house after we moved in. It was so wierd and exciting!:) So the weather is warming up. I know you probably have some races lined up...inquiring minds want to know!}(

Dallas: Glad you have a gameless weekend to enjoy. Have fun doing things with your kids that you can ALL enjoy! ;) I'd like to try to get Joey down to the boardwalk to go on some rides again this weekend and we hope to go bowling as well. On Sunday we are going to a family bbq.

Sunny: Glad you enjoyed Shred. Enjoy your weekend with your sister! Congrats on the BF loss! WTG!!!!:)

Looks like I'm caught up.

Hey Cheetahs!

I am still out for the count. It has been an exhausting, but fun two days. I am recovering SLOWLY. Thank goodness for the three day weekend! I am going to sleep, sleep, sleep, and then sleep some more tomorrow. For some reason it is hard for me to break from my routine during the week and sleep in past my normal wake up time. I apologize for not keeping up with personals. I will be back to myself when I feel better. In fact, I think it is bed time right now. See you later ladies. Great job on all your workouts!
Hello again, cheetahs! :)

Wendi -- Oh, I'm sorry, I thought yesterday would be a bit of a reprieve for you. Hmm, "lotsa goodies"? Well, I guess two new toys can count as lots. :) I'm havin' fun wit 'em.

Carole -- I like Scramble better, too. Even though I keep losing. :)

Wendy -- No, no decision yet...I haven't had a chance to look over the programs closely -- during the week is just too busy, so I'll be doing some homework in that department this weekend. No real rush as I won't begin til June, anyway...Oh, I am definitely not crashing anything this year!

Shelly -- sorry the primo position slipped away before you had a chance...congrats on the job and luxe apartment! Happy b'day to DH!

Christine -- I suppose a medium intensity would be for someone who is ultrafit? I dunno, either. Maybe Alwyn explains it in WSFL. Stinks about the boss suddenly going into overdrive mode. Hope they can get those fires under control. I plan to read up on the programs this weekend and will figure out the plan for the June 2nd start.

Jackie -- I have been doing the same in the mornings. How refreshing, huh, after so many sleepless nights?

Dallas -- happy 40th to DH! Wow, you are on-the-go, woman. Amazing how you get it all done. *lol* about your comments on the slalom. Oh, I *so* know what you mean. I had fun with the soccer game tonight. Hmm, I think my numbers weren't too off. That is, weight looked accurate -- still up. :( BMI I don't pay much mind to, anyway. How's the studying coming along?

Sunny -- BIG UPS on the BF% loss! That is fantastic!! Enjoy your time with your DSis this weekend...Ooh! Mario Kart! I love the race course in the mine shaft. That one cracks me up. I keep flying off course. :) Some of my students said the Super Mario Smash Bros. game is good. I'm going into tight budget mode, though.

Gloria -- no worries on the personals...take care & rest up!

Hi Kath, Judy, Posh, and anyone else stopping in.

In the interest of time, I'm going to cut & paste my workout & Wii report from the Cabber thread:

<<4DS is done. I also opted for Kickbox Core Cross Train by Patricia Moreno. This was another b'day gift that just arrived this week. I did the combo segment and "core energizer" segment and did feel a good burn in the core, but I wouldn't say this felt like true cardio. However, there are three other segments on the DVD, so I'll reserve judgment til I try them all. Initial impressions, though, are that this makes a good add-on. I suspect I could be feelin' it in the obliques tomorrow. The only thing I didn't like was that Moreno started to yak a bit much. The setting (outdoors in a canyon in UT) was gorgeous. I was tempted to hop on the EXT afterward but then decided I ought to save something for tomorrow morning's boot camp class and Sunday's long run. Lighter was probably better for today. I did spend some more time havin' fun with Wii Fit. This time I tried heading the soccer balls -- too funny. You have to not only head the balls but you have to duck getting whacked in the head with a wayward cleat or a panda head (better not to ask). I also tried some of the aerobics games, like the hula hoop and running. In the running game, you step off the balance board and run in place holding the Wii remote. The screen tells you to stay behind your pace setter...well, of course, I tried to pass him, and wouldn't you know, he tripped me! :7 >>

Have a GREAT night, all! :)

[font face="bradley hand itc" size=+2]~Cathy[/font]


"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run

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