Challengers - Super Sunday 4/20/2008


Hi there everyone. Sorry to have been MIA for the past few days. I've been in a bad mental place, but I seem to be climbing out now. Was able to get outside for a run this morning - first time this year. Ran 2 miles after a 0.5 mile walk for warm up. Completed the route 5min faster than last year! I might try to get in a Core Max segment later today.

Yesterday was our last day of soccer. I only had 3 girls (team total is 5 and we play 3 on 3) so they had to play all 4 quarters. Imagine my shock to see 5 & 6 YO passing to each other and trying to play strategy! Maybe I DID teach them something after all LOL.

Today is TargetMax and laundrymax for sure. I also need to read to the kids (the ENTIRE school is reading Tale of Desperaux - we have a pacing guide to follow) and I need to get DS started on his FDR project.

Roxie, glad your doggie seems to be a bit better. Hi to everyone else too. I've gotta scoot, but have a great day!
Good afternoon, all!

Andrea, glad to hear you had such a good run, I hope all that fresh air helped you to feel a bit better. WTG on the soccer kiddos! I cannot imagine 5&6 YO's playing a whole game without substitutions. They must have been exhausted!

Elaine, Body Fusion is on the same DVD as Basic Step. It is a beginner's circuit WO. It's similar in format to C&W, just scaled down.

My plan for today is KPC after my routine Sunday afternoon nap. Sundays are the only day I get to nap and I am so looking forward to it!

Have a great day, all!
Quick post I'm backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. My vacation was perfect. Wonderful weather-- great runs on the beach-- great drinks :) Some shopping. Best part just doing NOTHING

I'm a$$ high in laundry. I'll report in tomorrow while I inhale some coffee. I was able to run every day while there-- I so hope any of you who live by the ocean enjoy every moment there. I think I know where I wanna be when DH retires---

I'll be back tomorrow a.m. with personals. The weather in NY is great now so I can keep my running going outside. I did a long run while on vacation-- talk about breath taking on the beach. I could just run forever :)

BBL. Off to empty the sand out of my bikinis :)
Kath, sounds like a GREAT vacation (I need one of those - oh wait, didn't I just go on vacation?). I could love the beach every day too.

Kids are messing around while I work on getting a few chores done. Then we'll go to Target and I need to get a couple sweet potatoes to go w/ the pork tenderloin I'm fixing for dinner.

Guess I'd better go fold some clothes or something...
Very quiet here today!

Kath - welcome back! I bet you had a really great time.

Andrea - I'm sorry to hear you havn't been feeling too great! Hormonal troubles? or other? Hope you are feelong stronger!

Becca - I've now OH*******!! forgotten what i was going to say! And I am a bit short on time to go back. Sorry. I'll just hello. i hope you and the kids have a great weekend!

Yesturdays workout was buts and guts and I went heavy! Today I've woken up in pain!! Great pain. I've never had that before with buts and guts.

Today is a rest day.

Better go I'm off to work.

Hello Everyone,

Today was a yardmax day cleaned out the flower beds and went and bought new flowers to replace them. May do a stretch later. Don't know what rotation I am going to do next, don't really have enough dvds to pick a rotation. I am thinking of giving Debbies rotation that the rest of you did just have to do some subbing.
Kath's back!!!! YAY!!!! I soooo love the beach! I am so happy you had a great vacation. Your runs sound blissfull!

Andrea (idream), Hi to you, too!:* WTG on the good pain from B&G!

Roxie, I've been eyeing Debbie's rotations as well. She uses a lot of the GS's and I don't have those yet, but they are on my wish list. I need to get to sellin' on ebay so I can buy those.

Well, I attempted to do KPC today and midway through the kick/punch combos I nearly passed out. I got all light headed and dizzy and had to stop. I could not figure out what in the world was wrong with me. Then I realized my caloric intake was incredibly low today. I had a low carb breakfast burrito in the am and some Greek yogurt after church and a banana right before I exercised. It was 4:00 when I started working out. My body was just hungry!

I am off to pick up toys and put my house back together before Monday starts! Have a good one!

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