
okay, so i had this lovely post all about how excited i was to be starting the thread for the first time, how i woke up with out a fever today and have decided to go to the football game with DF and the fandamily, how i really love the florida gators and really don't love the university of tennesse (DF's school and his football love), how i am going to have to watch a game between two teams that are bitter rivals to florida (tennessee and georgia), as well as the fact that we reserved the wedding chapel in vegas, yada, yada, yada...

well, somehow my post completely DISAPPEARED!!! i clicked to post it and *poof* it was gone!

oh well...

i am going to go to the game because if i have to stay in this bed one more minute, i might have to kill somebody (or make tin foil hats for all the pups).

we aren't taking a computer so i will check in with you lovely ladies tomorrow.

GOOD LUCK SHELLY!!! I know you are going to kick that a$$' a$$!!!

i hope everyone has great runs, great workouts, a fun weekend, and general happiness all around. just remember not to let your guard down and wear your tin foil hat!
Good morning, Lorie and all who follow!!

Lorie :: I like your thread title ~ now I have images of Chia pets in my head. :7 ACK, I *hate* when posts disappear like that! It seems to happen fairly often, but I can usually get it back using the back button...Glad you are feeling better...enjoy the game! Or at least the stadium food, anyway!...*lol* about your comment to Shelly.

Shelly :: thinking of you today with super-strong cheetah vibes! Go get 'em!!!

Today's workout will be a run (later this afternoon). Have a GREAT day, everyone. BBL!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Race Day for Shelly!!

Shelly-Go Girl!! And share the whole experience with Cheetahville please :)

Lorie- At least your not bedridden again! Enjoy the day!?

Cathy- What kind of run are you doing today?

Yesterday I was mainly a lurker and didn't really sit long enough to do a full Cheetah post. But I was that Sunny was here for a visit :) Hi Sunny!

Today will be a 5 mile canal run while DD is at practice. Afterwards I am meeting an old neighbor for coffee at a nearby coffee place. Then at home we have to finish stacking wood. We have a face chord delivered every year and stack it ourselves. It is so comforting to have a fire going on winter evenings. We will make a fire anytime we do not have to be out for the evening. DD will make a fire just to do her homework by. Now that she is older, we really don't mind.

[font color=purple][font size +1]Judy "Likes2bfit"[/font]

[font color=black]We are here to add what we can to life, not to get what we can from it.
William Osler [/font]
Hi Judy! Enjoy your run by the canal and coffee later...This'll just be a regular run for me...steady-state...shooting for a little longer than is typical for me right now.

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Good morning cheetahs

Lorie..sorry about you loosing your post!! I write mine in notepad and then copy and paste for some weird reason...Have a great time at the game! I have been in that rival situation before with football and my DH. Once I went to my parents house to watch the game as it got so bad...

Cathy...LMAO[/img] at your smiley to Shelly yesterday, that poor horse...I am definitely with you on thinking "Chia" with todays thread...Have a good run today.

Judy...don't you just LOVE wood heat! Not much warms you as well as wood. Enjoy your run.

Jackie...good workouts lately. A 10 miler will do very well I bet...:)

Sunny...HI!! glad to hear from you...:)...The circuit workout I did was the power circuits from CTX, BM2 and then Bodymax, it was tough but so fun. Sorry about you having to put off the tri. Swimming would be the toughest one for me.

Cristine...I think that is good about holding off on the real weights til after the half. Sorry about DH...[/img] we are in the same boat.

Shelly...yes, DH did get the entry and half the dining room done but then went duck hunting til sunday...[/img]...can't wait to hear how you did today! I posted my power circuit to Sunny above.

So far the laminate floor looks awesome! Hopefully we will continue when DH gets back from hunting sunday. Today will be kickbox and legs.

Have a great day...:)
Love the graffics! ha ha!

Good morning Cheetahs!

Off to do some Cathe Low Impact Step and then go apple picking with DH and another couple for the day!

Hope everyone has a great day and weekend!

Amy :)

"Life is short so live it to the fullest!"

:::::CHEETAH :::::
Good morning cheetahs!
I am having a lazy morning today. I just finished some green tea and am ready to get my butt in gear:) I think I am going to to HSC. The hip is feeling a lot better, so I am ready to have a great workout. I did the standing portion of butts and gutts yesterday. I don't know why , but this workout is not hard for me. It is very doable. Now leaner legs just about kills me. I may have to start doing more strenght oriented leg workouts instead of endurance.

Shelly, good luck to you, even though you don't need it;-)

Carole, that is great about the floor. You will be so glad to not have the carpet anymore. It is SO much easier to clean. Enjoy your kickbox workout!

Lorie, I have had that happen to me so many times. I am so careful now about going back and forth with my posts. I try to just memorize what everyone said. Hope you are feeling better:)

Judy, have a good run and enjoy your down time tonight;-)

Cathy, How long are you runs usually? I think the longest for me for awhile will be a 5 miler. I am just happy to running again.

Amy, have fun apple picking. My a yummy apple pie. Oh, that sounds SO yummy right now}(

Okay ladies,
I am off to workout!!!!

Hey All!

I did it! I ran 10 miles today. I’m so happy – and tired and sore, but mainly happy! I did six then thought of Shelly out there for 25, and decided that this wimpy Cheetah could do at least 10! It felt good – except for the last mile. But I figure that every time I run, it feels good except for the last mile – which is always 1 mile more – so I can’t complain. And I get my running partner back next week! Who could ask for more?

Shelly – thinking of you! Thanks for getting me through the last 4 miles!

Lorie – Love the thread subject! Have fun watching the games! And I’m glad to hear you’re feeling well enough to get out there. And I think Shelly is going to kick some mule, not some a$$ :+…

Cathy – enjoy your run!

Judy – another good run to you! I love fires, too! We just use those fire logs as it never gets too cold here.

Carole – I have to admit that you helped too. I kept thinking that you said I should go for the 10. So, thanks for your help too! Enjoy your day to yourself! Is there something in the water in California that is making men weird lately?

Amy – enjoy apple picking! What a great thing to do! I miss that about the East Coast.

Susan – Glad the hip is feeling better! Don’t you just love lazy mornings?

Time to grab a shower and go get the nails done. I think I’m going for something funky today for the race next weekend!
Hi cheetahs! :) :) :)

Can't wait to hear Shelly's race report!

Carole :: glad the flooring project's coming along...Hope you enjoyed k'box and legs today!

Amy :: have fun apple picking!

Susan :: Mmm, apple pie sounds de-lish! Have you managed to stay away from the Snickers bars? I'm reading a book where the narrator mentioned Snickers ice cream bars...agghhhh! I SO could've gone for one! And it reminded me of you & your love for Snickers! *lol* My standard training runs have been short for quite some time now: 3-4 miles tops. It's been my intention to slowly build mileage with a "longish" run 1x per week, and I thought I would go for 5-6 today, but I only had 4 in me. Legs were leaden, for some reason. But any kind of run is a good run, in my book! I just love getting out there in the fresh air!

Christine :: AWESOME job with the 10 miles!! Have fun getting your nails done funky!

I just came in from a 4.08 mile run. Not the greatest (legs were heavy) but still good to be out there! Off to shower and stretch...

have a great night!

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Quick pop in to say that I got my Forrest yoga DVD today - perfect timing for tomorrow! I'll let you know what I think. I'm suprised that I feel better today after 10 miles than I did last week after 6. I'm sore after I sit for a bit, but it's not too bad.

Cathy - that's the interesting thing about running - there are days when the run just goes perfectly and you come home higher than a kite from it, and others where by mile 2 you're praying for it to be over. Nothing else is like that for me. Sorry you had heavy legs today, but good job on the 4.08 miles!

I can't wait to hear from Shelly either! I'm wondering if we found the one thing that could zap even her energy! :+

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