Cabs and Abs Sunday


Good Morning Girls.

Ang: Nope, never even heard of "Fear Itself". What is it about?? I am hoping my DH can scoot out of work early so that I can hit the road by 1:00. It should take me 90 mins (give or take) to get there and I'd like to be there in time to relax and get freshened up before the bus comes at 3:30. If not, that means I won't be leaving here until 4 pm so I won't get to the hotel until who knows when and then have to drive myself to Cathe's gym. YIKES! I hope he can get out early!!!!:eek:

Diana: Yeah, I think a 3 day plan is a better idea for you. You are running this marathon to finish, not to win or place so don't make yourself miserable training for it. My plan for the 18 miler is not fancy at all. I am just making sure I get my long runs in every other week with half the distance in between and then during the week I'll be doing CC's and ITreads on the TM a couple times. I don't plan on running more then 3x per week either and if it ends up only be 2x some weeks then so be it. It's only the long runs that I will stress over getting done. They are the most important IMO.

4DS Bi/Tri for me today. My lower half is still talkin' to me. YEOWCH!

Off for more java!

Hey cabbers

Last night was as uneventful as it gets. Just finished up some laundry, sat in front of the tube, and veged. I didn't even indulge in any CABs....too lazy to get off the couch.:rolleyes: Today I want to get my bag packed since I didn't finish that yesterday. I'm about half way thru the info. packet. I'm reading thru the packing list now. I gotta find 6 workout clothes sets?? Hmmmm - hope I have that many.

I'm gonna pull a Wendy and change my plan today.;) I think I'm gonna do a workout today and take tomorrow off since it looks like tomorow will be a busy day and the heat is going to move in tonight. It'll be a nice break to have Monday off to figure out what to do today. I'm thinking maybe C&W.

Wendy - Fear Itself is a new show on NBC on Thursday nights. It's just an hour show. They feature a different story every week. Out of the 3 I have watched, 2 of them freaked me out. I can't believe how spooky they are.:eek:

I wonder if Cathe will have the weighted vests available for sale at the RT? If so, I think I'm gonna snag one. I'll have plenty of room in my suitcase and it will save $$$ on shipping if I want one later.

So when will you know about DH? Is it going to be a last minute decision on his part? My DH is the same always depends on how busy he is at the last minute....makes it hard to plan things. Maybe if he gets out early we can meet up at the hotel? We'll have to keep in touch via phone. I'm sure Cathy will have more of an idea with the timing of everything since she's familiar with the area.

Diana - I leave on Sunday at least that is my flight time. When does yours leave? I'm going to have to leave the RT a bit early. I'm wondering if I need to call RR this week and make arrangements with that. I'd better get thinking about it.
I agree with Wendy re: running advice. I'm no runner, but it's no good being miserable, especially the way you LIKE to exercise. The exercise blues are no fun.:(

It's taken me an hour to post this - I got talked into taking the dog out and making breakfast before I was done....

BBL girls
Good Morning Cabbers!

It's Sunday and the last day of my week off:mad: We did get a lot done around the house and it was nice to not have to go to work!

It's been a lazy morning for me but I am getting ready for CF mix & max premix. I was wiped out yesterday after MIS so I opted for a shorter (but not easier) cardio w/o. This is a fun premix and I used to do this w/o pretty regularly. I'm looking forward to it!

Wendy-I think 3 days of running would be more to my liking anyway. I haven't had a chance to look though. It sure would be nice if we could meet up w/you early at the hotel. Plyo legs definitely sounds like it's something I would enjoy. Can you purchase these individually, or do you have to order the monthly w/o etc?

Angie-I don't have 6 w/o outfits (to be seen in a gym anyway). I read on the forums that 4 would probably be enough. I'm brining 6 shirts but only 3 capris, and 2 shorts. I will make do w/that. I had planned on taking a small suitcase, but if we can get the weighted vest I may have to bring a larger suitcase. BTW, my flight home leaves at 2:30 and I plan on calling Rapid Rover when we get to the hotel. We can ride to the airport together.

DH hijacked the computer from me and it's taken forever to get this posted.

BBL after my workout!

Ang: Not sure when DH will know what's going on for Friday. My assumption is that he needs to go to work tmrw and talk to his boss to find out how busy they may be, etc but he still may not have a definate answer right away...:(

Di: One on One is a subscription that you can cancel any time. I am pretty sure that you can also send back any dvd you don't like for a refund (minus shipping) w/o having to cancel the subscription if you don't want to. I can find out for sure if you are interested. Just let me know.
Hi girls

After being so productive yesterday, I haven't got squat done today.:confused: Cody has a friend over and I've been busy making meals and going thru the Cathe paperwork. After I post this I need to clean the kitchen, make the bed, and kick Cam off the Wii so I can get that workout in.

Wendy - Hopefully plans will start to firm up toward the end of the week. If not, that's what cell phones are for right? We'll figure it out!;) I'm trying to figure out what's going on Sunday. There's just no way I can go and travel all day after doing the morning workout without a shower.:eek: I'm hoping it all works out.....

Diana - I got your itinerary - thanks! Kathy S. posted on the RT forum under "help with my flight" a while back. She said I should book RR to come get me at the Diner at 10:15 to take me to the airport. So, I'm not sure I will have time to head back to the hotel or not. I guess it depends on whether or not I can catch a ride with someone back to the hotel and then to the Diner. If not, I'll have to get a shower at the gym and hope like heck I have enough time to catch the bus to the Diner. It's hard to figure it all out without knowing what others are planning or even the layout of the town.:confused: I guess regardless, I need to call RR and get on their schedule for the 10:15 departure from the Diner.
Yup, I'm thinking 4 outfits will probably do it. I'm sure after all the Cathe workouts, I will NOT want to fiddle around with anything additional at the gym. If I do the RT again, I will definitely book for 3-4 days instead of just 2. I'm sooooo kicking myself for that decision on my part.
Have fun with Cathe today!:)


Ang: Have you considered forgoing the final class on Sunday morning? You can do a shorter workout in the gym on a machine or something and then get a shower in while there is still time and the bathrooms are not crowded. That's what I would do. I am actually going to check out the intinerary myself and decide which class to skip on Saturday. I can't do all 3. I'll die! LOL Plus I'd like to get a nice quiet shower in where I don't have to wait in a line or rush like a lunatic. :)
Hi ladies,

The CF premix was awesome. I've missed doing all my Cathe w/o's. I'm doing Cathe all week this week. M-MM, T-lowmax, W-HST, TH-Imax3. I have BC class Mon and Thursday night too. I may try to do my running at lunch this week. The temps will be in the high 90's but I should be able to manage some 3-7 mile runs during the day.

Angie-I too will definitely need a shower after Sunday morning's class. I think we will be fine if we shower at the club and take the bus to the diner. I've been on planes next to some stinky folks before and would never do that anybody!

Wendy-According to the itinerary-we get 1hr and 45 minutes to shower and get ready for the Saturday evening activities. The daytime activities are pretty packed, but I am so looking forward to it now.

Laura-what workouts did you and SIL do this weekend?

Hi girls!

Just poppin' in to let Di know I will be there on Friday to pick you guys up and take you to the hotel and/or the gym, if need be. We'll have to see how quickly we can get out of the airport. Hopefully the plane will be on time and everything goes smoothly, and then we shouldn't hit crazy Friday shore traffic. It is about 20-25 minutes from the airport to the hotel. From the hotel to the gym, it's an approximately 15 minute drive. (It's a straight drive down one road--about 8 miles.) HTH. I will PM you my cell phone #.

Ange, the Five Points Diner is just down the road from the gym--maybe 5 miles.
Hi ya'll

Well, I got C&W done today but didn't get the packing done.:( DH had a friend over to watch the end of the race. Then we ordered in pizza. Now I'm too bushed to pack. At least tomorrow's a rest day.:)
I may have a mamogram tomorrow morning too.:mad: It's my baseline one and they screwed up the day it was supposed to get done, but I think I will call them back and get it over with if they still have an opening since it's bugging the crap outta me, that way I don't have to stress over it for the next month.

Wendy - I actually have considered skipping the Sunday class. I guess I'll just play it be ear and see if anyone is driving back to the Diner from the club and wouldn't mind a hitch-hiker. Or, if I can get a step by the shower room, I can get out of the class a few minutes early and rush to the shower. Lorraine suggested a baby wipe bath, but that just ain't gonna cut it for me. That will work OK for Saturday when there are several classes, but on Sunday when I have that much traveling to do, there's just no way.

Diana - I'll bet you are looking forward to your workout routine this week.:D It sounds great!! I've been doing Cathe for the last week too and it has helped me get out of my slump.

Cathy - Thanks for popping in........and thank you so mega much for the ride from the airport!! That is so sweet of you to do that. I am sooooo excited to meet you, Wendy, & Di.

Off to bed with me.......Nighty night girls


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