Buff Badgers 4/27-5/2


Good evening! Hope you are all doing well and had a good, albeit wet, weekend!
Today was chest and tris with STS. I got so frustrated because without a spotter or tower I can´t lift the weight I should for my chest...DH was laughing at me:(. But I don´t really like working my chest that much anyway...I did find a way to use the BB for my one arm rows so that I can put off buying more weights for a while...someone on this forum had some links.

The weekend was uneventful, went for a run on Fri and my Plantar Faciitis is acting up.

DH just got home, so off to watch Jack Bauer save the world!

Have a good Tues and good workouts!

Yesterday I did disk 31 chest and back. Today will be a run or tandem group ride.

lala, hear you on not being able to lift the right amount for chest. I don't have a spotter of rack either. Did you get my message I sent you? Sorry your plantar faciits is acting up.

Hi to everyone else.
Lala and Karen - You must be lifting some pretty serious weight for chest if you feel you need a spotter or rack to increase the weight. Does Cathe give an option to hold the weight in an isometric hold if you can't safely lift a heavier weight? I know she does this in MIS with lower body and a little in Power Hour with chest (holding low, mid, high). I am STS-ignorant so I don't know if that gives you any ideas or not. . .

I did KCM's NYC Latte premix 38 min. yesterday morning. I really like the way this one moves from exercise to exercise and doing just 1 set of each exercise lets me ease back into the weights after my trip.

Nothing yet today. I have a mammo tonight so it'll have to be before or after.

Take care,
Sue, glad to see you back on board. Missed you. Glad you enjoyed KCM workouts. Once I start them I enjoy them too. Cathe doesn't use any modifications or mention any. That is a good idea though. I just use what I can get up and that's it. I am not a die hard follow everything to a t workout kind of person anyway. Still no results different than any other rotation I've done. Hope you get your workout in tonight. Is anyone in Tae Kwando still? I'll bet BB is starting up pretty quickly here. Is DS playing this year?

Enjoy the day.
Hi all! Today I went for a skate...first time this year!

Sue, thanks for the idea for modifications, especially since I´m really not interested in getting a rack or the tower. I don´t think I would really use it that much. Are you back in the groove yet after your vacation? Sometimes if I´ve been somewhere really great it´s hard to get back to the real world!

Karen, thanks for the headsup...I hardly ever check to see if I have PMs! Will get on that. Did you get your bike ride in? Isn´t nice to get back outside?!

Greetings to Lauries, Susan, and Dani!
Good Morning,

Today I am doing STS plyo leg disk 32, almost done with the program. Yesterday I ended up running my usual 6 1/2 miles. DH can't seem to get off work early enough most nights to make it to the group ride.

Lala, I was wondering when you were going to get out for a skate. It does feel good to get back outside.

Have to take DD to an ortho appt. today. Early release for all the kids here so they will be home 2 hours earlier than normal.

DS15 is on academic probation from track because he is failing Spanish. DS11 had a recorder concert at school yesterday and the class did a great job. DD6 won her first soccer game Mon.

I guess that's about all. Have to get motivated today.

Enjoy the day.
Hi gang! Sorry for not checking in sooner! My weekend was wet, and boring but you need one of those every once in a while! Saturday was pilates and Sunday was the elliptical for 60mn followed by ab work. Monday was a rest day. Yesterday I did Bootcamp. Today I ran 4 miles then walked 3 miles with Ruby. I am busy after school today so wanted to get my workout in early!

Lala, sorry to hear about your foot. Is there anything you can do about it?

Sue, glad to see you back! I always look at KCM workouts but have never purchased one. What would you recommend for someone trying her for the first time?

Hi Karen, sorry to see DS failing Spanish. Hopefully he'll pull that grade back up. Congrats on the first win of the season to DD! May this be the first of many for the team!

Have a great day! Susan
Karen - DH tries to take the kids to Dojo whenever he can but our schedule is SO crazy. Now that CF (religion class) is over for the year and Monday Night Band is finishing, we ought to be able to start going soon. Whether I can go or not will depend on work. Right now there's not much happening so I'm back to working normal hours. That can change quickly though if pick an aggressive Go Live date and then we're struggling to get everything done. Let's hope that doesn't happen. I don't think it will because we're gearing up for our busy season and it would be a bad business decision to Go Live until Fall at the earliest.

DS is NOT playing select baseball this year. The new coach is a jerk so DS didn't even try out. He'll play Park & Rec baseball which is not as much a time commitment either. The last 2 summers have been very hard on our family with all the practices, games and tournaments. DD is starting Marching Band next month though and that looks like a huge time commitment for her anyway (4-8 hour practices).

Susan - I really like New You Coming and her 1st Step Kickbox workout (Step-Boxing with KCM - looked it up on Collage). I have Kelly's Cardio Kick Step-Boxing but got frustrated trying to learn it and haven't tried again since. I'm bad that way. I have several workouts that I need to go back and spend some time learning because I think I would like them. I would like to get her 30 min. to Fitness - Bootcamp and 30 min. to Fitness - Kickboxing. Does anyone have these? To start out I'd try NYC to get used to her hyper personality. I remember a bit of a learning curve with Step-Boxing and she goes super fast which is okay once you know the workout.

Last night I did NOT get a workout in. DD has her first track meet and with us being track parent newbies, we had no idea how long the meet would last. We couldn't reach her by cell phone (DH's - she doesn't have her own) because she had it turned off and the worst was going through our minds. We weren't exactly sure where she was because DH went to the place he thought it was at and no track meet. Turns out the bus had problems and they arrived late (after DH came and left) and it just went really, really long. C'mon, 4 hours on a school night? I think that's ridiculous! DH went over to the school to wait for her and drained his battery by listening to the car radio. I had to go over and we tried jumpstarting his car but couldn't find my negative connection in the dark. DH was irritated and said "Just drive us home and we'll come back tomorrow morning and do this in the daylight." This morning jumpstart didn't work. Called someone and had them come out and jump DH's car. Apparently, his battery was so drained a normal car battery wouldn't work to jumpstart it. Had battery tested. It's fine but DH's starter is pulling too much energy from the battery that if the alternator doesn't run long enough (ie. short car trips), it doesn't recharge and that was probably the issue. DH drove the 2 miles to school (short trip), sat and waited for over an hour with the car radio on and drained the battery.

Take care everyone.
Sue, it sounds like you had quite a night! I don't envy you but I am sorry to hear about the hassle you had to go through! :( Hopefully the next meet will go more smoothly for you!

Thanks for the workout ideas. I will go to Collage and check out the ones you sugested. I am always so leary about doing anything other than Cathe! LOL!

Hope you have a good night!
Hi again,

Susan, nice job on your runs. I have the bootcamp and the kickbox one from KCM and I like them both.

Sue, sorry about the hectic night last night. Hope she enjoys track. What is she running? Band is time consuming. I remember when I was in band. Seems like a lot of marching in the summer if that is what she is in.

Take care. Off to soccer for DD6.
A quick check in. Today was STS plyo legs...I really like those.

Sue, so sorry to hear about your night...when it rains it pours :(

Karen, is a 6 1/2 mile run your usual? That is my long one!

Susan, I have KCM 30 minute kickbox. I would say it's an intermediate workout, but I do like it for an easier day or you can combine the 2 for a longer workout. I like KB, and KCM gives some different moves that make it fun. Sounds like I'd like to try the step boxing!
Hi gals,

Today I did Amy Bento's Kettlebell Dynamics all three sections. Seems really uncontrolled and fast so I couldn't concentrate on the form as well.

Lala, glad you like plyo legs, I like them too. Week 3 was the hardest I thought. I wish there was a premix of just the plyos from all the workouts. 6 1/2 is my norm. Need to try to get a little further pretty soon here. Last year 6 miles would have been long for me also. KCM kickbox step ones are really fast. I like them when I do them but I don't reach for them often. Don't know why it always seems to be Cathe I reach for even though other workouts are fun too.

Hi to everyone else.

Off to take my DS11 and 13 to soccer practice.
Today I did the cardio premix from 4DS kickbox and bootcamp. Another one I really like! I have to be careful, because now my PF is really acting up. Susan, I usually am careful to stretch it and ice it and I do have a brace to put on my leg at night when it gets bad. Also I stop running til it gets better.

Karen, hope DS can get his grade up. sometimes it seems those grades just sneak up on you:confused:.

I am procrastinating working on my case study...off to make puppy chow for my classes tomorrow and then to MY homework :eek:
HI there!

I am just going to go jump on the elliptical for a quick but tough workout. Busy day today but thankfully the weekend is almost here! Hope to get up early enough to run in the morning!

Have a good night ladies - Susan
Karen - DD competes in Shotput although she did run 200m relay at the Meet Tuesday night since they were missing someone. Yes, it's Marching Band she's in and the schedule looks rigourous: 4-6 hour practices Tue-Thurs. for several weeks during the summer and then 4 hour practices every Wednesday night after that. There are even more practices than that scheduled and lots of competitions. Between that and track, she'll be in awesome shape! Hmmmm. . . maybe I should sign up for marching band! ;)

Lala - Sorry to hear about your PF. I had that years ago and am fortunate that it's never come back. So I see on other threads that you're getting into running (or maybe returning to it?). Any plans to do a fun run? I did those about 20 years ago. Gasp! :eek: Has it really been that long? Am I really that old? LOL

Susan - Did you go for your run this morning? I *thought* about going outside for a jog/walk this morning (for about 2 seconds) but it's still just a tad too cold and dark yet for me.

This morning I did PUB Pyramid Down premix which I've never done before. I have to confess that I've been really, really lazy this week and eating badly. My middle has become downright "fluffy" and I'm not happy about it. Time to get serious with summer fast approaching.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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