BFL for Wed Jan 23rd 2008

Hey Belinda!!!! I met you this morning for L&G! I haven't done this one since July! lol What a fun workout, hugh? I love the music and Cathe just seems to be having SO much fun!

L&G isn't all that BFL-related, weight-wise. But the change was nice, I have to admit that! I went with heavier dumbells to try to add strength work in with all that endurance work.

I've got 4 easy miles scheduled for today as well. I'm going to do these outside after I get back from work/school this afternoon. It's supposed to hit 40 today. WOW! LOL

Wednesday is my busy day. I'm going to clean my friend's house, then work, then the kids have Religion classes, then tonight is older DS's Gifted Class Family Night at the school. So I'm not sure when I'll be back online today.

Good Morning Belinda and Everyone,

Belinda: I guess you beat all of us...of course you do have that time thing going for you.. ;-)

Great job on getting in L&G this morning.}(

I have just got myself moving...have to wake up DS for school.

Still trying to decide what workout I am up for. Will be back in a little bit. Heidi

Have a great afternoon! :)

Hi Gayle: We were posting at the same time...

Great job for you too. Now you have me leaning towards doing this instead...but I did PLB yesterday.:)

Have a great run today. I don't know about the temps here yet but it would be nice to get outdoors too.
Hi Gayle! I saw you this morning! I have to agree with you on L&G! I had a lot of fun! I liked the change! Have fun with you run later! I still have do work my abs later!

Heidi I slept until 8 this morning! I figured I will start my workout early! We have a little sunshine outside, I felt better this morning! I need sunshine! Have fun with your workout today!

I have to go grocery shopping! I will be back later!
Good Morning

Today is cardio for me. Not sure which one I'll do but the rotation
I'm following calls for Step Blast.

Gayle - What did you think of the Turkey Meatloaf?
Tonight I'm making Zesty Italian Chicken from CFL.

Belinda- Great job on Legs & Glutes. I haven't done that one in a long time.

Hello Heidi and everyone else.

Good morning ladies- great job getting those workouts in already!!

OK-need a bit of help here. For the past two days, my eating has been great all day except when it comes to dinner. Then I seem to lose it. I was blaming it on PMS but I woke up today craving cereal (carbs I guess). So now I'm wondering if I'm trying to sabatoge myself - which is usually my problem.

I am feeling very stressed because I am in my bil's wedding party and have to wear a fairly revealing dress and I'm at the heaviest I've ever been. I'm no longer just a little overweight but I'm really fat (220lbs). So I'm dreading the fitting which is coming up soon and being in the wedding with all these ten other skinny girls. I keep beating myself up because I've had since April (the birth of my youngest) to lose this weight and I just can't seem to stick to anything long enough to see real change. The sad thing is (or great thing) that int he week and half I've been sticking to the program, I've lost four pounds already! Why would I give up now!!!!!

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent and have a pity party. I know there is noone to blame but myself for not losing this weight and I should just try to enjoy the wedding anyway.

Have a wonderful day- thanks again!

You can have a pity party with us ANYTIME!! That is what we are here for. Wow to go on the four pounds!! That is awesome!

We ALL have cravings -- sometimes we give into them (did you not read yesterdays post --all that talk about burgers and my slip up with the four slices of pizza!) so hang in there. Most of the time when I want to give in -- I try to give in without it breaking the bank so to speak.

For example -- I don't feel like eggs in the morning. So I eat cream of wheat instead (with protein added). If you are just dying for cereal - just eat the healthy kind. (Believe me, that will make you NOT crave cereal anymore - ha ha!!) I love cereal to -- and I just can't keep it in the house -- so toss out all the sugar cereal! :)

You just gave birth in April -- wow give yourself break. My youngest is 8. Not 8 months - 8 YEARS!! -- and I'm still struggling! :) Hang in there! BIG HUGS!!!

Hello ladies!!

Belinda and Gayle -- did you see me at the back of the class today? Yes, I was there. :)

I printed off the schedule of the weights Cathe uses in Legs and Glutes. I was thinking - no problem - 15's and 12's and some ankle weights??!! EASY!! Boy was I wrong - I had no idea what you gals got me into!! It's amazing how tough a workout can be without heavy weights.

Even though I was sweating and begging for it to be done -- it was fun. I'm sure it helped knowing you two were doing it right a long with me! :)

I also wanted to give a big shout out to Melissa for doing her workout last night so late!! Isn't it amazing how now we don't want to skip a workout -- whereas before any little thing would side track us?!! I feel this same way -- I WILL NOT MISS A WORKOUT!! I'm glad you are feeling that way too! I sure can't wait to see the changes in 9 more weeks!! :)

Belinda – Legs & Glutes is so much fun! Those unweighted lunges are really TOUGH! I couldn’t believe how no weights could burn so much when I first tried it, lol!

Gayle – I can’t wait to run outside! It’s still too dark and cold in the morning and by the time I get home it’s getting dark and cold again. :( Hopefully it’ll be warm enough this weekend for me to do my long run outside. Enjoy!

Heidi – You have to check back in with what you decided to do this morning. ;)

Carolyn – Wow, I haven’t done Step Blast in a LONG time! I’m embarrassed to say the last combo still eludes me.

Jean – Please don’t be so hard on yourself, you just had a baby! It takes your body some time to adjust and come back. Take it at your pace and don’t worry so much about the wedding. Your BIL asked you to be in the wedding because he cares about YOU, not your weight/size. I’m sure you’ll look lovely in that dress.

Michelle – Talk about cravings, I had a huge one for something salty last night (and it very seldom happens to me). I gave into one serving of DH’s chips (I counted out 15 small chips for about 150 calories) and told myself that was it!

Hi out to Melissa, Susan, and everyone else!

Today I had lots of energy. I got up and did an ab workout as a warmup (Amy Bento Standing/Cathe LIS) then followed up with the following BFL upper body workout. I changed up a few exercises and found I went a little too light in some places, I’ll up them next week:

DB chest press (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 20 lbs.
10 reps @ 25 lbs.
8 reps @ 27.5 lbs.
6 reps @ 30 lbs.
12 reps @ 27.5 lbs.
DB Chest Flyes – 12 reps @ 25 lbs.

Side Laterals (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 10 lbs.
10 reps @ 12 lbs.
8 reps @ 15 lbs.
6 reps @ 18 lbs.
12 reps @ 18 lbs.
Seated Overhead Press – 12 reps @18 lbs. (need to up the weights on these)

Two Arm DB Row (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 15 lbs.
10 reps @ 18 lbs.
8 reps @ 20 lbs.
6 reps @ 25 lbs.
12 reps @ 25 lbs.
DB Pullover – 12 reps @ 30 lbs. (need to up the weights on these)

Lying Barbell Tricep Extension –
12 reps @ 25 lbs.
10 reps @ 30 lbs.
8 reps @ 32.5 lbs.
6 reps @ 35 lbs.
12 reps @ 32.5 lbs.
Kickbacks – 12 reps @ 10 lbs. each (need to up the weights on these)

Alternating DB Bicep Curl (weight is per dumbbell) –
12 reps @ 12 lbs.
10 reps @ 15 lbs.
8 reps @ 20 lbs.
6 reps @ 22.5 lbs.
12 reps @ 20 lbs.
Barbell Curl – 12 reps @ 37.5 lbs. (need to up the weights on these)

Assisted Wide Grip Pullups –
10 reps
8 reps
6 reps
6 reps

I also did iTread Walk Intervals, I wanted to do a little light cardio.

Okay, here’s some random thoughts from me (I’m good for those, lol). I am REALLY craving more cardio but holding myself back. I’m seeing more good changes in the mirror already and know that the cut back in cardio is GOOD but mentally I’m having a hard time. I’m down another ½ pound because I CAN control my appetite when I don’t over do the cardio but I’m not a happy camper. I think I use cardio as a stress release and I miss that! Ugh. Thoughts?

Sorry for rambling today, lol.

Hi girls,

Kathy** do you have Pace weights or Platemates? I will copy your workout for my UB this week! You still going for a run? Nice workout!

Carolyn** hope you found that perfect workout for you today!

Jean** hang in there! My youngest is almost 19 years and I'm still struggling!

Michelle** I thought that was you behind us this morning! I was sweating bucket this morning! I loved it! I need to pull that one out more often!

Hey Belinda,
I have two sets of platemates (one for dumbbells and one for barbells). I LOVE them! I think they’re one of the best investments I’ve made because I can increment upper body more easily. Nope, no run for me today…..tomorrow. ;)

Hi to all,

Just checking back with my workout done! Yeah!!!!
I did Low Max full version...70min's worth of fun. This was a great workout for my legs. Boy was I feeling it. Those side taps always get in there good. }(

Hi Kathy: Great workout! :eek: Wow on those bicep curls at 22.5!
As for the cardio cravings...I tend to like cardio more than weights but I know for the best results it is better to mix the two.
You are training for an upcoming race aren't you? Following your schedule for the training miles and the added weight workouts is quite a bit as is. Towards the last 2 or 3 weeks before your upcoming race your focus will be on running instead of weight training I would imagine. Did you say that you downloaded your schedule from RW? Maybe on their forum or at coolrunning you could get some feedback on this.

Hello Jean: I agree with everyone here...your doing great! Keep it up and please try not to get discouraged. 4#'s down already...Great Job!:7

Have to fly off to the and get DS to orthodontist. Hello to Carolyn, Melissa, Michelle and Susan
Hi everyone!

Look at all of you ladies getting Legs & Glutes done today. Way to go!

Heidi - Do you do LowMax on an 8" step or 6"? 8" just exhausts me. But I guess it's supposed to, right? ;-) .

Carolyn - Step Blast was calling me last night. I love that one. I ended up doing the w/u, challenge 1-3 then #2 again, then the cool down & stretch. It was fun!

Michelle - L&G for you too today? Thanks for the SHOUT OUT about getting my workout in!! I was pretty darn proud of myself!!

Jean - HANG IN THERE! Don't give up just because you don't think you'll see any changes before BIL's wedding. Try to think LONG TERM. I know it's easier said than done, especially when you have a big event coming up, but we are always here for you.

I think I'll do PUB tonight. Okay, my meals for today:

M#1: 3 protein pancakes
M#2: veggie chili
M#3: twice-baked potato (old Weight Watcher fave!)
M#4: apply & string cheese
M#5: EFL Turkey Meatloaf (running to grocery store at lunchtime to get the ingredients), 1/2 c brown rice & brocolli or carrots
M#6: protein shake

Hi Melissa,

I did the Low Max workout on a 6" step today. I am so glad I did! I have been sitting at my desk doing orders and I went to coffee and could barely walk to the kitchen area. ;-) OhOh! I think doing PLB and LM within a day of each other was not a good move on my part. I didn't realize that LM was such a lower body workout.

I will have to do a really good stretch later today!

So what's on tap for you today?

Have a good one! BBL Heidi :7
Thanks to everyone for their kind words and encouragement. I think that you are all right and I'm in the wedding because my future sil and I are close and I just want to see some major changes right away! I keep telling myself that it's going to take time and every day I'm getting stronger and more fit and that's what's important.

Big breath!! OK- I feel so much better- thanks all!!

Hey guys. I read all your posts, but I want to get out the door so I have enough time to get in 4 miles. So I'll post personals later. I'm all dressed, ID bracelet is on, running shoes are double-knotted, and my iPod is set to GO!!!! Time to hit the pavement!



Off to get DS for his orthodontic appt. He is not going to be happy....he is having the spacers put in today. BBL Heidi
Hey Michelle - have you ever tried Low Max holding a medicine ball on the blasts? It's pure EVIL....}( ! It's a good one to do on a week that you have 2 upper body days and 1 lower. Gives those legs an extra workout.

Note to self - put that on next weeks rotation...;-) .

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