BFL for Monday April 28

Good morning Stephanie, Carolyn, and all who follow!

Rest day today. I probably need to do some cardio, but not this morning. Yesterday was great. Both kids scored in their games and both teams won, so we had to go out for ice cream (that’s on top of the cookies and brownies). However, I did introduce my folks to protein pancakes, and they do like them, so there was something healthy eaten over the weekend.

Stephanie – Take it easy on the back. Took my toe 4 weeks to heal, but I’m so glad I stayed off it and let it heal. Now it doesn’t bother me one bit, even when the dog steps on it. My race is in 3 weeks, and at least now I know I’ll be able to run the whole way. It’s my first race in over a year, so I just want to finish.

Carolyn - I think I'll also need to do some walking on my rest day. Unfortunately I have a lunch meeting, so it wont' be then.

Kathy – You are so awesome! I know you’ll do even better at next week’s marathon. DH swears by the clips and says there is no problem popping out of them. He’s had more than enough crashes on his mountain bike so I figure he knows a little bit.

Amelia – Hope you are feeling better today and can get a workout in.

Gayle – You go girl! Have a hard pumping UB workout today!

Melissa – I’ve heard it starts with Cardio Coach, then moves on the Spinervals. There are so many enablers here to help you add to your collection! Glad you are enjoying it.

Heidi – I only made it about 2.5 miles. By the time I got out the door, that’s all I had time for. Good luck with the car buying. I don’t enjoy it and DH really needs to get a new one this summer. We drive them for about 10 years, and his has 185K on it.

Good morning to all I forgot. I'm off to get ready for work. Hope you all have a great day.
Good Morning Girls:)

Im not sure what todays workout will be? I feel off the wagon and was ran over by it thursday evening and since then hasn't had the energy to get back on itx(. So today will be a fresh start. sunday wasn't a bad day of eating,except having a brownie in the eveing!

Anyways,my sore throat is still lurking a bit but i will workout anyway! I will do some weights and im not sure if I will squeeze in a cardio or not! Will see!

Stephanie,i plan on getting a HRM soon with the rebat money}((and some ofthe WO stuff;-))so i will join in the calories burned then! It sounds really fun and motivating!

Sherry-Congrats to your kids winning games! Enjoy your rest day today!

Hey to everybody that follows!

BBL after i figure out what workout to do!:)
Good morning ladies. Workout DONE! GS Chest & Tris.

BBL after I get back from School Store. Promise!


p.s. I'm still on a high from Kathy's Duatholon report yesterday! ;-)
Good morning ladies -

Just finished Supersets -- wow, I forgot how much I like that workout. AND gotta love that the ab workout is included! :)

I just read yesterdays posts -- way to go KATHY!! We are all so proud of you! I'll join you on your high Gayle!! :)

I'll be back later when I get to work!
Hello and Good Morning to you all,

Hey Stephanie: Thank you for starting us off bright and early this morning. Be careful with your back! How is it today? I hope you have a safe workout with HIS.

Hello Carolyn: Nice walk yesterday! Did you walk somewhere special? Have a great workout with Slow & Heavy!

Hi Sherry: Congratulations to your kids! They must have been quite the chatty bunch after. That is great that your parents tried out the pancakes. Did you serve them these and then tell them or vise versa? :)Glad you got out there for your run. 2.5 isn’t too shabby at all! Enjoy your rest day. Have a great day at work.

Hello Amelia: Sorry to hear that you still aren’t feeling all that great. Take it easy. Maybe you should just do an easy walking workout instead of weights. This way you wouldn’t be putting too much stress on your body right now. The fresh air will do you good too.

It will be a little while before we make the plunge for a new car. DH wants to make sure we get the best deal around. This usually takes about 6 months or so…..;)

Today’s workout:

I won’t be getting my workout in until this afternoon however. DS and DD have to get to school and train. Then I have work to attend to.

Hello to all that I missed!

Have a great day and workout! BBL Heidi
Hi Gayle and Michelle!

Great job on GS Gayle! Have a great day.

Hey Michelle: Nice job for you too! Supersets and abs…haven’t done that one in a bit. Have a good day at work.

BBL Heidi
Sounds like chest/UB day for a few of us! Carolyn & Stephanie-we’ll be feeling it tomorrow, right???

Sherry-I keep meaning to tell you I love your signature line. Especially that last one....stop shoveling junk down your throat! LOL How true!

Michelle-I can’t TELL you the last time I grabbed Super Sets off the shelf! Good one, hugh???

Heidi-I’m cheap…not frugal….CHEAP! LOL So I plan on driving my car till it just won’t go anymore!

Amelia-hope the sore throat is gone soon! It’s MONDAY….great day to start fresh!

OK…..I’m here now. and I plan on being here all week. We’ve got sort of a quiet week. It’s raining today, so I’m expecting DS’s baseball game to be cancelled tonight. Friday, my grandfather turns 100!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We’re having a big ol’ party for him, and the paper and news channels are all coming too! Can’t wait!

I wanted to comment about the Road Trip. Somebody commented about the shaking hands, sweating, etc. LOL For me, all that nervousness was NOT because of Cathe herself. This will be my 3rd RT, and the 1st one is just so different than the rest. Last year’s RT, for me, was SOOO relaxing and fun. I really had a chance to get to know other ladies. I didn’t feel the pressure of not knowing anybody, of “needing” to get my pics with Cathe and crew, to get their autographs, etc. For me, it was all about just sitting back and enjoying myself. THIS RT is going to be even MORE of that. I’m SOOOOOO looking forward to just chatting with folks from the boards. That’s why it was so important for ME to get in. (now, seeing Cathe again IS nice, and I WILL get a pic with her again this year, it’s just not my #1 highlight…..don’t tell HER THAT! LOL)

OK...few things to do around the house before work. I'm thinking of adding in a little cardio after work. Perhaps I'll stick in HIS and do that for the first time EVER! What do ya think???

Just running in to post my burned calories:

HIS Chest/Back
463 calories
Average heart rate 142
Max heart rate 182

I found little black ants in my kitchen last night, so I am fogging (fumigating) this morning! Have to stay outside for 4 hours. So I will check back in and read this mornings posts later on!
Good morning girls,

Sorry, for not being on line much at all yesterday! Alesia had a reaction from medication (for her back/ muscle) Saturday and mostly Sunday! I had an exciting Sunday! No workout yesterday! I hope I will get my cardio in today! I do have DOMS in my butt form PS! The floor work is a killer!

Kathy** congratulations!

I need more coffee! BBL!
Hi Ladies!

First of all, congratulations Kathy for your ath;etic accomplishment this weekend! Good for you!

Whoa, Steph, killer calorie burn this morning! I do love that HIS, I especially like the "digging blast". I'm afraid my calorie burn this morning was quite modest.

2.5 mile outdoor hill run
28 minutes: 284Kcal
That's it, short and sweet but so good to be outdoors so early in the morning, peace abounds.

Well, Saturday started clean and ended a little toxic with 2 Corona Lights and 2 glasses of red wine.
Sunday, squeaky clean.

Today's plan:

M1- BSN lean dessert Banana Nut protein shake (skim milk + half frozen banana, pinch of vanilla and teaspoon peanut butter), OMG, better than a real ice cream shake!
M2- Dannon low carb yogurt + 1/3 cup bran buds
M3- 3oz turkey burger, small shredded garden salad in ww/flax wrap (I chopp the salad and the burger into rough bite size pieces and wrap/roll it on up!)
M4- Apple and 2oz light cheddar
M5- Mesquite chix (3oz), fresh asparagus and small red potato
M6- 1/2 serving choc. chip protein pancake

I really must start paying more attention to weights, I tend to focus on cardio when I'm trying to shed fat.

Have a great day all!!

Checking in a little later than usual….I got into work and had stuff waiting for me since I didn’t come in Friday. ;) This morning I did the standing portion of Amy Bento’s Abs + Cathe Maximum Intensity Strength (minus the warmup) + ran 3 miles using the iTread portion of iTri Reverse. My calories burned were 626 (I forgot to jot down my average/max heart rate…doh!).

Stephanie – Great workout! Ugh on the ants. Which Polar heart rate monitor did you get (sorry I must have missed it somewhere). :)

Carolyn – Enjoy S&H C/B. Good job on the walk! I love taking walks in the Spring and Fall.

Sherry – LOL, I’m so glad your folks enjoyed the protein pancakes. That’s wonderful that both your kids teams won…yay! I think I’m going to go on some triathlon boards and find out if the numb feet thing can be avoided (and how to do it). If you think about it, can you ask your DH if he gets that feeling after longer bike rides? ;)

Amelia – Awww, I hope your sore throat goes away soon! You’re right….today is a brand new day! I also heard they started sending out the rebate checks this week so it should be soon. :)

Gayle – Thanks so much! I had a blast yesterday! WOW, Happy Birthday to your Grandfather!!! Thank you for stating my exact feeling about the RT. I think the feeling I had on Friday is akin to what I feel at the start of a race, jittery and nervous. I enjoy Cathe’s workouts and look forward to chatting with her, the crew, and SNM staff but the other RTers are what make the trip so much fun! Being able to say MIS, 4DS, and Imax to someone and not have to explain myself is priceless, lol!

Michelle – Thanks! I’m so glad to see you back posting again. I really need to take a look at Super Sets again!

Heidi – My DH was the same way. We must have test drove 15 cars before he decided on the last one. I really like it though (it’s a Suzuki SX4 Crossover). I was SO happy when he stopped taking me to dealerships on the weekends, lol!

Belinda – Thank you! Oh my, tell Alesia we all hope she feels better! :(

Sue – Thanks so much! You had a great workout this morning! I think I’m going to try to run outside in the morning this week at least once. I’m getting a little stir crazy on the treadmill. Great food planned for today!

Hi Melissa!

I'm reading over the weekends posts -- oh my goodness so much going on --

I hope you are feeling better Amelia.

Melissa - I'm so sorry you didn't get in for the RT. :( Hang in there!

Glad to hear I'm not the only one that did a little cheating this weekend - Sherry! :) I only wish I had the excuse that I had family visiting!

Okay, I HAVE to get some of this BSN protein -- I've heard sooo much about it!

Also - do you want to know what will make your body look leaner -- even when you haven't worked out?! Dave's Tanner! Thanks so much for posting about it Gayle!! I used it this weekend -- it is amazing how much thinner my legs look when they they are tanned!! :) And I'm using the lotion version -- so they are softer and I'm NOT getting wrinkles from the sun!! yah!!

Good morning everyone!

Stephanie - nice calorie burn this morning! I hope your back feels better. I must have missed your post about hurting yourself. Sorry...:-(

Gayle - 100 years old?!?! That's great! How does he feel about all this publicity?

Amelia - I hate that wagon about as much as I hate the scale!!}( I'm always falling off the darn thing. Get back on it girl!!

Michelle - I thought of you this morning when I was listening to "Proud" on my way in to work. It made me want to turn the car around and go back home and workout!!

Sue - your menu today looks delish!!:9 I've done the same thing as your M#3. It's almost like having a burger! Your protein shake sounds like heaven. I might have to try that tonight. I don't have Banana Nut, but I have Banana Creme.

Hello to Carolyn, Kathy and anyone else that I missed.

Hey Kathy!!

Yes, Stephanie - what polar heart rate monitor did you get. I'm really thinking of getting one. Sounds like you really like yours Kathy. Silly question, do you wear it all day? Or just when working out.

Posting again?! You know my rule Kathy - no posting for the day until I've worked out. So, I guess you now know where I've been since last Wednesday! Yikes!! :)

Hi Sue, Belinda, Carolyn - who did I miss? Okay, I don't have another window open, so can't look back. Sorry I'm so bad with personals!

Okay Melissa - what were you doing listing to Proud while driving? Considering it always brings tears to my eyes! What a sap I am! Sounds like you are doing well today - I could tell you were really upset last week -- it's okay, there are a ton of us not going! :) And we will read all their stories when they get back!! Just like reading Kathy's story this weekend. :)

P.S. Gee, I'm so glad I worked out this morning. I've been missing you all!!!
LOL Michelle! You're right, I really shouldn't listen to that song while driving. I'm sure I look like a weirdo to anyone driving by me!!

Yes, I am doing well today. I was so upset with myself all weekend for quitting so early, but there's nothing I can do about so like you said, I'll just enjoy everyone's stories when then get back. I don't think I'll try for August since most of the people I wanted to see/meet got into the July RT. It's not that I don't want to meet new people, I was just looking forward to seeing some of the ladies from last year as well.

Off to get some work done...:-(
Hey girls,sorry for the quick post but im dripping wet with sweat and i haves running around town to do this morning! I ended up doing a 30min PWon the TM,then PH LB and I added in leg presses from GS legs,and the ankle weight work from B&Gs and the strecth from B&G's as well!

Ok, I'm wayyyy behind today, but better late than never! Tonight will be a run on the old TM during which time I will keeping track of Calories burned for our total count. No official workout for the weekend. I spent a lot of time working outside in the garden and mowing, etc... My cheat day went well on Saturday, but unfortunately spilled over a little into Sunday. I am back on track today though and I'm also happy to say that I am down a few pounds from this time last week. ;) I'm sure it's just water, but I still get excited when I see the scale budge. ;) I'm getting ready to dial in on a conference call now, but I will try to come back for personals. I hope your throat is feeling better Amelia!!!

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