April 10 Check in Friday 2nd**************


Good morning ladies...

I saw Cathe's April rotation and I think I am going with that for the month. I am starting that on Monday...Anyone else doing it? Today I think I will do another FIRM workout. One with weights and cardio....

We have a busy day...I need to run to Costco this morning and this afternoon we are going to church. Lauren is singing with the choir at a Good Friday Stations of the Cross and then we have mass for the holy day...The kids are getting a day off today from school...

Ok, need to head downstairs soon and get the workout started....Have a great day!!
morning Kathy and all who follow!

Kathy -- that sounds like a busy day. I'm sure the kids are happy with their day off. I am still thinking about the rotation but I was thinking about going lighter reps than heavier so we'll see...

I woke up at 4a again. Also, like an idiot, i've been rubbing the crap out my eye since SD so now it hurts and I have to figure out if I should take half my day to go to the health center to figure out if my eye needs anything else or if I can treat it myself (like my contact lens was drying out only after a couple hours of wear yesterday). wearing glasses now...

I'm sleepy/tired -- so I have no idea what/if I'll work out. I think it may be time to go back to snuggling with some dude or dog. Though, last night I kicked Evee off until she'd stay at the foot of the bed. She tried to creep up next to me again but I wouldn't let her. Yep, that's how strong I am. let's see if she's taken my spot in the meantime...
Good morning! Kathy, it's a big day ahead -- I hope it's a good one. When I wrote my workout on the calendar this morning I saw it was Good Friday and figured you'd have festivities. On the Firm.... there was a thread on vf about how great the first few firms were, and I went and watched some clips. I may pull out my vhs tapes and try one or two sometime, just for grins. Someone compared the intensity of the first Susan Harris one to Tonique, so that hooked me. :D I did that video sooooo many times!!! It was all I had back then.

Hottie! Some dude! :D Hope you get your eye problem figured out!!

Oh, I saw the rotation and nixed it. I got injured jumping into meso 3 before building up to it -- I'm not going to make that mistake again. Not sure what I'm going to do. Some gal has been doing the standing toniques three times a week for at least a couple of months and has had great results. Well, I know darn well I can't stick with that! (how did I do Susan Harris so long?!) ...but, I may try one week of it. I'm not sure.

I'm so glad it's Friday. I woke up from a deep sleep where I was dreaming that I and someone else was caught in a house with an escaped killer and he had a knife and I called the guy "OJ", but it wasn't really OJ. (Since he was never imprisoned!). I think maybe waking at 4am would have been better!!!

Oh Chris, that bit about the running race was pretty funny. I guess we're all competitive, eh? I would have done the same thing! And Greg and baby smells!!! That's hilarious! Ask him if he really thinks it could be worse than two approaching teen boys and one teenage boy! (I don't know about you, but my 8 year old is the stinkiest one in the house!).
Sheesh, I didn't even mention my workout! You guys are much more than check-in buddies to me, obviously!!! I did one I got in trade recently.... Brook Benton Cardio Pump Fusion. Well, it was yoga/plyo/kickbox/kettlebell. I think I'm ready to trade it!! Not really my cup of tea in the end, but it was a decent calorie burner.
Hey Girls!!!!

Oh it is so beautiful out today, and only going to get better! Tomorrow they say 84 degrees!!! :eek: I'm not ready for my bikini!!!

Me, not so beautiful. My notorious headache started this morning. I asked my doctor at my physical this week about my headaches, and he suggested I take a perscription dose of Advil. So I did. At first I felt like barfing, but the pain is letting up a bit. Leaving me foggy, but pain is slightly better. Maybe I can get through some cleaning and cooking... At least the boys are outside!

I looked at Cathe's rotation. Intriguing, I'm still debating. i liked the more cardio. And yeah, I'm a little afraid of jumping into Meso 3 too. I wonder if you're SUPPOSED to jump right into your highest weight to lift at first, without going through Meso 1 and 2.

Either way I'll start something on Monday. I wish there was a good rotation for cardio/running and endurance weights. I should look through the rotations..

Kathy: Sounds like a MEGA busy day!! Sorry your MIL can't come to dinner, but it will still be nice just you guys. I've done very few Firm workouts. I think I told you, I did like the abs one, with the hot guy on the cover. ;)

hottie: I can't believe you posted already!!! You are up WAY early! I LOL'd at snuggling with "some dude". Sounds like a night after drinking quote! ;)... Sounds like you need some Zyrtec or Claritin D?... Oh, Greg is a silly goose. Like you said yesterday, the cats (and my boys!!!!!) smell WAY worse than a baby could EVER muster up. Dang, that kitty litter is nasty stuff. Maybe because it's ME that cleans it twice a day!!! And Alex, when he has BO, watch out!.... I laugh to myself every time I think of trying to out run that girl yesterday! If you could have seen her sweating and panting!! LOL!

OMG, that dream is a RIOT! (but not when you're in it, I'm sure). Where does this stuff come from??? .. I have this recurrent dream that my car gets stolen. over and over. I have to look up what that means! ... It's fun to try new workouts, even if they're not our favorites. Glad you liked it (once anyway). It sounds interesting. ... I keep rethinking about a rotation. I t might be kind of cool to do a running rotation combined with P57 and maybe Lalo and Jillian. Hmmmmmmmmm....

IF I get a little time for a workout today and if my head is ok, I was thinking of going to the park with the boys and running. they want to bring their bikes and ride while I run. Not sure how that would work out, but it'd be fun to try, IF my headache goes away.... :mad:

Oh, I posted some pics of Kiwi on Facebook. I tried to upload them here , but they're too big. Last night was too funny, he was GLUED to the TV while that discovery channel show, Life, was on. He's so cute!!

*WAVES* to Joanne!! You must be off of work today?

I'll be around, cleaning and cooking...
Hi ladies!!

Kathy, I don't think I'll join you on the rotation. I just didn't really click with Meso 3 when I did it. I remember you guys encouraging me to finish it and I did! I have to look and see what Firms I have and try a few. I know I have the Susan Harris one. I'm sure my family would tease me to death if they saw me doing that one! Very cheesy, but effective!

Hottie, you're probably snuggling with some dude and dog now! ;) Tully usually starts off on the floor, but it nevers fails, when I wake up she's right there next to me. She doesn't like when DH is home cause he keeps kicking her off.

Beth, I do that all the time (I'm sure you've all noticed!) - I start chatting away and forget all about my workout!! I saw those threads about the VFer doing tonique, too. I don't know how she can do it so often. But it sure is inspiring. Sounds like a scary dream!! I've been having all kinds of strange dreams. I can never remember them, though. If I don't think about it as soon as I get up, it's gone.

Chris, Kiwi looks adorable! So funny that he watches that show! Oh, I think my bikini days are long gone! The kids would be too mortified! Hope that headache goes away. Does your doctor have any idea why you get them? Oh yea, boy smells are much worse than baby smells! At least you have some control over baby smells! It's harder to keep up the the boys. Jameson took off his soccer socks and shin guards the other night after having them on about eight hours and I about died! Oh, you reminded me about the hot guys in BBL rapido abs I did the other day. Two guys doing the workout shirtless! Nice distraction. ;) Actually I'm at work today - it's not a holiday for us. And, I have no time left! I used it all up when my day was sick and on our vacation last week. The good thing is it accrues monthly, so I'll have some more soon.

Not sure what I'm going to do for April. I think I'm going to keep doing lots of cardio with Tonique and BBL thrown in.

Do you give your kids Easter baskets? DH was thinking Jameson and Ian were getting too old for them. I told him, no, I still got one till I went away to college and I loved it! He said that's because I'm an only child. ;) We're giving them all one this year, but it's tough to figure out what to put in for the boys. They really don't eat a lot of candy - I wind up eating it and I don't need that. Any ideas? DH said he's going to put them together, which makes me a bit nervous! I may go get a few things. I know, waiting till the last minute is not good!

Oh yea - my workout ;). I tried the Tonique mat this morning. I liked it, pretty tough, but not torturous like I've heard it described. The time went pretty quick and no weird warm-ups.

Must go....

Chris, sorry to hear about the headache.... did you take the Advil with food? Maybe you need to make sure you do! Hope you feel better!

Joanne, you and I are thinking the same on workouts! I don't know if I'll ever do meso 3 again, honestly. :eek:

Easter baskets.... well, as you might have figured out, we don't celebrate it, though it is a good excuse for an easter egg hunt, so we do do that. When I was growing up in Michigan, the Easter bunny always brought up some really cool outdoor toy, which was awesome, since it was just getting to be spring. I still remember one year getting an airplane on a string, and standing in the backyard spinning, spinning, spinning that airplane all around. One year we got kites -- really cool plastic (not paper) ones that went up really easily. I guess my mom really must have wanted us out of the house by then, and it worked!!

The Susan Harris burned in my head: "in... and out.... in... and out..." remember that part?! Almost X-rated!!!
you guys are funny!

Well, I went to snuggle with whoever was in the bed. Luckily the guy that tried to grope me was my husband so he backed off with a slight growl (but from which bitch?!?!). He let me try to fall asleep while he ran Evee. I fell asleep right into a weird dream where I woke up thinking why is this guy licking me and yep, it was Evee excited from her run wanting her food. I'm glad I got those couple minutes of sleep because I was gearing up to do a nice long step workout when Joe missed his bus so we went into work together. It changes up my schedule a bit but not too much other than I'll probably not get to work out. That does make me sad but I'm trying to go easy on myself due to my period. Maybe I'll walk two miles today around campus. It's sunny but windy.

Beth -- that sounds like a big variety workout! Sometimes I just like compartmentalizing...only step or only kb you know? but the cross training is supposed to be good I guess. and you have a dirty mind! NAUGHTY!!! We didn't do easter after my parents took us out of catholic school. Sometimes we'd color eggs. My uber christian roommate from college once gave me a chocolate easter egg hunt because I was going through a bad, stressful period and after I ate up allthe chocolate (she put it in all the places I clean through thoroughly), I pestered her about irreligious she was taking such a commercial aspect blah blah...during watching the ten commandments (I do watch that movie EVERY easter)! I know its evil but it was funny to watch her, well, the easter bunny may not be religious, but! LOL. Will never forget that.

Chris -- I take bendadryl but I'm laying off the contact lens and hope that whatever mucosal issue resolves itself. It did not look good yesterday. Cold compressing. I may get an eyepatch today but I'm not in the mood with dealing with everyone at lab meeting with the yarggh! i'll look at the kiwi pics in a bit...

joanne - i want to keep the cardio up as well. I'm thinking about just doing the first month of an STS rotation...high reps, high cardio. Well, we'll see. Joe's sister's wedding is in a little bit so I wouldn't mind dropping a few pounds by then.

Ok, i'm only going to get a small breather before everything starts rushing again today so I'm going to take it outside for a walk!
I hate that I feel crappy! I want energy and not funk. I got funk. Crap.

My head still aches vaguely. Enough to make me either want to stuff everything in my mouth or puke. Lovely.

I promised myself after I got done cleaning the windows, I could go sit outside with a tea. I'm taking a break before the last window. (sliding glass doors).

Joanne: Oh no no no no, no bikini here either. i was being "funny" ..hahahaha!. I think the last time I wore a bikini I was in middle school. ;) But I'm not ready to show ANY amount of skin. Maybe my arms/back. Not legs. Ever. ..... Good for you for jumping into Tonique mat after hearing it was killer! ..... Maybe Greg isn't effected so much by boy smells because he is one! LoL!!!. .... We still do Easter baskets, I always got one, which as I got older, just ended up being a chocolate bunny. which was fine with me :) . For Zach this year, we got him a video game he wanted (baseball) and a few real baseballs and a chocolate bunny, etc. For Alex, our 10 yr old, he got the chocolate bunny (white chocolate, it's all I could find), and Yu Gi Oh cards, bubbles (everyone loves bubbles), and crayon/paint stuff. He likes to color/paint. Oh, and a DC Hat that he really wanted. Jake, 8, got the bunny (white), the new Chipmunk movie, a HUGE bubble wand, and crayon/coloring stuff. ... I love the idea of a kite!

Beth: I did take the advil with food. Still made my stomach icky. I think I may drink a glass of wine. Can't hoit! .... OMG, "In and out..in and out" . WOW! Although I have to say, some of any workout sounds kind of dirty or LOOKS kind of dirty. Something about that stretch that Cathe does in STS extended stretch (for instance) when you're on your back and you bend your legs up in the air and wrap your arms and press down on your feet. I'm always hoping Greg doesn't walk in on that one! LOL!!!

Hottie: "which bitch"... I like it1!! LOL! .... Glad you got a little nap in! Sorry you missed the workout. i think I'm totally skipping one today too. It is my TOM as well, even though I mostly just get fatigued and, well, I guess , headaches! .... I really want more cardio too. I'm going to have to go look around. Maybe even the one body part a day? hmmmmm

Alex is punishing ME by being punished. He went with the "bad" kid across the street on his dirt bike to who-knows-where WITHOUT a helmut even. So many things not right with that!

Gotta go....
Hottie, you're the funny one!! :) Loved the recap of your nap! If I want to nap, I can't get into bed if DH is there. ;) His definition of a nap is different than mine. We do color eggs - I need to get the supplies tonight. My SIL is having an Easter Egg hunt tomorrow - won't be as fun as your chocolate one, I'm sure! You could have scratched your eye or something - probably best to give the contacts a rest for a bit. There's lots of lubricating drops out there that might help it feel better.

Beth, kites are a good idea, I think we did that one year. Oh, speaking of X-rated talk on DVDs (we talk about everything here, don't we??) - this isn't really x-rated, but I had to laugh at myself this morning doing the mat workout. Sylwia was doing some crunch thing where you lift up your leg and I thought she was say crotch instead of crunch the first few times she said it. I can't remember the exact phrase, but it was pretty funny when I realized oh, she's saying crunch! I was like, what the heck is she talking about?? Put my crotch where???

Chris, I figured you were kidding about the bikini! DH will occasionally ask me why I don't wear one. Hello?? Have you looked at me lately?? Oh yea, I'd be upset about what Zach did, too. Your baskets sound good. DH did mention getting Colin and Jameson new soccer balls. I used to love the white chocolate bunnies when I was a kid.

I have more motivation to lose some weight. I ran into a guy I went to grade school with the other night in the grocery store. I had seen him a few months ago in Costco. He recognized me, but I had no idea who he was till he told me. He's planning a grade school reunion, which I think would be fun. I'd love to see what happened to a lot of people. It's not till September so I have time, right??

OK, have to go. Waiting for some word that they are letting us go home early today. Please???


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