April 09 check in Friday 24th


Good morning ladies...

Getting us started today. It is supposed to be a beautiful day here again...Workout for me is Disc 30: shoulders, biceps & triceps..I am going to try to add that run in again today. It felt good yesterday!!

Yesterday, my legs started feeling some DOMS as the morning went on. Mainly in my quads. They feel ok today. But, my back is still feeling those DOMS from Monday a little..

Hope everyone is doing well...Be back later!
Happy Friday Y'all! :p

Kathy whoa back doms from a Monday workout? ow
Enjoy your run today :)

Today it looks to be another wonderful sunny hot day --- me likey :)

Although once again the allergies are here so I have taken my meds for the headaches they give me along with some expresso...yeah my head hurts :confused:

Getting ready to jump on my trusty ol treadmill with Grace in my ear. :) Then off to town to run some errands.

Have a great day!

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Good morning! Crazy hair day here. One head done, one still reluctant and in bed (never mind that we have to leave in 35 minutes!).

Yes, Chris, I loved Family Affair -- that's why I so loved Mrs. Beasley -- it was like I was Buffy!! :D

On the recital -- I think Dylan is nervous and doesn't want to do it -- he hadn't thought about it much until she told him he has to intoduce himself and his songs (last year I think she did that part). It'll be interesting! And Travis is saying he wants to keep the mohawk for the recital -- yeah, right.

gotta run......

oh, whoops, I did disc 21, was it? Or 22? Back and biceps -- I must say, I had a bit of dread factor after having not worked out for two days and also back/biceps are my least favorite to work, but it flew by -- seemed shorter than the previous back/biceps discs.

Good morning ladies!!

Kathy, enjoy your run! I have to say, running for me is definitely the best cardio. I really want to get a treadmill, but DH is not on board - saying we don't have room.

Vilma, which itread are you doing? Those really push me! I'm loving them more and more. We are actually going to have a hot sunny day here, too! Up close to 80.

Beth (and Chris), I forgot to mention yesterday that I loved Family Affair, too! I wanted to live with those kids! I always wanted the Mrs. Beasley doll, but never got one. :( Did both the boys get mohawks? Enjoy the recitals!

This morning was Back and Biceps, and I think it was 21, Beth - the same one you did. It did go by fast. Did you notice that next weeks workouts are shorter? Chest, shoulders and triceps is only 43 minutes. I actually played it to see if it was a mistake, but it's right. I also did Taebo Abs this morning, which was kind of fun.

Last night Caitlyn had another allergic reaction. I was so close to taking her to the emergency room - she really scared me. We were at the honor society induction for Jameson. Afterwards they had cookies and drinks. The kids went up and had some. They had those long skinny cookies with the cream inside - I forget what you call them. Caitlyn wanted one and I didn't think twice about it. Well, she takes a couple bites and all of a sudden gets a really scared look and asks me if it's the kind of chocolate she's allergic to. It had a chocolate cream inside and it must have had hazelnuts in it. She said her throat was getting all itchy and she didn't feel good. I rushed her home to give her benadryl. She seemed OK, but then she threw up. After that she fell asleep and slept through the night. I didn't sleep so well though - I woke up about every hour to make sure she was OK. I had been putting off calling the doctor, but am going to do it today. I don't know how parents of kids with severe peanut allergies handle it. To always have to be on guard about how your kids might be exposed to something that could kill them. Very scary. Now I'm going to worry about giving her anything that might have a trace of hazelnuts in it.

Tonight Jameson and Ian are going to a dance. Yikes! My neighbor will be there chaperoning, so hopefully she'll give me some scoops! They are very excited about it. I think they just like to go to eat the snacks and goof off with their friends.

More and more soccer this weekend! Thankfully the weather looks beautiful! :) Jameson is in an all day soccer tournament tomorrow and both him and Colin have games on Sunday. I do love watching them play, though. I guess we are lucky that Ian isn't into sports too much! Well, just basketball, but that's in the winter.

Better go call the doctor and then do some work!

Back! Joanne, very scary about Caitlyn and the cookies last night!! Yikes! You'd better make sure you have one of those epi pens around. It must be really hard for parents of the peanut allergy kids! Funny about the dance tonight -- let us know if you get any good scoops. ;)

Our weather is completely different again -- 48 degrees this morning and sprinkling. They called for rain this weekend, but I think they've backed off that -- we'll see.

I forgot to tell you guys -- I used my 30 pound dumb bell for the first time (I think!) this morning! And, no, Joanne, I didn't notice they're shorter next week -- like I said, I never look at the timing -- maybe it's my subliminal way of coping. :) I felt pretty strong this morning -- I'll bet it was the extra rest I had. And, I noticed that even though the bands don't seem as hard, I feel like my back works harder using them -- when I do pullups, my biceps really come into play -- I just can't seem to make it be enough about my back. Wish the bands were a little harder.

Dylan did not want his hair done -- too bad, because it's really cute the way I was going to do it (we do it that way in the bath sometimes). Oh well! He's so shy in that way.

hey guys!!

Did DISC 30 a little bit ago, Shoulders, Tri's and Bi's. I ended up going with heavier weights than my 1RM said, because I just didn't feel like i was heavy enough last week, and I think it made a difference! I really LIKE this way of lifting!

My legs are STILL sore from PLYO on Wednesday. I walked like an old lady all day yesterday, and felt like one! I did stretch #1 from TBS , which was nice, after today's weight work.

I wish I could run too, Kathy, but the boys are home this week and it's too tough. I'm jealous of you, maybe I'll try to do it tomorrow for my cardio... The boys actually are fishing with DH right now, it's gorgeous out, and going to be ALL weekend. But I have a ton to do with cleanign for the weekend, laundry , grocery shopping, and I NEED to get outside just to soak up the sun. Maybe go for a bike ride later with the boys.

Damn good thing the weather is getting warm, Our furnace is on the blink, and we have no heat. It's CHILLY in here, I mean it got down in the 40's last night...Brrr!

Vilma: Hope you enjoyed your run and YOUR gorgeous weather!! I had to drug up my 9 yr old before they went fishing, he has allergies too.

Beth: Good to hear you're feeling better and back to STS! 30 lbs!! Was that for biceps???? You go girl!!!!.... Jody and Buffy... Oh I miss that show! Remember Mr. French?? LOL I wanted one of those too! Hope your boys' recital goes well! I'm on the shy side too, esp with public speaking, so I understand. My boys , luckily, do not inherit that shyness from me! LOL

Joanne: OMG on Caitlyn's reaction! Yes, better get to the doc ASAP and get that epi pen. SHe's going to have to be very careful with everything she eats now. So scary, but kids do live with these allergies , so it IS do-able, just anxiety provoking for us moms!!! ... You guys are making your way through STS there! Are you getting DOMS from the weight stuff? Tae Bo abs sounds fun!... Looking forward to hearing about the dance and soccer games!! I'm sad, because Zach's first baseball game was rescheduled to Sunday afternoon, which I will end up missing! Drats!

Okay, better run so I can get out in the sun later!!!
Back for some personals as I eat my egg whites & walnuts - yeah nice combo eh? lol

Joanne I did iTread 7/40 then finished up with 10 m of ab work this morning and I agree Grace pushes me further than if I went on my own.:p

How scary about your daughter & that cookie! I would've freaked. The elementary school that my dd goes to is a no peanut zone. I mean nothing that may even contain any trace of nuts at all.

For me it was hard to pack her lunches as she always enjoys peanut butter with green apples. This is the 1st year that they started that rule in her school due to so many kids having nut allergies.

My MIL is in her early 70s and a few years ago she also came down with nut allergies - very weird as she used to not have any issues. Just goes to show it is so important to know what you eat and to read food labels.

crazy hair day is so much fun here too... although they do it during the Fall.

You go Girl w/ your 30 # dumbbells :D

Chris oy I tell you I love this weather but thank goodness for medicine that helps us all deal with our allergies.

Do your boys catch & release or do they bring home the fish to eat?

I hate cleaning up fish lol those scales can cut.

I understand about the no heat Chris - do you remember we had issues with our heating unit late December / early Jan? - Good God it was freezing in this house. Here's hoping you guys get warmer temps.

Big Happy Hellos going out to Hottie & Ivy if she lurks here.

OH BTW - dh & I are playing with the idea of getting a Facebook.... when you sign up do you HAVE TO use your full name? or can you use an Alias?

Since so many fitness trainers are going to Facebook I can't read their pages unless I'm a FB user.

Just some info & any tips would be helpful concerning that.

Hmmm I need to get going back outside once again.

Later Gators ;)

Vilma, re: facebook -- I think you can probably use an alias, because I think my niece's mentioned some funny name a friend of their's uses, but.... your early childhood friends will have a hard time finding you that way (you can probably find them). There's no harm in trying an alias...... then you can get a feel for it. And also know that there are different levels of privacy you can set -- definitely check that out, because the default seems to be set for the world to view your profile, so I changed that for just my friends.

I'm wasting time doing silly internet stuff.... have to get busy with a giant stack of mail/bills/filing......


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