Alpha Omega Check-In (Wed, 2/25/09)

Good morning everyone!

Jesus [said]: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39)

Iris, I'm so sorry to hear about your cousin. I know that is tough knews to bear and I will surely be keeping little Leslie in prayer. You are right, with God all things ARE possible (Matthew 19:26). Remember to walk by Faith and not by sight!

Anything else hardly seems worth mentioning now in light of your news, but I know you asked yesterday if I was sore from Jillian's workout. I wanted to tell you that YES, I was soooo sore! In particular, my butt, hamstrings, back, biceps & triceps were very sore! It's a great workout. Also, I'm glad you had a good time in your Kickboxing class, and that STS is kicking your butt!

Becca, it's so nice to hear from you! I'm glad you are doing well and enjoying STS. How awesome that you're already seeing results in only 7 workouts!! Imagine what it will be like at the end of 3 months!?

Karen, it's good to hear from you too! I pray that all is going well with you and your family!

My workout today is Legs & Glutes.

Blessings to all who follow! :)
Hello all!

Iris, I am so sorry to here of your news of your cousin. I will keep her in my prayers. How old is she? Praying that your family will call upon the Lord during this time.

Christine, how did L&G go? That is such a fun workout.

Karen, good to see you! Hope all is well.

My WO today was STS Disc 8 back and tris. It was another good one, but I had a tough time focusing because ds (4) had called 911 and a police officer showed up at my front door this morning.:mad: Not fun.

Have a blessed day everyone! :)
Hello Ladies,

I thank you all for your prayers. Leslie is 12 years old. I am really worried that it sounds like it may be an aggressive form of leukemia, based on the fact that they are treating her with both chemo and dialysis. I don't know how my cousin, (Leslie's Mom) is doing. She was raised in a christian home. Her father was a minister, but like many people, she took a different road from her teen years onward. I think that going through something like this, it helps to have a spiritual connection, and I'm just hoping that she remembers who to call on in troubled times.

Christine, I am definitely going to order Jillian's workouts soon. They sound pretty good :)

Becca, you must have started STS a week before me. I hit disc 5 today. Those back & tricep workouts are tough :) I'm glad Cathe went with the 1 disc per day method, instead of a DVD with a bunch of pre-mixes. It makes it soo easy to follow the rotation :)

Hello Karen, thanks for your kind words and prayers :) They mean soo much to me.

I will check in after STS-5 this evening. Have a great day everyone.
Iris, what a shame for such a young girl to go through. But we know that God has a plan and purpose for all things. Nothing happens to us that is beyond or out of his control & fore-knowledge. I pray your cousin (Leslie's mom) returns to the Lord to find her source of strength through this!

Becca, I haven't done Legs & Glutes straight through in such a long time, it was killer! But I can see how my legs have gotten stronger because I made it through all those plyo jumps for the first time ever! My legs are already sore!! Oh my gosh, when I was younger the same things happened at my house (calling 911) and even though my parents got on the phone to explain everything was okay, they still sent a police officer to our home to make sure everything really was okay! :confused:

Have a blessed night everyone!
Have a Great Night and day on Thursday. Alot of stuff happening at work and at school, prayers are appreciated without going into detail.
Hello Everyone.

Well STS - Disc 5 is done, and I'm lucky I can still type, lol. I was just posting in Cathe's Check-in thread, that at one point, I just looked at my TV and asked Cathe to slow down! She moves soo quickly on these workouts, I find I have to pause to grab the next set of weights, or band, lol I'm really enjoying the workouts though. I love having the workout card, so I can check off the excercises as I complete them, and see how close I am to the end ;)

Jennifer, I'll be praying for you. Hang in there. Seems a few of us are having a tough week.

Christine, it is a shame that Leslie is facing such a major battle. My sister was able to speak to my aunt today. Leslie's grandmother. She told my sister the reason they are giving her dialysis as well as chemo is because they need to clean her blood out. They are giving her blood tranfusions too. They say she is in good spirits. Her color is returning and surprisingly she is handling the chemo pretty well soo far. She does have a tough road ahead of her. She will be in the hospital for at least a month, and right now it's hard to predict when she will be able to return to school. It's a tough time for the parents also of course. They just bought a house about 2 years ago, and their mortgage is quite high. Now it looks as though my cousin may have to quit her job to take care of Leslie. I don't know how they will make it on one salary, but I know that right now getting Leslie better has to be their priority, as it would be mine. She has many people praying for her, and I know god will turn this around for good. It seems hard to believe that anything good can come out of a difficult situation, but none of this is catching the lord by surprise, and I just feel something positive will come out of this tough time.

Thank you all for your prayers, keep them coming, because that is exactly what Leslie and my family need right now :)

Have a great night ladies :)
Nothing happens without God's purpose in mind. I pray we all continue to fulfill His glorious plan. God Bless you and may the God of all creation grant us His peace and love.
God Bless you all!!

Today was Imax 2 and upper body split from Cross Train Xpress ( biceps, back and abs.)


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