Alpha Omega Check-In (2/7/09)

Good morning Sisters! :)

"Be still and know that I am God..." (Psalm 46:10)

Karen, I'm not sure if they offer the "Faces of Christ" retreat where I live, but I'll do some research to find out!

Linda, how is your shoulder today?

Becca, glad you got a workout in! I really like ME! My hubby likes Shred because it's only 20 minutes, lol. He's not that big into exercise.

Iris, glad you got to spend another day with your grandson! How old is he?

Today is my rest day! My hubby and I are going out to breakfast then running some errands. I'm having my grandma over for dinner tonight, she is 91 but still completely with it! So, it should be a nice day! Tomorrow will be in the 50's so we plan on another walk in the park with the dog!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Blessings to all!
Alpha Omega Check-in


Good morning! Between completing my first 5K a week ago in my goal time of less than an hour and faithfully finishing the first week of STS, this has been a joyful and triumphant week! I am fired up and ready to take on hell with a water pistol! LOL!

The STS workouts are so motivating that I am having fun with them even when I have to save them for after work. I am a morning glory girl all the way, but I am enjoying STS no matter what time of day it is! My first 5K last Saturday morning wiped me out. I rested Sunday morning, took a long nap after church, and recovered enough to tackle the first STS workout that evening. I watched the Super Bowl kickoff, put my game face on, and kicked off my Super Transformation Sunday! I completed all the workouts at night this week to be consistent and give my body 48 hours to recover between each one. I filled up with warm fuzzies and felt so good after the back and triceps workout Tuesday night. I love feeling so strong and accomplished after an hour of STS. Cardio gives me this burst of joy and energy. This is a first for me with weight training. Who knew that it could be enjoyable?

Please join me for a moment of silence. Thursday was a sad day for my beloved Butts and Guts leg blast premix. It lost its place in my heart as my favorite lower body workout of all time. Cathe was right on target when she affectionately referred to the Mesocycle 1 leg workouts as "Butts and Guts on crack!" Cathe even included my favorite firewalkers! I had a blast with the first leg workout of STS Thursday night, and my butt is still on fire! Fun, fun, fun! What a great workout! I am saving the bonus burn for next week so I will have something new to look forward to when I repeat this first week of workouts. I am ready to revisit this one again!

I am going for the 5-month rotation, and I am looking forward to revisiting the first week again starting tomorrow morning. I decided to listen to my body on cardio days and choose a workout accordingly instead of following Cathe’s cardio rotation. I had a blast with my Zumba class Monday after work and the 4-Day Split Higher Intensity Step cardio premix Wednesday morning. I also enjoyed the no-equipment segment of Ab Circuits Wednesday night. It was just right for me. I had to modify the more advanced planks, but it was very doable other than that. The extended stretch is nice and soothing.

Friday was my rest day. Today is cardio day, and I am looking forward to the 4-Day Split Kickbox cardio premix, another segment of Ab Circuits, and the extended stretch.

I started not one but two new Bible studies on Super Transformation Sunday! I am savoring Beth Moore’s Jesus, the One and Only until Easter and Believing God until the 4th of July. Jesus the One and Only is a 10-week study that I want to complete in 10 weeks so I can watch the last teaching session on Easter Sunday. Believing God is written as a 9-week study. I need these faith affirmations throughout my STS journey, so I am renewing my mind with a couple lessons a week to make it last for 5 months!

I have a praise to share! God has done a good thing! One of my neighbors (who is a recovering addict) overdosed on Xanax and other prescription drugs the Saturday after Thanksgiving and had to be taken to the emergency room by ambulance. I have been praying for him since he moved into the neighborhood. He is a nice guy who has always been polite and quiet. For as long as I have known him, there has been a gray cloud around him. He was very melancholy and lonely, and I could feel the emptiness in his heart and soul. He detoxed from the drugs and returned home. I was excited to see him last month. He looked so healthy and full of life when he ran up to me and thanked me for praying for him that night. He had a heart attack at the hospital and was dead for 20 minutes. He believes God revived him! He is no longer taking any prescription painkillers or medication for anxiety or depression. He is clean and sober and does not look like the same person! He is bursting with vitality and attending a sister church in town that my church family planted years ago. I am so happy to see him turning his life around! There is nothing like a brush with death to make someone appreciate life! I am doing the happy dance and praising God for this answer to prayer! It gets even better. I talked to him again last night. After his life-and-death experience, he is on fire for the Lord and wants to live for Him! He married his girlfriend, and both of them are moving to Uganda for a year to serve with missionaries! Wow! When I talk to him and see the joy and new life radiating from within, it is hard to believe that this is the same guy who was depressed and anxious and battling an addiction to drugs a few short months ago. Glory to God!

Christine, I love Psalm 46:10! Enjoy the beautiful weather today!

Heather B.

"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
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Anyway, The main reason I came on today is to tell ya shoulder feels great! I can hardly believe that there is no pain. I did LIC cardio premix today and had no trouble with the arm movements. Yoo Hoo!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

I did some more reading in the baptism book today waiting for DS to get dressed after swim. All I can say is I am learning a lot.
Linda, I'm so happy your shoulder feels better!! :) :)

Heather, I'm glad you're enjoying STS! I have to say, I can't believe your favorite lower body workout was the leg blast premix from Butts & Guts. That one is beyond killer!!! You go girl!! :) I cannot even imagine a tougher challenge, and the fact that Cathe now has a leg workout known as "Butts & Guts on crack" just plain scares me! :p Praise God for the story about your neighbor!!! It is so true that nothing is impossible with God. It is amazing to see lives transformed 110% after encountering the saving Grace of Christ! My friend has a plack on her wall in her home that says "Prayer Changes Things". It is so true! Good for you for being a faithful, prayerful servant!

Well, I spoke with my grandma this morning and she didn't feel up to leaving the house for dinner. So my hubby and I visited her for lunch at her house instead. We brought our dog because my grandma just loves her! We had a nice afternoon.

I hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
Good Afternoon Ladies,

It's a beautiful day in NJ today. I was actually able to handwash my car today. Ok, my hands were a little cold, but it was good to be able to get all that salt off, and I do a much better job than the carwash does, lol.

Hi Christine, enjoy your rest day today :) My grandson is 2 years old. When I got home from the gym yesterday, my husband was babysitting him. He's such a good grandpa, on his day off here he is watching his grandson while my son's GF Stephanie and my daughter go out to the mall :) My grandson is at a fun age now, where he's starting to talk and interact a lot more, soo cute, but lots of work too.

Linda, glad to hear your shoulder feels better today. Don't you love when reading makes things soo clear to you, in a way that you can feel comfortable answering someone's questions on the subject. A few weeks ago, a co-worker of mine visited my church. I had invited her previously to a play, but she had never come for an actual service. She happened to come one Sunday morning. Unbeknown to me, she has been thinking of looking for another church. She used to be Catholic and is now Episcopilian. The next day at work after her visit, she proceeded to tell me a few things that were different than anything she's used to. One was the fact that we don't all pray the Our Father prayer together, another that we didn't partake in communion. I have been out of the loop with my religion for soo long, and am just getting back to the things of god, so I don't know if I answered correctly. What I said was that Our Father is the easiest prayer you can pray, and that I myself do start off with it, but we can also go right to god with our thanksgiving and prayer requests, and in church that is what we do. That we try not to do anything that makes it a ritual. I told her communion - we do once a month, for the same reason, that we feel if you do it more often, it becomes more of a ritual, and it can begin to loose the meaning. Those were the answers I gave her off the top of my head. Again, being a little rusty in my bible studying, etc. I think it's very important to be read up. It's excellent that you're reading on baptism, and you will be soo much better equiped to answer any questions thrown at you about baptism :)

Heather, it's soo nice to hear from you. I love the joy that comes form you in each of your posts. Praise the Lord for the wonderful testimonies you've shared, both on your successes and your neighbors miraculous transformation. Isn't god amazing? Glad to hear you are enjoying STS. I plan to start STS possibly in March.

On to my workout. I did MuscleMax Timesaver today. That's a great full body weight-lifting work-out. I don't know why I'm feeling soo lazy about getting my 1RM's done, but by the time I'm done with my weight-lifting, I just don't feel like lifting another weight. I think I'm going to just concentrate on doing them as one weight-lifting day, and that'll be my workout for that day. It is a workout in itself anyway :)

Ladies, enjoy the weekend.

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