6 Monthers, STS, Wednesday the 25th


Good morning, everybody! Sorry I was MIA yesterday. I had a bunch of things going in different directions....nothing big or 'bad', just distracting, really.

I AM CLIMBING THE WALLS! I feel lazy. Bring on Meso 2!!!!!!!!

For those of you that watch, SURVIVOR is on tonight instead of tomorrow night!

The weekend was a blast! We had so much fun. It was really cool being at the beach when everything is closed and there is NOBODY around....like a ghost town. Saturday night, after playing on the beach for a while, Jerry and his wife came to Ellie's place and we ordered Pizza Hut (I had him pick me up a salad, lol). The adults hung out and chit chatted while the kids played. Then Sunday morning after breakfast, we hit the beach again for some pictures and more fun. Then it was off to Jerry's wife's 50th BDay party, where Jerry proceeded to tell us about Cathe's Shock Cardio series. We yelled at him, saying he should have called us so we could preorder ASAP! lol The party was fun, and then it was a 3 hour drive home for me. I was WIPED out all Monday and part of yesterday. But all is OKAY today.

Sorry to hit and run....have a few projects I'm working on at home here.

Gayle and all 6 monthers,

So good to hear from you Gayle. I started a post at the same time as you, so I left a message to disregard my post. My work day is in full swing, so I'll check back with updates on my lunch hour when I have lots more time:eek:.

OMG! I was in so much pain while I was sleeping. My legs, and especially my arms!!!!!!!!!!!!! Going to do disc 8 today. Where can I find what all these acronyms stand for...like DOMS. Not sure what that means but I think I definetly have it!
LOL. Soon2bfit...DOMS is delayed onset muscle soreness, and YES.....it sounds like you have it! LOL


p.s. Mary, great minds think alike!
Hi Everybody!

I did disk 11 today. Those heavyer weights are really noticeable! Wow! My triceps were so pumped! I was thrilled, too, to find out that I can now do 10 chinups, last week was 7, but the pullups are another story... Of course they also show up at the end of the program, so I am already tired... But oh well, I just keep doing them anyway, just not as many. The up one down three thing is really challenging for the chinups and pullups! How did you guys do on those, those of you who already did disk 11?

Jo, I'm doing Imax 3 tomorrow for my cardio as well. I have to admit though, Imax2 is my favorite, the Imax 3 is just a little more aggressive in my opinion, but that will suit my plans just fine, it should help me blast off some of the body fat. I have a goal to reduce my bodyfat to 18%, and it's proving to be harder than I thought. So, higher intensity cardio, here I come!

Julie, I had to ask what DOMS meant, too, and yep, sounds like you have a good case of them! :)

Gayle, I'm glad to hear your weekend was so much fun. Kind of cool that your recovery week happens to be right after that weekend, so you can recover from the weekend business too...:)

Mary, I was wondering, with the workout room at your job starting up, will you be able to workou out there with your friends? That would be so cool!

I was wondering if I could pick your brains on nutrition. I know most of you try to eat clean, but how many of you watch the macronutrients? I think I have figured out that I am a endomorph body type and BFFM mentions that the endomorph tends to be carb sensitive and suggests to be on moderate carbs, which would translate to only about two fruits and two to three servings of complex carbs preferrably eaten before afternoon. This is a guideline for fatloss not for maintenance. I maintain well at this point, but in order to burn off the couple of body fat % I was wondering about it. What do you do when you plan your meals? Any experiences you had experimenting I would love to hear about!

I have only used my husband's heartrate monitor once so far and he is arleady suggesting I get my own, and this is from a guy who has not worked out in about 6 months....:) Feeling territorial about workout things... I might just humor him and get one of those ones that also list calories burned, like you have, Belinda.:) And then I promise I'm not going to buy any more fitness related things for a while.... (notice the noncomittal ' for a while') ;)

Have a great day, everyone!
Hi girls,

I am done with disc 8 ,for the second time! Can’t wait for meso 2!

Julie**WTG, on your DOMS! :p:p

Candrine** Debbie (Fitnessfreak) recommend that HR to me, I love it! It’s a Sportsline SX universal combo ECG heart rate monitor! I am also an endomorph, since watching my carbs my weight is coming off! That BFFM book sounds interesting!

Gayle** did you get DOMS with meso 1? I am losing weight, but no doms! Glad you had fun this weekend! Great pic.!

Mary**have fun at work!

Hi to the rest of the gang!
I do BFFM also. I restrict my fruit to 2 servings and I have them in the morning in a smoothie. I have a complete protein at every meal. I basically follow the basic guidlines.

I have not been able to firgure out if I am an endo or ecto morph. How did you figure it out?
:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:Hi Everybody,

I'm totally frustrated. I did a post on my lunch hour that I somehow deleted before I had a chance to send:mad:.

I just did another long post when I got home from work, and I accidently deleted it again:mad:. I must be tired!!

I'm thinking of all of you tonight, and hope everybody had a great day, and I will try again tomorrow!!!!!!


Thanks for the link. I am built like an ectomorph ( ithinkk) I am 5'4", 116lbs, 15% body fat, measurements are 34/26/35, small bones. However what throws me off is the fast metabolism. I have Hashimotos, hypothyroidism. Thoughts?
Just finished disc 12, seemed a little easier than the other leg ones. Also did the pilates inspired abs which are kind of fun. I'm feeling much better

Gayle Glad that you had fun at the beach! How fun to meet other people from the forum! So hard to imagine being at the beach as we're in the middle of a day snow blizzard.

Soon2Bfit It does sound like you have some DOMS (delay onset muscle soreness). Hope it's better soon!

Cendrine I can get a bit territorial about my exercise stuff sometimes, DH tends to buy me stuff for Christmas/birthday gifts and then want to use it all the time. Last summer he lost my running water water bottle that straps around the waist and he's always misplacing my Garmin.:rolleyes:

Mary, How frustrating on losing 2 posts!

Hi Everyone! Well I just got home from work (another long day!). So I see we have DOMS, endomorphs, heart rate monitros and frustrated posters today! I guess that's par for the course, I overslept as I couldn't sleep last night...still got my Imax 3 workout in and now it's 8:00 and I just got home!

Cendrine I am more of an ectomorph but really some kind of combo. I'm curvier than the ecto description but don't fit the endo and definitely not the third. I have small bones, narrow shoulders, small waist and round butt (so I'm ecto top half and maybe endo butt! I dunno but that's where my fat is!). For me, I eat protein with every meal, lots of fruits and vegetables, brown rice, wheat berry and other whole grains. I stay away from bread and sugar (try to!). I swear, one piece of bread and I gain weight! I eat 4 or 5 times a day. I eat lots of fruits and vegetable but usually alternate them with my meals. Eating this way keeps me balanced. I'm not following any plan, this is just the way (after many years of experiementing) I found my body is happy, energy constant and weight stable.

Tomorrow is Disc 12 - beginning the goodby to Meso 1. Gayle, how is your recovery week going?

I need to get something to eat. Talk to you all tomorrow!


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