6 Monthers, STS, Tuesday the ???


I have no idea what the date is today. lol Seriously. All I know is that it's Tuesday, I work today and have tomorrow and Friday OFF, baby! LOL

OK....disc 20 is done and DARE I EVEN UTTER the words that it felt easier than dis 17 last week??? Don't tell Cathe I said that! HA! I made some notes for next week's repeat of this disc to increase some weights. With this workout, I used my barbell for the lateral step ups for the first time. I was a bit worried about stepping up laterally onto/off of the step with the barbell as opposed to the dumbbells, but it was fine as long as I concentrated on keeping my core engaged and my balance even. I LOVED IT! And that plate work, again, I've noted to increase some of those weights a bit. Then I tacked on the Gumby Extended Stretch! :)

Time to get the kids ready for the day.....they're up already! Sleeping with the windows open is awesome, but sometimes if the road on the side of our home is busy in the early morning, a loud motor or motorcycle will wake them up. No biggie.....I'm treating them to cinnamon rolls this morning and the house smells YUMMY! (I, mind you, enjoyed my Salsa Chicken Wrap. YUM!)


Quick morning for me too. I am waiting to see if there is work to be done today.
I did disc 16 for the first time today and whoooweee.!!! I am still on an endorphin high or something because it put me in such a good mood. Which is weird because toward the end I was failing on all of my tricep weight. That normally would have put me in a bad mood but I took it as total exhaustion of all my muscles and was elated with that. I am loving those back off sets. They really feel effective.

I love sleeping with the windows open too. We luckily live far enough in the woods that we have no traffic noise but we have two dogs that occasionally catch a wiff of another dog or something and will start barking as they take off after it. But the DH somehow got them to start barking as they get out from the house a little. Don't ask me how...ok firecrackers. I know it sounds mean but it is harmless and they are not even afraid of them now. They just know to not bark inside the yard. Hope no one is offended.

Happy day to all.

Good Morning Everybody!!!

OK all you TEE HEE'ERS, I woke up to some major DOM's in my chest this morning. I actually considered not putting on deodorant :D:D. My body was still pretty tired when I woke up, so I did the kickbox portion of the 4D's and the stability ball abs. Just enough to work up a light sweat!!

It's still raining today :confused::confused:. We have some flood warnings out, but nothing as major as what Kim has to deal with.

I'm becoming a broken record, but my work day is just beginning, so I need to sign off until later today. Have a great morning and stay strong!!!!

Tee Hee'ers? LOL It took me a few seconds to read that right. I kept reading it as "TH'ers" and I was trying to figure out what TH stood for! LOL DUH!

Great workout, hugh Mary! We told ya so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

Rachel, no offense about the dogs. If I told you I used firecrackers to train my boys, would THAT offend YOU? lol Just kidding, really. I promise! And I know what you mean about getting cranky if you can't finish a set.....that happened to me with shoulders on Sunday and I was cranky at first, but then I did what you did...chalked it to an awesome HARD workout! Great job!!!

I've got a soup on the stove. It's from the Clean Eating mag and it's called Chicken Coconut Soup. I've never made a soup with coconut milk and/or cilantro, so I figured I'd try it out. I bulked it up like I usually do with soups, by adding more broth and a few extra handfuls of veggies. I'll let you know how it turns out, but right now it smells SUPER YUMMO!!!!

BBL, gotta stir the soup!

Please do Gayle
I was curious about that soup myself but was not sure about the coconut milk in something savory. I have not tried it before.

Last nights dinner.
1/2 brown rice on a bed of baby greens, dotted with some homemade guacamole, with some sauteed peppers and onions and grilles chicken. All sqirted with some lime . I thought...how can anything that tastes this good be good for you.:D
Hi Guys,

my chest is sore from disk 16 and so are my triceps. But my shoulders, who were wincing the hardest yesterday... no doms. or should I say they are still on their way...?

Did CCV3 today and no equipment abs, I feel great!

Be back later for more

Gayle, you are going to love the soup! I have done soups with coconut milk before and they are soooo yummy! Let me know if you'd like recipes for butternutsquash coconut soup and coconut carrot soup, I did both of those and they were tasty.

Gotta run!
Rachel, I re-read my post above and I meant to say "no offense TAKEN about the dogs". I hope you didn't take my wording the wrong way.

Sorry to hit and run. I decided to cut the grass (YUCK) today since it's supposed to rain the next 2 days. BBL

Good Day Everyone! :eek:

It's a wonderful Tuesday isn't it? Today I did Disc 17. I don't know why, but it felt much more difficult than it did last week. Maybe I was going deeper, I don't know, but I do know I'm going to feel it! I was also going to do some ab work but ran short of time so will do that tonight while watching TBL! :cool:

Gayle, Disc 20 easier than 17??? That gave me hope after struggling through 17 today! Our bedroom is on the 2nd floor and we have a deck off our bedroom, so once it warms up here, we sleep with the door open. It is very quiet here so no motorcycles to wake us! Just coyotes and owls and such! Ohhh cinnamon roll smells are very homey...you are a wonderful mom! :eek:

Rachel, Disc 16 is great isn't it? I, too, love those back off sets! So far with both Disc 13 and 16 my chest, shoulders and triceps were really talking to me! Maybe it's because I struggled so with the pushups in Meso 1. These workouts I can really get into! ;)

Mary, yes, my dear, how are those DOMS??? Just wait until tomorrow! Kickbox was probably a good workout to do after yesterday. Chicken Coconut soup sounds yummy! I LOVE cilantro! Yes, let us know how it turns out. :D

Cendrine, I love the no equipment abs! I think that one and the weights and plates are my two favorite on the DVD. Okay, so last night I tried eating tofu. I'm trying really hard to go into alternate proteins but this one is tough for me. I have a really hard time with the texture. DH heated it in a skilled and put lots of seasonings on it and it was okay but I think I'll do better with the tempuh. Actually, no reason for doing this other than I'm trying to venture out! :eek:

Okay, back to work! Hello to everyone who follows! It's a great day!
I am glad that you are back to your cheery healthy self. I am looking forward to disc 17 on Thurs. I am hoping I feel as strong for that one as I did disc 16.
I really am loving the upper body work in this and am really seeing some great muscle def. coming in. I can not imagine what I will look like at the end of Meso 2 if I can keep my clean eating up.

I am wondering how I will fare after doing disc 16 today. I always get doms in the chest but I don't in the tris and shoulders everytime. I don't know if the shoulders is because I am afraid of injury so I do not push as hard as I should or that I have She-ra Shoulders:p...I am sure it is the injury thing though:D. Today I could not get all of my reps for the tris. I even had to drop in weight on the leaning OH ext just to keep form so I am hoping all that pushing will bring the pain tomorrow...We are so sick with our needing the pain:D

I gotcha...Esp. when you said you would train your boys. That is even better than training the dogs.
The porch swing thing gave me a good laugh. I don't know how many memories I have growing up when relatives would come to visit and my mom and her dad and sometimes aunts and uncles would all gather on the porch in the evening and start telling stories and swinging and all of the sudden there they would be, on the porch floor laughing everytime. You made me want to go out and get one.:)

I am making the egg casserole out of the oxygen mag. tonight so I will tell yall how it turns out.

YUMMY! This soup is delish and had it for my afternoon meal and am having it again RIGHT NOW for my dinner!!! Here's the recipe for Chicken-Coconut Soup:

Chicken-Coconut Soup
1 T canola or EVOO
1 garlic clove, minced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 C carrots, chopped
1 C white or red potato, chopped
sea salt and black pepper, to taste
1 ½ C low socium chicken broth
½ C light cononut milk
½ C skim milk
8 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast (uncooked)
½ C snow peas, cleaned and cut lengthwise
1 tsp chile pepper flakes
1-2 tsp fresh lemon juice
4 T fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped

• Heat oil in a pot over medium heat. Add garlic, onion, carrots and potatoes. Season with salt and pepper and sauté until onions are lightly translucent.
• Add broth and coconut and skim milks. Bring to a boil.
• Add chicken, cover and let simmer for 12 minutes over medium-low heat.
• Remove chicken and set aside. Add peas and chile flakes to soup. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.
• When cool enough to handle, slice chicken and add pieces back to the soup.
• Season with additional salt and pepper, if desired. Add lemon juice, sprinkle in cilantro and serve.

Nutritional Info: Makes 4 servings, 1 ½ C each: 250 Calories, 12g Fat, 4.5g Saturated Fat, 18g carbs, 3g Fiber, 6g Sugar, 16g Protein, 150mg Sodium, 30mg Cholesterol
Original Source: Clean Eating, May/June 2009 issue

Kids are at Religion (second to last class for the year), and then we're heading to DS' baseball game. Biggest Loser tonight!!!!! yeah, baby!


Hi Guys,

back again!

Jo, maybe the workout was harder because you are still recovering from your nasty migraine? In any case, your hard work will show! Don't feel bad about the tofu! I actually hear it is better to eat the less processed soy products, such as tempeh and edame(I can't figure out how to spell this!) Anyway, from what I can tell the tofu cheese and tofu is more processed. I do like tempeh better than tofu as well. They used to make a really yummy tofu in Switzerland that had stuff added into the actual tofu like peppers and grains and it was super smooth and yummy, but I haven't found that here.

You guys are all so fortunate to be able to sleep with the windows open without noises and such! Heaven! Enjoy it!

So I decided, that now that I reached 18% (it's funny, it felt like it took a long time to get there, but now that I'm here I don't feel like I want to be done), I might as well try for 15%. That will be my lower limit, though. I just figured I would like a little wiggle room before I start experimenting with how much my body actually needs to maintain. So I'm already eating clean through May 9 anyway, thanks to you, Mary, and then it's only one more week until my next measuring day, and then I will have done another month of fatloss phase. I don't think that I'm necessarily going to hit the 15% mark by then, but I might get to 16%.
For those of you who have reached your goal and then gone into maintenance phase, how did you transition? I was wondering if I should decrease my 3 days low 1 day high calories to 2days low 2 days high and then alternate and see how that does for me and then go up more as the results permit. What have you guys done? Part of me doesn't want to weigh and measure every week, so I was thinking a more long term thing might work for me more. But I'm not sure yet.
Anyway, just some things I was wondering about.

I made a yummy white chocolate/cranberry/dried apricot fudge to give to all the teachers and staff involved in my son's kindergarten and I didn't have a try! :)

m1 banana, chocolate protein shake and oatmeal
m2 blueberries, greek yoghurt, oatmeal
m3 big salad with zucchini, almonds and chicken
m4 veggie soup with chicken and flax seed
m5 salmon with mustard sauce and asparagus

How's the eating going for all you fit gals?
Gayle and Rachel,

you both posted right when I was typing...:)

That soup looks so good! I'm glad you like it!

Rachel, I had to go down in tris weights on the side leaning extensions as well! Boy, that one was especially hard. Triceps and chest are sore, still nothing in the shoulders. I am a tad bit careful with the shoulders as well, maybe I am not lifting enough. But I sure reached failure, so why i'm not feeling it now? I don't know!
I'm here, just been kind of lazy the last couple of days. Yesterday was my rest day and today ds and I just did a nice 2.5 mile run. Eating okay except for a handful of potatoe chips yesterday:eek::eek: Starting M2W4 tomorrow.

Jo So glad that you're feeling better! Do you get migraines very often?

Mary What a nasty thing for your friend to say:mad::mad: Good for you for sticking to your plans and dong well at the bonfire! Sounds like you're kind of enjoying Meso 2, lot more DOMS with this cycle. The first week of each workout I get a lot of doms and not so much with the second week. Don't worry I can't do a full pull up either, I give a little push with my toes and then lower myself done. Hope you have some sunshine heading your way!

Gayle What a way to end our challenge, at your son's communion! Did you get your swing fix?? We bought a porch swing last summer and used it so much. The kids really enjoy it and DH and I like to sit out there and have coffee. I put the swing up on Friday (it was put away for the winter)but not really warm enough to use it. My ds is doing okay, just icing his ankle and using his brace a little extra.

Chrissy That's still a great time on the 5K! I've never had "potty" trouble in my races but I think that's because I go a million times before the race because I'm paranoid that I will have a problem. Driving around with the roof off the jeep sounds like so much fun!!

Rachael WTG on clean eating this weekend!!

Cendrine You sound like quite the cook! Do you enjoy cooking?

Feeling a little guilty as I did such a easy cardio today but sometimes it's nice to have a lighter day:D I promise no potatoe chips tonight!!!!!!!
Off to watch TBL! Kim
Back again...

Rachel, I am also seeing some definition but mostly in my shoulders (I actually have chicken wings so its exciting to see anything!). Anyway the clean eating along with really pushing it on my shoulders (to balance out my a$$) seems to be working. DH even noticed the other day! :D

Gayle, thanks for the recipe. I need to try that along with the curry and the pancakes! I better get busy!

Cendrine, yes I might still be recovering from the headache. It's probably really trying to rid myself of the pain medication thats hampering me! Also, I would go with 2 days high 2 days low...but I guess you'll have to play with it figure out what works best. What I do know is when I was low before; it was really easy to put it back on if you don't maintain the balance. I think for a while I was doing like 3 days low 2 days high. Then I got tired of it (or maybe went on vacation and blew it! :p) I can't remember. But it is hard to maintain over a long period of time.

Kim, M2W4? Wow, did you jump ahead? I get migraines about once a month down from about 6 a month I used to get! I generally can control them but this last one got away from me and took me OUT! Sometimes the medicine just doesn't work. This one was triggered by the weather. We live in a convergenance zone and when everything is just right - blamo! Springtime is especially bad. I can't wait to see TBL tonight!!!!

Gotta go! :eek:
Rachel, be sure to share that recipe if you think it's worth sharing. I like to try a new recipe once a week. I find it feels like a treat to me and keeps the consistant clean eating easier to handle.

Cendrine, MAINTENANCE is what has always been my biggest challenge, believe it or not. I think maybe because when I'm working toward a weight loss goal or a measurement goal, it's easier to SEE the improvements. HOWEVER, I FEEL different this time, INSIDE! Does that make sense???

Yes our swing is now fixed and I sat on it today in the middle of cutting the grass (YUCK). lol Our new swing isn't on my porch, mainly because I don't HAVE a porch! LOL It's actually on a wooden frame from an older swing set, and it's PERFECT! The kids and I were talking tonight about moving it closer to the house and putting tiki torches up around it so we can enjoy it at night.

Kim, I don't think I REALIZED that you're a week ahead of me. Is that right? How did I miss that?

Jo, just because I said disc 20 SEEMED easier than 17 does not mean it's easy! LOL In fact, DOMS are really setting in....already!

OK.....just sitting here watching The Biggest Loser. Waiting for the dishwasher to stop so I can open it and let the stuff air dry before I head to bed to watch the rest of the show. Tomorrow is cardio and abs. I'm THINKING of doing either a run, or CTX 10-10-10 or maybe the Kick Max low impact premix. Not sure yet. And then, of course, abs/core work and a stretch. I'm taking a personal day from work tomorrow, but I don't have anything planned, really. I just had to use my days so I wouldn't lose them. We'll see what I end up doing tomorrow.

G'Night ladies. And might I just add that WE ROCK!!!!!

Kim, with your 6 mile runs that you do, I would not feel guilty for easy cardio any day of the week! You deserve a lighter day, in fact, I think it's good to let the body do a little easier work for part of the cardios each week. And yes, I do enjoy cooking, especially because I enjoy experimenting. I can almost never make a recipe to the t, I always have to change something just because...:) If running a restaurant wasn't so stressful, if all I could do was come up with fun new menus all the time and just make them, then I would enjoy running a restaurant, but I can't stand even thinking about the logistics of it, I just want the fun part of it, and that works in my house lol!

Jo and Gayle, thanks for the input on the maintenance question. I guess I'll have to start somewhere and go from there. First I thought maybe I could start by adding 50 cals or so per meal each day instead of a full 100, even though the caluculator says I can have 100 more for maintenance at each meal, but I'd hate to add 100 each meal every day only to find out it was too much. I'd rather do half, loose a little and realize half more was not enough....:p
But then I though if I do 2 days high and 2days low, that would continue my body on the zigzag concept, which seems to have worked quite well and it would force me to stay accountable and keep tabs on my daily meals etc, which is probably why maintenance has not worked for me before because I just stop counting and watching....:eek:

And Gayle, I really do feel different inside too! So I am confident that I won't go back to the way things were, it's like something shifted in my thinking or something like that.

Julie, Hi! I like disk 13 and 14, you'll be sore from 14, let me just warn you up front! LoL!
MY BUTT and HAMS ARE FRIED!!! Yes, I MUST have gone way deeper on all those exercises in DISC 17! Will I be able to walk tomorrow???? AGGGHHHH!!!!! :eek::eek::eek:
Okay, last post...I meant to tell you guys that tomorrow (unless my legs can't handle it) is one of the first days I had scheduled to "double up" in anticipation of the long weekends I have coming up. So depending on how I feel, I'm going to do a CC in the morning and then do Disc 18 tomorrow night. Otherwise, I'll do it on Thursday. But I have to start picking up an extra day here and there. (No worries I'm not planning to do this every day!) I just need to go to a 6 day week instead of a 7. Maybe I'll double up on Thursday instead.

Okay, I'll see how I feel tomorrow. Thanks for letting me talk this through with you all! :D
Okay, just to clarify, I guess I'm doing M2W2B? I think of our mesocycles as 8 weeks long but I guess most people are calling them 4 weeks with a A and B?? I'm doing discs 16, 17 and 18 for the second time ;);)this week.
Off to work I go, how many more years till retirement:p:p

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