6 Monthers, STS, Monday June 29th


I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of June already! I'm afraid that the summer will be over before we realize it even started!

Happy Monday, girls! How was your weekend?

Let's take a roll call.

Cendrine, Rachel, Jo, Chrissy, Tracy, Mary, Me. Did I miss somebody? I have issues with memory! :p HOW ARE YOU ALL???

I just got done with Leaner Legs. I think it's funny that my workout logs show I haven't done these workouts since January, since! LOL It felt a bit easy. Guess I'll have to increase weights on this workout now too! Thanks, STS! I then tacked on the Extended Stretch from STS. I want to log 3 miles today, so I'll either do that while kids are at Rec or I'll wait till they're home and have them ride their bikes while I run. I'll let them choose, I think.

What's on your schedule today???
NOTHING for me!!!!!!!!!! Kids go to Rec at 9. No baseball anymore. Basketball is on a break till July 12th! So I think tonight I may take the kids to the local state park to fish for tadpoles. We like to catch them and put them in an aquarium in our garage and take care of them till they turn to frogs; then we return them to the park.

OK.....off to do some email stuff!

Good Morning All!

Hidy Ho Gayle - you early girl you!!! Since I only have a couple of days to exercise before vacation, I decided to do Pyramid Upper Body! Mama! That about killed me! It was the pace as well as all upper body parts! After getting use to the rest breaks, no rest was a killer! Whew!

I think I'll do what Gayle is doing and do Leaner Legs tomorrow, then Imax Extreme on Wednesday and then it's no working out for me for a week! (What will I do?)

Gayle, I know...I can't believe June is over in a day! Today will be a perfect NW day...low 70's. Hope you all have a great Monday!
Hi Guys!

I did Disk 31 today. If I don't get any Doms it won't be for lack of weight! It was hard! But I also felt myself have really good form, that felt great! No back issues and I'm doing heavier deadlifts than I thought I would ever do due to my lower back sensitivities... I feel very good! This heavy lifting however is making me want to eat everything in sight. Help!

Well, off to shower and stuff with the kids.

i am still here.* turns out stbx still does not have an attorney and now he is claiming i am an absentee mother!* i never ended up leaving with kids because of the absentee mother claim. i ended up taking last week off because my weights broke, luckily they hit the floor and not my face.* hoping to get some weights to borrow from a friend that is on vacation.o and i got i compliment yesterday from a muscle head at a helath and fitness show.* He said I looked like I could beat up Madonna.* I think that's a compliment, anyway.* Had my BF% tested it came in at 16%.* not good because I actually have lost 4 pounds.* therefore i have gained 1 pound bf and lost 5 pounds muscle.*
Hi Everybody,

I haven't had a chance to check the past weeks posts, so I'm sure there is a lot that I've missed. My weekend was jam packed. Had my inlaws over for dinner on Saturday. I cooked up my specialty lasagne that takes about 2 hours to prepare, so needless to say it wasn't the best day for watching calories. I am always good during the week, so I didn't sweat the extra calories. Sunday we spent the day at one of our local lakes boating. We bought Toby (dog) a life jacket and we wanted to test the jacket out. As soon as we pulled him into the boat, he was whining to get back in the lake. He was totally exhausted when we got home, as was I!!!

We got an early start yesterday, so I had to do my cardio workout last night. My body wasn't totally rested when I woke this morning, so I postponed starting meso 3 until tonight. I can't wait to get back to my weights! I printed off my workout card but haven't had a chance to review it yet. WISH ME LUCK!!! My plan is do meso 3 with the repeat week.

Our new employee started last week, and I have been spending a lot of time with her teaching her the basics of my job. I have vacation planned for the week after the 4th of July, and I believe she will have the important tasks down so that I can take a week off without having to worry about the work piling up while I'm gone. Vacations have never been totally relaxing for me because there wasn't anyone in the office that was able to do my work for me. I was always exhausted the week following a vacation because of all the catch up!

We have a outdoor concert on our schedule for this Wednesday. We will be seeing Chicago and Bad Company. It's a sold out concert, so I'm really looking forward to it. I have to work on Thursday, so I will be dragging my butt to work that morning, but it will be so worth it!

I haven't been posting much from home because the honest truth is that my job requires me to be behind a computer all day from 8-5. Mentally, I have a hard time getting back behind the computer when I get home from work. It's not that I don't totally enjoy your conversations, it's just that I sometimes just need to turn my brain off and recharge when I get home. On the nights that I feel like chatting is usually when my DS has a friend over and they are playing a game on the computer, or they are camped out in the office so I can't get to the computer without kicking them out.

Well, my lunch hour is just about up, so I wish all of you a wonderful Monday, and hope the sun is shining for you! Have a Great Day!

Dear Lord, Jo, do I even want to ASK what IMax Extreme is? Oh, I want to know. NO I DON'T DON'T TELL ME! Ok, tell me. :) And yeah, OH MAMA on PUB! I am so sore today! LOL

Cendrine-GREAT JOB on disc 31 and those SUPER heavy weights!

Julie-ABSENTEE MOTHER???? What's with this fool? What 'proof' does he think he has to call you that. THE NERVE OF HIM! I don't know about YOU, but that really TICKS ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mary, SO SUPER HAPPY that you checked in with us today!!! NOW who's the busy person? Certainly not me! I'm sitting here on the PC playing, and the kids are nagging me to go swimming! LOL Take a breather every now and then!

OK.....I got in my 4 mile run (yeah, it was supposed to be 3, but I just couldn't stop myself, lol). Had lunch and now we're going in my friend's pool. They're in Canada for the week and we got the green like (as in past years) to use the pool at our desire (they work FT so nobody's home during the day), so OFF WE GO! I need to soak these muscles in that cooler water, so I'm looking forward to it. Last load of laundry is on the washline so THAT task is DONE!!!

Jo, please don't tell me what IMax Extreme is


p.s. Oh, ok, Jo, go ahead and tell me!

Gayle! You're cracking me up!

Imax Extreme is off the The Terminator DVD! So it's, C&W and 8 Imax 2 intervals and teeny tiny weight segments. For example:

WU from C&W (I think)
C&W step cardio 1
Imax 2 Intervals 2 & 3
Weight segment (from C&W)
C&W step cardio 2
Imax 2 Intervals 4 & 6
Weight segment (from C&W)
C&W step cardio 3
Imax 2 Intervals 7 & 8
Weight segment (from C&W)
C&W step cardio 4
Imax 2 Intervals 9 & 10
Weight segment (from C&W)
Cool down (from Imax 2 I think)

I skip the weight segments (which are very short anyway). I think it doesn't include Imax 2 intervals 1 & 5 (something like that). I haven't done it in a while. If you do the whole thing it's like 72 minutes. Taking out the 4 weight segments makes it about 65 minutes.

Cendrine, great job on disc 31! Are you amazed at what you can lift?

Julie and Mary, nice to see you both! Got to get back to work!
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Hi again!

Julie, Hugs, is all I can say! I hope you get to get good dumbells soon! WTG on the compliments. Make sure you post a picture, I'd love to see those muscles too! LOL!

Jo, that Imax extreme sounds fun! You really use those premixes a lot. Thanks to you I have tried a few that I would not have tried otherwise. But I don't have that DVD (yet).

Gayle, I can't believe June is over either! It's amazing how fast time flies when you're having fun!

Mary, so nice to hear from you! I'm glad you are taking the time you need to unwind. Let us know how you liked your first meso 3 workout! I feel for you about work. It takes a lot of effort to get someone else up to speed, you almost deserve an extra vacation just for training her and then your regular vacation! I had to do train new Sunday school workers for our church regularly, and just when they started being able to do it on their own, they quit, and I had to start from square one. It was easier, frankly to just teach the class myself instead of training someone who wasn't going to stay... But the happy news is that I have just been released early from that responsiblity. I had told the office I was not going to continue after end of July, because I didn't want that on top of homeschooling, and the person in charge gave me off a month early! Yay! I'm so happy! Anyway, here's to hoping this will be a fun and relaxing vacation for you and no stress coming back and no catching up to do!

I took some time out today to finally create an album on my usercontrol panel. If any of you are interested you can check it out now on my page.

What adorable children! I'm so glad you posted those! You and hubby are cute too! ;)

Yes, I LOVE many of the premixes and find there are some I do that I prefer to the main workouts. A good one is on BM2. Though I love the step and power circuits, I really prefer to do them jumbled up! She made some fantastic premixes on that DVD!
Ohh, Gayle you have to get The Terminator, it's a great dvd;);)

Cendrine, thanks for sharing the pics. What a beautiful family you have! I always pictured you as a blonde, I guess I was thinking of Cinderella:D

Today is a rest day for me, DH is busy doing pylo week 2 as I'm on the computer:D
Rach I need your last name, you can post or pm whatever you prefer.

gayle, I know it makes me nuts. I hardly ever toot my own horn, however it would be hard for anyone who knows me or my kids to believe I am anything other than MOTHER OF THE YEAR!!!!

Cendrine, I don't know about muscles my max is pounds for a chest fly. I know I am the wekest one in our group.

got to run girls, ds and I are at library picking up his weekly haul, this kid sure does read a ton of books. today's picks: feathers, paint the wind, weedflower, science fair. He reads about a book or more every two days.

:DHey guys

It will have to be a quick post for me. It is 7:30 and it has been a long day starting with plyo 32 this morning at 4:30. My cat is even looking at me right now like why are we still up. It is hard to get up on Monday when you have only had one day off but I will get used to it. I am sure it is only going to get worse. But we work like dogs in the summer so we can have an easier winter so I am not complaining just stating...:p Besides it is my choice to get up and jump around like a crazy person and I love it and would not change a thing!

Jo-I love the premixes to. I think I mostly do premixes, every now and again going through a workout the way it was first produced. It really keeps them all fresh. I think I am going to get the pyramid upper and lower body workouts. I had them dvr'ed off of fit tv but from my experience with getting KPC and IMAX2 I have noticed that I don't like how they cut them to fit tv.
OH Yeah...I know you have said but is it Montana you are going to and if so where abouts? Let me live through you:D

Cendrine-Yeahhhh on the no back issues and heavier deads...I love it when I notice a strength gain I did not think I could accomplish. I am thinking right now on writing Cathe a letter to let her know just how much sts has helped me with my job. I have been doing what I do for a long time and have not ever had the strength that I do now.
I amreally embarrassed to ask...But how do I find your pics:eek: I am so comp. Ill

Gayle- I just can not believe that you did not have nothing to do today;)
Your nothing sure looks like something to me. I love that you keep your kids involved in your activities. I think it is hard now a days to get kids to go outside and your kids seem to prefer it...That is awesome.

Julie-I am glad you are not homeless but I sure do wish you could get rid of that SOB you call stbx. I feel like we should all put a good ole Texas whoopin on him. Did you get my pm with my address. I am not in any hurry but I want to make sure you did get it.

Mary-I know what you mean about not wanting to do your job at home. I would not want to touch a comp, if I had to be on it all day! But I am glad you broke down and checked in. It sounds like you have been very busy.

Kim-I would love to do a rotation with you but I am afraid I will have to do alot of subbing. I do not have my of Cathe's DVD's but I am going to try to start colecting them. All I have now is KPC, Imax2, C&W, legs and glutes, 4ds, BM2, LIC, drill max, butts and guts, and sts. I want to start getting some of her other weight videos but I am not sure what to get first. Esp. after sts. I want to challenge myself in another way. But with Cathe.
I am sorry about all the misfortune on your camping trip. I hate it when it starts bad and then everything just snowballs. It does not sound like dh was too bad about it. If that had been my dh he would have been inconsolable after the dent in the new car!

Ok that was alot longer than I intended! :D
I just can't talk a little to you guys

I will see yall tomorrow!
Hello everyone. I'm back. I actually got back late last night but have not had time to post yet. The boys had a great time camping. We actually had a nice saturday. It did start raining about 8pm but at least we enjoyed the sun. This camp ground has so many activities for the kids. They played kickball, softball, dodgeball, tie dyed tees, swam, and bounced (for hours!) We also went to movie night friday and saw Bolt. My kids also met quite a few kids and hung out with them. Our neighbors were really nice and my husband and I ended up playing a drinking frisbee game with them saturday afternoon. Needless to say the clean eating went down the toliet after that. We made smores too. We have a camper that sits on top of a truck, so it was very tight inside. I think I was getting claustrophobic. We checked out and left about 3pm and then we went to Mohegan sun (casino). It is only 20 minutes from the camp site. We had a food coupon for any restaurant in the place so we ate dinner there. Then we took the kids to play in the gaming room. (there were games like at chuckie cheese's). Then we took the ferry home from CT back to LI. Glad to be home.

I went for a 10 mile walk today. I was supposed to do squat rack today but I couldn't get up this morning and never got around to it for the rest of the day. I guess I'll get it in tomorrow.

I don't have time for personals right now. I will be back tomorrow. Have a great night.


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