6 Monthers, STS, Monday


Rain here today, ALL day....how about you guys!


It's National Teacher Appreciation Week this week, and I chair that committee for the PTA again this year. So my days (school day hours, at least) will be hectic all week. The kids and I will go in early each day to set up and take all the food donations from parents to the faculty lounge. Then when I come in for work I'll do last minute things. Then when I leave from work, I'll clean up and take the kids home with me at dismissal. So it will be like I'm working FT at the school all week! LOL

WORKOUT DONE! I had a run on my calendar, but didn't feel like it so I swapped it with Wednesday's Step Heat...oldie but goodie. SH has abs in it, then I tacked on some stretching with the band.

The phone call last night was nice. Super nice. It was nice to just chat with somebody who KNOWS me, if that makes sense. We'll see what happens down the road. And yes, Jo, I slept like a BABY and was TIRED when I got up this morning! lol

OK......need to get started earlier than normal today. I'll BBL after school. We have our monthly PTA meeting tonight, and at least the rain will rain out our baseball game so that's one lest thing I need to coordinate for tonight!

What's your goal for this week?
May 9th is this weekend......We're closing in on this goal date. We'll need to see what our NEXT GOAL DATE will be!!!!! ONWARD!

Hey gals
It is a glorious Monday! I had an epiphany today...for as long as I have been working out you would think this would have happened a long time ago. I was tired when I got up and could barely scrape myself off the sheets but I did and I knew I told myself I was going to do drill max but was starting to rrthink it. Then I started to wake up and cheer up and told myself instead of having that angry face and pushing so hard it hurts, I am going to smile and have fun. You know act like I am right there with all of them and just have a good time with it. You know I think I did better than I have ever done.

Gotta go but will BBL

Good Morning everyone. I am back. I miss you guys These past few days have been crazy. I am finally relaxing with my coffee right now.

Alot has been going on. Our school has been in the news. I don't know how far news travels or it is just local news. But last Wednesday we got an emergency phone call from the superintendent of the school saying we had a child in my son's school with the swine flu. But we shouldn't worry because the child hasn't been in school since friday. Then we got the phone call saturday night. 2 more cases have been reported and the suffolk county health dept has closed our district for the week. So my children are home on an 'unplanned' vacation. My older son's B-day party was last night and some of the parents started to panic. 9 kids were no shows at his party. It was cheaper for us but I felt bad for Dylan.

My younger son Ryan's communion was Saturday. He looked so handsome. It went well. He had to read a prayer of the faithful. He read a line then he says "we pray to the lord". Then he was supposed to make an arm motion to get everyone to say "lord hear our prayer". Well, his motion was like the referee motion in football when there is a field goal. Ya had to be there to get the effect but there were a few giggles in the audience. It was very cute.
The sun actually decided to come out. It was supposed to rain all day. In fact it has been raining since thursday and will continue until tuesday. It may be nice on Wednesday. Rain is so depressing.

I ran in another 5k yesterday. I just had to after last week's mishap. I ran a 9:45 min/mile. That was the fastest I have ever gone. I finished in 29:32. I am going to try to do races more often and see if I can keep improving. I may have only come in 94th out of 137 people but it was a personal best!!

I did Disc 16? (chest) on friday, I felt like I was so weak with the triceps exercises. I couldn't lift what I usually do. I have no idea what was going on. :confused:. I guess just one of those 'weak' days. My legs were sore but not as bad as the first time I did 17. That usually happens, the 2nd time I never get as sore but I always increase the weights.

I ordered Cathe's old step DVD's . Step heat, jam etc. I think I will do one of those today.

Oh, I fell in love with a puppy this weekend. He is a mix of shelty and Maltese (I think) He is a big fur ball, black and white. He was in a pet store in our mall out in a cage where you could pet him. (This was on friday). Usually, all the dogs are behind glass. I haven't really wanted a dog (because of having to find someone to watch him when we go away- plus the messes) until I saw this one. I actually called my husband to see if we could get him. He said NO!! Then we had to stop at the mall again yesterday so my husband could get his glasses fixed. Well, lens crafters is right next to the pet store. So I took the kids in. The kid who worked there recognized me immediately and went and got the dog. My kids played with him and now we are all attached and my husband is not. He is looking a the 'practical side' of things instead of the emotional side. Then of course my husband if you want a dog go get him. But he didn't really mean it. but I am tempted.

Gayle- congratulations on your weight loss. You go girl!!! I am so impressed with your dedication to eating clean. I did NOT have a good eating weekend. Now I feel fat and bloated!! I am glad your phone call went well with your ex-f. Keep us posted.

I am so impressed and inspired by all of you and your accomplishments with the clean eating and the workouts. I feel like I have fallen off the wagon. I needed some motivation and I wasn't able to get on the boards to get any:(. I think I set myself back 2 weeks with all the food I ate.

Kim- congratulations on the race. That is very impressive. I guess you come from a family of runners. Glad you were able to find someone for your relay race.

Jo- congratulations on your chest muscle. :p. I am starting to see some definition in my arms. My legs are getting stronger but that is where I carry all my weight. My BF% will have to get really low to see def in my lower body.

Cendrine- that mushroom soup sounds delicious. I may have to try that one. I hope your son is feeling better. It so hard to see little kids suffer.

Rachel- sorry the Bday party got rained out but at least you still had a good time.

I am going to go workout now. I will be back later.
I just wanted to quickly post and say don't beat yourself up about the clean eating thing. You hear your body talking to you and you will listen and get back with it. I am trying to tell myself the same thing. I am not perfect nor do I want to be. I just want to be as close as I can;) You have to not brow beat yourself because you can not change the past just concentrate on getting back on track and you will be fine. Heck with having to chase the kids around all week and those 5k's you can afford to cheat some.:D

Hi Guys,

Disk 16 for me today. I felt stronger today and did well on all exercisee, though I definitely went to failure on the triceps.

I wanted to post my meals, but didn't plan them yet, so I will play it by ear and post later.

ds is feeling well today, fever is gone, I'm glad about that! But he's home today because you are supposed to be fever free for 24 hours before going back to school. I enjoy having him home!

Jo, your meal that hubby made looked so good! How do you make a rasperry chipotle sauce? I would like to try it!

Gayle, I'm excited that your phone call was enjoyable! Have a good time during appreciation week. Ours was last week.

Chrissy, we still have until the 9th, just hop back on and run to the finish line! It's not how many times we fall, it's how many times we get back up, right? I'm sorry about the swine flu scare at the school. It was good for them to take preventative measures. We had two scares here too, but they turned out to be false alarms.

Rachel, putting on a smile and trying to at least act like it's fun sure does help! I need to remember that next time I wake up grumpy....:eek:

I'll be back later
Just taking a minute to come up for air. I came home from a busy day at the school to 18 new emails that I had to follow up on. Now we're chilling for a bit before dinner and our PTA meeting.

Here's my menu today:
M1: Myoplex Lite shake with L Glutamine powder (rushed morning, quick fix)
M2: 3 egg whites, 1/2 grapefruit with its juice
M3: small banana, 2 lite string cheese
M4: Chicken Coconut Soup
M5: Cendrine's Super Energy kale Soup, tilapia fillet
M6: BSN Lean Dessert protein drink


Ok, I had time to figure out my meals for the rest of the day:

m1 banana chocolate protein shake, oatmeal and ground flax seed
m2 turkey, strawberries and oatmeal (I know, funny combo, but that's what happens when you play it by ear !LOL
m3 big salad, zucchini, almonds, chicken, balsamic vinegar, cup of broccoli soup, strawberries
m4 EAS shake and nuts (on the run)
m5 salmon with mustard sauce, asparagus, whole wheat couscous
Good Day my Friends!
Just checking in real quick on my lunch hour so will be back later for more.

This morning I did Disc 20 - Gayle, I understand now what you meant by "it seems easier than Disc 17!" Yes it did, but I doubt it was! My buttola was tight as soon as I got out of the shower! Yowza! :eek:

Anyway, check with you all later when I have a little more time! :p
Hello again everyone! :eek:

Gayle, as others point out every day...you are one busy busy woman! Heh heh...I KNEW you would sleep good! I could feel it in my bones (as they say!). I'm glad you had an enjoyable conversation! I understand that place you're coming from and I hope whatever happens from this is what makes you happy! :D

I'm on track for May 9th! My goal this week is to pick up another extra day in my rotation so I can stay on track. My first long weekend is weekend after next and I think I have it worked out so I won't get behind where I want to be (hope that made sense!)

Rachel, GREAT ATTITUDE! Love those epiphanies! Woohoo and a wonderfully positive one as well! I can't tell you how many times I've had to talk myself into doing my work out! But I try to stay positive and know I'll be in a worse mood if I don't do it! :cool:

Chrissy, glad to have you back! I do know that NY is still being touted as one of the heavier flu areas, but they've also said it's not as bad as expected and the number of cases has already subsided. Is that what you're hearing? I'm sorry about the low attendance for DS! The communion field goal must have been very cute! I can just picture it! Way to go on the 5K! I think that's a very respectable PR! I love Cathe's old step workouts, but I've had them since they came out so I have a certain affinity for them. I hope you like them. To me they are more athletic than the newer ones but they'll get cha! Good luck with that puppy! Don't worry about falling off the wagon! You'll probably recover quicker than you think! Just get right back here with us! :eek:

Cendrine, good job on Disc 16! I'm glad DS is better! I will double check when I get home tonight but I think DH got the raspberry chipotle at Costco! (I know I know - you're not surprised!) Very likely though he started with something else and doctored it up. I'll let you know! He may have gotten it at Trader Joe's too!) You meals look excellent as always! ;)

Tomorrow I'm playing hooky from work and going to a Mariners game - I think they're playing Texas. It's an afternoon game so I'll be home to watch The Biggest Loser! But it's only going to be about 55 degrees! (Of course I'll get a workout in before I go anywhere!) :D

Talk later!
Hi Everybody,

Just a quick post to let you know I've been thinking of all of you today. I'm back to no lunch hours, so was unable to say HI earlier today. I turned my alarm off this morning because I wanted the extra sleep, so I had to move my a.m. workout to this evening. Well it's 9:00 p.m. and I just finished Disc 13 for the 2nd week, and my muscles are twitching all over the place. I also did the medicine ball abs and the stretch afterwards. I am totally spent!!! I sure hope I can sleep after doing a workout so late in the evening!!!

Cendrine-I made your banana chocolate shake for my after workout snack and it really hit the spot (Thanks!)

I would love to do personals, but the clock just doesn't seem to slow down for me
. Everybody have a wonderful evening, and I will plan more time tomorrow evening to say HI.

Just finished disc 17 for the second time. I'm so looking forward to recovery day/TBL tomorrow!! Today, was super busy as my coworker (the one that I was supposed to run with yesterday) was still out sick with the flu and so I had to see some of her patients. Then had to take dd to piano lessons, she's taking her grade 1 piano exam in June, and she's practicing the same 4 songs over, and over, and over. It's amazing what the piano teacher can find to correct each week.:rolleyes:

Sorry for such a quick post, I will catch up on personals as I watch TBL tomorrow! Kim

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