6 (or 5?????) Monthers, STS, Monday


Good morning, ladies. I hope you all had a great weekend.

I've kind of been in and out of the forums this past weekend. Just lots of outside play time with the kids. The boys have discovered the fun (and work) of water balloons! LOL By the end of the night last night, my driveway was highlighted with shots of neon-colored pieces of balloon (and I was wet after the battle). lol

Food, this weekend, was "iffy" at best. SORRY! :( No binges, but definitely not 100% clean as I planned. Last night for dinner with my friends, I had shrimp and veggie kabobs with a peppery spice and let me be discreet and say that the spices were haunting me during my workout this AM. I also served a wild rice blend and a homemade pumpkin spice bread. Earlier in the day I had a trail mix that should NOT have been on the day's menu. And my stomach is not happy this morning. SO....................back to refocus today!

This AM's workout was iTread set 7, 60 minutes (55 minutes, actually, with the spices haunting me as I had to hit the bathroom before I even got to the cool down, sorry TMI). Logged over 5.5 miles (and missed the stretch, lol).

SO....I'll be chugging water today and getting back to a clean menu. I'll be making 2 new recipes today: Roasted veggies (cherry tomatoes, cauliflower and asparagus) and the Meatballs made with black beans.


Went and played tennis with ds for about 35 mins last night and also spent about 20 mins practicing the footwork from Christi Taylor's workout last night. Tonight will be one of Christi's workouts.

Glad to see Jo stopping by!

Will catch up this evening after work! Kim
Good Morning Ladies,

Just popping in to say Hi to everybody. Mondays are always very hard for me to get back into the work routine, so I'm going in slow motion this morning. We entertained this weekend and cooked out on the grill. I did step out of my healthy eating plan on Saturday and had strawberry shortcake for dessert:eek::eek:. Im back to the clean eating plan starting today!!!

I start disc 22 for the first time tonight, and will be finished with Meso 2 at the end of next week. I have mixed feelings, but looking forward to a change of pace with Meso 3. I WILL be continuing Meso 3 with the repeat week included. Even though the pace is slower, I feel this Meso will help to kick things into overdrive for me. I plan on doing the 6 month cycle again after I get STS Cardio and the Cathe pull up bar. After I finish with my current rotation, I'll take maybe a 1-2 month break from STS and then I'll be ready to start back up again.

Well I only had a few minutes to post, so I will do my best to check back later for personals. Have a great day, and I'm glad you're feeling better Jo!!!

Good morning girls!

I just finished disc 18 for the first time. I am definetly seeing strenth gains.

Mary I will be caught up with you after meso 2 becasue i am not going to take a rest week.

The place I went bumber boating is a very nice farm with mini gol, golf and great homemade ice cream. I never eat it though. On thursday nights they have a car motorcycle show. I am going on a stake out with the police this thursday. lol

Have any of your ladies see beach body's insanity. I would love to be in that kind of shape. I am struggling with the cardio still. I am going to call my cardiologist to see if the hole in my heart could be inhibiting me in some way.

Got to run, much to do today. DS still not eating so well, about half the calories he should be. He is just wasting away, it is killing me.
Good Morning Friends! It's a fantabulous day!

I did Disc 27 today along with LIS (step only). It feels so good to workout again!

After posting last night, I decided I'm glad with the decision to only do Meso 3 once (but I reserve the right to change my mind again!). My reasoning mostly being vacation time and a busy summer coming up. So finishing STS before I go on vacation will be perfect! Then when I come back do the June rotation (or maybe July will be even better!) but I'll be less concerned about staying on track all the time. Then when STS Cardio comes out and it's fall again, I can start back in!

Okay, off to work - hope everyone has a great day! :p
Jo, can I simply say DITTO to what you said?!?!?!?!? :)

Julie, you ARE joking about the hole in the heart, right? :eek:

Mary, I'll lay money on it that you'll like Meso 3 just fine.

Kim, does playing tennis mean DS is 100% again? (are they ever)

Well, I'm off to cut the grass (YUCKO), as I put it off yesterday. While the kids were in school I filled up about 60 water balloons for them! LOL Wanna bet how many of them they throw at ME while I'm on the lawn mower (I'm riding it today, too hot to walk/push) (YUCKO!).


Gayle, No I am not joking. I was only diagnosed two years ago, and apparently it is a birth defect that often goes undetected. It is kind of a funny story how I came to get diagnosed. It was early in the morning and I was getting ready to do my normal hour+ on my elipse. So I strapped on my heart rate monitor and got on. My heart rate monitor kept beeping and beeping telling me that my heart rate was at 36bpm. I took it off several times, whacked it but I just could not get it to pick up a higher beat. My conclusion was that the battery was dead. I am a numbers person. It seems like now matter what I do I do better if I can break it down in numbers. Since my numbers were unavailable because of what I thought was a dead battery I decided to post pone the cardio, and by now I was running late with all the fussing with the heart rate monitor and I had a doctor's appointment to go to anyway. So I packed up my DD and headed to Boston.

Okay so I have to back up this story a little bit. A month prior to this I went to visit my Mom who had just been diagnosed with cancer. During the night I was not feeling well and I got up and ended up fainting 6 times. However I have fainted my whole life. If I added it up I propably have fainted 300-400 times. So I really did not think anything of it. This time was different, though. Normally I know when I am going to faint and I can get into position so I don't get hurt. This time I had no warning and ended up knocking my front tooth out, and moving the others, which required orthodontics to fix. My now STBX was useless and told me he coul not pick me up off the floor. I told him to call an ambulance that something is not right. Mind you I have never once called an ambulance for my fainting. I went to the hospital in NY, my heart rate was in low 30s. My mother was dying and i was there to see her. I begged the docs to let me out and I promised them I would go to the doc once I returned to MAssachusetts the next day. Which I eventually did a month later.

Fastfoward to the day I thought my battery was dead in my heart rate monitor. I gathered up my DD and went to Boston. I appologized to the doc for being late and explained my hwole dilema with my heart rate battery and being and numbers person and yada yada yada. I was in the doc telling them that I was fine and I faint all the time and it is really now big deal. Well anyway the do an EKG. AFter several EKG machines and EKGs later they tell me that I will be leaving the docs and going via ambulance to a major Boston hospital where I will be admitted. I stood up and said well that is not going to work for me because you see I have my 3 year old DD with me, my mom is dying in NY and my DH is useless, and my son is in school and he has epilepsy and other health problems and I need to be able to care for my kids so I appreciate you wanting to check me out but I can't make it today. The doctor looked at me like Iwas some sort of freak and said, Julie this is not optional your heart rate is dangerously low and we don't know why and quite frankly I can't figure out how you are walking around in your condition. So off we went to the hospital. The rest of the story is not really that funny but does speak volumes of how useless my STBX really is. Within a few days I was diagnosed with a whole in my heart. Which like I said is apparently occurs in about 15% of the population and is a birth defect. I also have two uteruses but that is a whole different story, however almost as entertaing as this one. LOL!

Well hope you all got agood laugh out of that one.
Jo! You're back! I'm so glad you made it through this migraine episode ok and back to working out! 5lbs! wow, I guess that is one way of loosing some weight... I hope you didn't loose any muscle though! I'm doing the same as Gayle meso 3 wise and I looked at the June rotation and like it so I will do that after taking a couple of months off after sts. I am going to have to do some tweaking and doubling up like you did for the week in July when we are taking the kids to San Diego for a few days. the hotel has some cardo equipment, so I will do extra weight days at home and catch up with cardo while there.

Julie, what a story, and you have a humorous way of telling it! I would laugh, but am sad that you have to deal with all the issues that you and your family have! What are the docs saying concerning cardio and your hole in the hearat? Do you take medication for it? How serious is this? I can't believe how many times you've fainted over time! Yikes! I suppose you would get used to it after 300-400 times and think that that is just what happens to you! Sorry you ended up needing dental work done as a result of your fall!
WTG on working out and seeing strength gains!

Gayle, ds would love to come play at your house with all those water balloons! No worries about the weekend diet, if we don't make exceptions sometimes it gets boring after a while, I think.

I went on a bike ride with my family yesterday, dd on the back of my bike in a seat and ds on a trailer bike on the back of dh and off we went. The extra weight of the kids on our bikes made for a good challenge and we huffed and puffed up quite a few hills on our way to Golden spoon! It was a planned treat and it felt so good to just go bike and have the treat without having weightloss in the back of my mind!

Mary, strawberry shortcake sounds delish! I have noticed how you seem to have transitioned quite smoothly from laying loose all weekend (as you described in the beginning) to being well controlled about your treats and get right back to normal without spinning out of control for the weekend. That is admirable! High fives to you! You impress me!

I'm on recovery week this week. I didn't have much time this morning so I ended up running the treadmill for a half hour and doing a stretch max segment instead of the planned 1 hour run. I still burned lots of calories because of speed and incline and I felt very good after I was done. I'm going to try to do ccv5 tomorrow if dh can watch the kids.

All of you have a nice day today!
Well, I haven't been able to get back on all night as we have been without internet since about 4. Just got it. Our phone is VOIP so we don't have phone either. Something strange is going on out there in communcation land!

Julie, I'm stunned and taken back by your post! Though you did make it an entertaining read, it's amazing what you've had to deal with!!! Health issues, STBX, children with medical issues, your mom...whew, I'm worn out! I have a girlfriend that is a fainter like you...I wonder if she's ever been checked out! I get concerned about being on the trail with her as I never know if she's going to check out on me. But if she does, she just lays down and passes out and then is okay after a few minutes.

Cendrine, nice way to pack in the workout today! I like it when they are short, intense and fast! So you'll be another 5 monther! Your bike ride sounds like the perfect family outing! Hope the weather was good for you too!

Okay, I wanted to post more personals...DH says I have to get off as we have to reset the wireless again (AGAIN!). So I'll be back tomorrow to chat at the rest of you!

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