50 and over week of Oct 16 check in


Good morning,

I don't quite yet have the mindset to diet and exercise but I'm getting there. We always go out to eat on Friday nights to the same place with the same waitress. Two weeks ago I told her not to ask me what I want just to order grilled chicken with steamed veg. I always planned to order that but frequently I would order something fattening that sounded good at that moment.

I finally had time to see video of Cathe's new series and it looks good.

Still walking every day. I need to plug the numbers into the workout manager so I can see how far I've "walked across America."

Morning all -- New week!

Last week was just a crazy week. I spent my days with my dil and granddaughter. I cooked dinner for them every night :rolleyes: also. That little girl is not a schedule... :eek::eek::eek: I always had my boys on a schedule, I have to say it was so much easier. Kids today???;)

I am with you Joan, I have not been exercising regularly and my eating is hit and miss also. I Need To Get Back On Track. :D:D:D
Hi, Y'All!

I am fighting to stay on track. Today I decided to revisit an old friend, so I did The FIRM Volume 1. An oldie, but a toughie. Actually, it was tougher than I remembered. I am sure I'll be sore tomorrow.

Anxiously waiting for the new Low Impact Series.

Have a great evening, everyone!

I love my grandchildren but having them from 7:30 am until 7:00pm is just too much for me. At least I hope this doesn't happen often. And when I got to their house to pick them up dil wasn't even dressed yet. Her work is starting 1/2 hour later so she will be picking them up 1/2 hour later. This gives her more time in the morning but not me. Instead of 4:15 (supposedly) she will now pick them up at 4:45. I was only supposed to give Luke bananas, rice, apples and toast today. I guess she thinks I always have those items on hand. Fortunately I did but some advanced notice would have been nice.

Joan, gosh that is a lot of responsibility they put on you. I've set the record straight from the beginning. ""I have a life"" I've told them all. :rolleyes:

Magnolia, you are the 3rd person to have done firm 1 in the last week. :eek::eek: I am starting to think I am missing something. ;)

I got in Body fusion this morning. I believe the cardio part of this workout is going to be very close to what will be in these new workouts -- I hope --! It's very low impact.
Jann You really get a closeness when you are with the kids all day. While I wouldn't miss that for the world, I would like to only babysit 2 or 3 days a week. I don't have a life now between babysitting and work. I would love to go back to having a trainer at least for a while to force me to get back to lifting. I feel lucky to get the 2-3 miles in a day and that is usually broken up into 2 sessions. I did get 4 miles in one day last week.

Joan - I completely agree. Last week I spent everyday with Raelynn. I really miss her this week. :( The kids and I agreed Fridays will be grandparent days. So every other Friday I will babysit Raelynn and Beth's dad will keep her every other Friday. Jeremy's Aunt is a license babysitter and will be keeping her Mon - Thur. I am a back up. :D Beth is a kindergarten teacher so she is off all summer. You are a much better person than me :eek: for giving so much of yourself to your family. {{{Joan}}}

Today was weights -- STS total body premix 1 set only. I had to rewind a good bit to get the right weights. :confused:
Hi, Y'All!

Joan, I admire your patience. There should be a better solution, so that you can have them with you a couple of days a week and still have a life of your own. Unfortunately, I don't know of any.

A good friend of mine died Saturday afternoon of pancreatic cancer. This morning was the funeral, and I am exhausted. I think I am going to take a nap and shoot for tomorrow.

Jann, I really like the cardio portion of Body Fusion. It's lots of fun. Can't wait for the new workouts! (only a few more days!)

Have a great evening, everyone!

Magnolia, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Don't feel too sorry for me I'm just letting off steam. It's only May, Aug., Sept, Oct, Nov and Dec. that I babysit. It's not their fault Jan-April 15 is so busy with work. If I hadn't wasted so many days this summer with operations and tests I would have felt I had some vacation.

Good morning, Y'All.

Joan, any time that you need to spend having medical tests done is not wasted time. Your health should be a priority. I know that sorta sounds selfish, but if you do not have the strength to do the things you need and want to do, what good is that to you or your loved ones? BTW, how are your eyes?

I finally squeezed in another workout this week. I did High Step Circuit. Normally, I like that workout, but today I really had to push myself. I have no idea why I am so tired this week, but I am.

I hope everyone is doing well.

Have a great day, everyone.

Hi ladies! I had every intention of getting in a walk today. Just did not happen. :( Oh well.

Magnolia I am so sorry for your loss. Stress can really steal your energy. Oh :eek: high step circuit I need to put that on my list.

Joan blowing off steam is a very good thing. I agree with Magnolia taking care of yourself in not wasted time. Yes, how are your eyes?

I am going next week to have some moles removed. I am also having some oil glands removed from my face. ugh -- I am still going to try to schedule a laser treatment if she thinks it will work for the brown spots.
Hey y'all

That doesn't sound like me. I'm down in Miami this week. I'm not getting much done in the way of a workout. But I'm hoping that by shaking it up every now and then - you know- working then not working- it makes the workouts more effective!

Joan. How are your eyes?

Magnolia I never answered you about the physique 57. It is a studio in new York that is one of (is it Kelly not Kathy lee- you know Regis and???) favorite workouts. They released a video and I heard about it on these boards so I bought it . It is very different than the exercises we do with Cathe. It is like Pilates and barre combined. It is 57 minutes long thus the name. It is really tough. Doesn't look tough but whew!! It kind of reminds me of the old style I used to do years ago with tons of repetitions and ballet type moves. Anyway, another. Tough and different one is tonigue. I have the mat workout on my iPad and I did it tonight but can only get through 30 minutes. seriously! I can do hours of cardio spinning etc, but after doing leg lifts, I'm dying!

Jann I meant to ask yo u what kind of puppy training are you following? Is 10 weeks too early?
Hi Beth -- Reggie completed obedient training. To graduate he had to, Watch me for 30 seconds, Sit for 30 seconds, Sit for greeting, Loose leash walking, take it/leave it, drop it, down, come, Sit stay, Shake.
They have puppy classes for 8 weeks through 6 months. Puppy class was getting the puppies around other dogs, other people, walking over rocks, through tall grass etc, basic sit, getting used to to a leash, learning his name, I can't remember all of it. Reggie is 8 months. His next classes will start his agility training. There also was handler training. It was fun.

Today was LIS,cardio and weights. OMgosh -- I am so tired. :confused::confused:
Good morning, Y'All!

I don't know if I mentioned that one of my nephews lives in NYC now and is a working actor. He works the rest of the time for my husband to keep a roof over his head. Anyway, his brother and family came up yesterday to visit and to see sights in the City. We met up with them yesterday after the workday was over. Owing to the fact that it takes at least an hour plus to get into NYC from where we live, I went to work with dh yesterday (I used to go every day) and handled the paperwork for his sales (he's an auctioneer) so he would not have to come back to get me for the visit. Anyway, my workout was a lot of stair climbing and walking during the two auctions we did.

I guess they are very busy at Cathe's warehouse shipping out the new dvds. Do you feel like a child waiting for Santa? :D

Have a great day, everyone!

Magnolia :D that kind of workout is the best! Yes, I am a bit excited. :cool::cool:

I just finished High step circuit. Another easy peasy good workout!!

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