--------> TGI (clean & tidy) FRIDAY <--------


Dum dum de dum, dum dum de dum....

Exactly ONE MONTH from today is my WEDDING DAY!!!


Happy Friday!! What's on tap?
Today will be super busy at work, but that is fine, whatever passes the time.

WO is cardio, haven't decided yet, maybe LIC.

Not much in terms of plans for the weekend. I need to go shopping, and I need to get my old house cleaned up in time for my lease to end on April 30th.

Check back after my workout!!

Wow one more month left!

Colleen sometimes I sub 20# DB for the BB. I now have the barbell pad so puting the bar on my shoulders is not so bad.

Sorry about you friend passing Steph

Jennn Tracey's new w/o are being sent out YAY!

Last night I did not sleep well but when I did sleep I had a dream that I was married to Prince (Purple Rain). LOL.
It's a good thing that I do not have to work today.

My w/o Low max and Core max
My menu:
s-strawberry smoothie
Katie, Have a fun WO! Sounds like a cleanmax weekend for you! Can you hardly believe you'll be married in ONE MONTH!? How exciting!

Robin, I would say being married to Prince would be more of a nightmare than a regular dream! Like most of the music, but what a nut! You've got a killer WO planned - good for you! Cheat meal for dinner?

So.... WHO is signing up for RT today?!
I have to pull Gina out of school early so I can get to the office to use cable internet! Bad mom! I have exhausted all possibilities of someone to be at the house to pick her up. My mom could but she's really mad that I want to go on RT "in my condition" and won't help me out! Can you believe that?! How much does that stink! All Gina will be missing is recess but she's actually kinda perturbed - I'll have to bribe her with ice cream!

Meals are in question yet, except for the standard breakfast fare.
WO - Robin's makin' me think about LowMax!
LOL at Kate picking her child up at school early. I would do it too, no mommy guilt here!!

I will be registering (hopefully) -- i'll let ya know!!


b cereal
s fruit, almonds
l sandwich
s chips and salsa
d chicken, pasta, and green beans
Good Morning!
Sorry I've been MIA. I haven't been home much and my computer time is really limited when I am home. I have another new client! YEAH! On a different note, my brother had to have emergency surgery yesterday - his appendix ruptured. He went to the ER Wednesday night and they sent him home. They told him he had stomach ulcers. The surgeon is very upset that happened. He believes my brother's appendix ruptured early Thursday morning. I took my brother to the Dr. yesterday morning and he could hardly walk. He does not complain and does not like to be sick - (he doesn't want to miss a workout - wonder where he gets that from ;)) I felt so bad for him. They were not able to close the incision due to the infection. The surgeon said he is going to be sick for awhile and recovery is going to take longer. He had to go to the ICU after surgery. All because he was not treated properly the previous night. Please say some prayers for a speedy recovery. Thank you. :)

Today's workout is DM cardio only and 4DS BC cardio only.

We're going away this weekend for another competition so I may or may not be able to check in. I plan to eat well and exercise.
Time for personals.

Kate, One month - WOO HOO!

Katie, You're too funny! Hope you get in, in your condition and all. ;) My mom would feel the same way. I think my DH might too.

Robin, Enjoy your day off. Did you order from Tracey too? I can't wait to try them.

Steph, I'm sorry about your friend. I hope your conference goes well and your summer job sounds interesting.

Colleen, How is work going?

Jenn, Which workout are looking most forward too? (Tracey's new ones)

Have a great day and I will try to check in later.

A friend in fitness,
Morning clean peeps!

I'm freaking out, didnt sleep either Robin. I teach, i do tons of talks, but this one...100 dietitians from across the province have paid money to see me talk, and i just can't seem to calm down! The RT registration isnt helping! Kate, i'm going to try, but i'm literally on stage until 1145, which usually means it will run late! These things are never on time. I may take a rest day, and attend my friends viewing at 4pm. Kate, she had cancer, so it was expected. Thanks for all of your kind words. I'm dressed for it, just in case i have to leave from work.

Katie, one month! The time is going to fly. LIC sounds lovely

Robin, you must review the new Tracey's. I've been eyeballing them. I bought the new Amy last week :) I would totally marry Prince! Everytime i paint my house, i put on Purple Rain, its true

Kate, you are good mommy! And i am soo going to try my hardest to register, i think i might be devestated if i dont get on, like crying and stuff, and its TTOM!!

Workout, not sure, if i cant get to the viewing, it will be 4d BC and core
the usual...i'm so boring
Steph, Do you want me to try to register you? Call my cell phone - 517.202.9033 - we can keep in touch if you need me to register for you. Or is there a nurse or someone that could do it for you?
Let me know...
Kate, hopefully room mate Kate :)
You are amazing, the social worker i share an office with is going to page me at 1150 and have the computers set up. Let's hope for the best for all of us. Its like Led Zeplin tour or something, lol!
Steph - good luck!

The power is back on in my office. Now should I stay here or go in? My manager implied she wanted everyone in the office but I am going to be on conference calls and the phones aren't work. Do you think that excuse will work? LOL. Let's face I am staying home :)

I'll be back after 12 to see who got in for the RT.

Congrats Coleen!!
Steph got in too.

Not sure if I did!!
I clicked off my receipt and now I have don't know.
I think I;m in - I was done typing by 12:01/.

Anyone know how to help???
I'm freaking out!!! Shirl, Kate, room mates?????
It was hilarious, i was up in front of 100 dietitians, and i left midway through a question!

Katie, Robin, Colleen, Jenn???
Yes, Steph, Roommates for sure!! Too cool to actually know somebody you're rooming with. I'm so anxious to hear about everybody else! Funny on leaving your speech!

Jenn was passing but all else seemed like they were going to try.
Katie, did your boss reneg on letting you use the computer?

Let us know everybody!
Yeah, I told Mike. He's excited for me. I know he's concerned that I overdo the exercising and very worried that I'll overdo it at RT but I feel fine when I WO and I modify when necessary. He's happier when I take a walk now instead of doing a Cathe.:) RT is such motivation to keep up the WOs though! My goodness! I am so excited!
Katie, I know you're at work but I am DYING to know if you got in!

Meals/snack have been great today - too excited about RT to eat anything unhealthy! LOL! I'm sure that'll wear off soon enough!:p

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