*Cheetahs in da house*Friday*

Good Morning Everyone. Happy Friday!:)

I never got back here last night b/c we didn't get back from the boardwalk until 10ish and I was EXHAUSTED! I think the DOMS coupled with my run y'day just sucked all of the energy out of me. :eek: But I'm here now!:D

DOMS is still going strong though. OUCH! :eek:

So I'm heading out of here with DS around 9am this morning. We are heading up to BMF's place. He won't be there though. He'll be at work. HA HA on him. LOL We are going with his wife and son to a children's museum for a few hours today. Should be fun for the kids. Her and I used to hang out but haven't in a looong time, so it'll be nice to catch up with her.

Oh, and today is a REST day. I think I might need it!:p

Christine: I'm glad DH is feeling better. ENJOY the weekend!:)

Carole: Makes me feel better that you and others agree with my decision not to go in the room at the hospital. I felt a little guilty even though BF NEVER said or did ANYTHING to make me feel that way. Yes, cereal and beer LOL...Hey, atleast I didn't put the beer IN my cereal!:p

Cathy: Too much pus huh? I'll bet you wanted to run out and have lunch after THAT statement! :p LOL Glad the RC went smoothly though and you certainly got in quite a work out afterwards. Good for you. Nina's mom is terminal now. They don't even give her to the end of the end of year if the infection goes away. It sounds bad but the poor woman is truly better off having the infection kill her at this point. The cancer killing her will be much worse and will just drag out the inevitable. :( That's my take on it anyway. Good luck with the team leader position. Your principal is sooo very lucky to have you. :)

Linda: Hope you enjoyed your rest day. I am taking one today. I need to eat well! Y'day I cheated in the afternoon-I ate icecream. I entered it in the nutrtion program and I was still fine so I didn't feel guilty. Well last night we all got icecream. I ate the large vanilla cone with PEANUT BRITTLE SPRINKLES on it! So much for not doing any damamge!:eek:

Shelly: I am making a mental note: Do NOT order ASCIII! LOL I'm so excited that you've signed up the 18 miler. I am sure you were waiting for me to do it first cause I admit, I thought about chickening out a few times!:p I'm in though so we'll have fun...atleast for the first 13 miles. After that you may have to carry me!;) LOL

Jackie: I hope the window treatments are up and looking beautiful for you.
Sorry you've been so darned busy lately. It's got to slow down eventually, doesn't it? Great work out y'day! Thanks for the prayers. I really appreciated the Cheetah support.

Gloria: I hope your student loves her gift! I'm sure she will! How sweet of you to buy something for her.

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Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...it seems one fire goes out an another one starts!! The one at my Mom's was put out that day. We are having high temps (106-110) and a lot of wind so when a fire starts it is quite scary. Not sure what happens when on is given a warning. But I am sure if he does something stupid again, he will be fined or charged if there is any damage. Yuk..root canal pus!!! I am not easily grossed out, I just pretend...:D Congrats on accepting the Team Leadership Position again!

Wendy...sounds lie a nice day with BMF's wife and son at the museum. I can understand how you would feel guilty about not going in the room, those are hard decisions to make. You did the right thing IMO...:)...yeah beer in the cereal would be nasty...although I think I have seen that in a movie?

Karen..I found the Lundberg Pasta at our local grocery store (Raley's) in the Health Food section. I used to eat a lot of the Lundberg Rice Chips so I know the brand. I also have taken some potassium supplements.

Linda...That is sweet DH is helping you carb load for the 15 miler! Pizza and spaghetti...YUM!! Tell him to remember this before the marathon...:)

Christine...IA completely about the plethora of idiots!! Glad to hear DH is doing better. Indigestion can be not fun at all but thankfully it does go away. Sounds like a good workout yesterday.

Shelly...I knew you would jump right into Amy's workouts. Nice you got them ASAP which never happened to me. Probably why I won't preorder from her again. I can see your concern about the potassium issue. But I honestly don't think many get in close to the daily amounts they should. Americans typically eat bad. After reading some of the the symptoms of potassium deficiency, muscle weakness, irritability, fatigue I have had some of those the last couple of years. Yeah I am perimenopausal too!...:D I copied this info about potassium: "Athletes with low potassium stores may tire more easily during exercise, as potassium deficiency causes a decrease in glycogen (the fuel used by exercising muscles) storage". I have certainly felt that way for quite a long time on my long runs. So I figure I could give it a try and get in the recommended daily allowance, after all it makes me eat a lot better than I have been.

Jackie...yes, that fire at Mom's was scary. There are some high dollar homes in the subdivision behind her (and me). I am certainly glad they got it out fast! Good job with the iTrain workouts and Yoga.

Gloria...you would probably like this pasta it was tasty. I always take my Gluc/chond supplement (I have for years), but it has been nice cutting back on all the other vitamins I was taking. Talk about toxicity!! That is nice to get a B-Day gift for your tutoring student. Good job on the running. Beau has been doing well, quite an energetic puppy. I was gong to post a picture of him but Picturetrail is down right now so it'll have to be later...:)

I was hungry when I got home from work and scarfed down some saltines (unsalted tops) with hummus, a very small piece of smoked salmom, raisins and some almonds before my dinner. Musta picked the right things as I still got all "A's" except for calories, I got a "B" as I went over about 20 calories!! I am doing MM chest, back and tri's, abs from yesterday and a 4 mile run.

Have a great day..:)
Karen – Yeah, DH is better. I think he got some kind of bug. I don’t see indigestion causing a fever and the other symptoms…

Shelly – Cannot wait to try ASC3 – might do that instead of Rumble if I have time. Interesting in hearing what you what you think about Rumble. It’s weird that I got a new step workout but am so bike focused! Enjoy shopping!! I actually agree with you on the obsessing on each and every mineral. I just make sure I get an A in every mineral two or three times a week. I can tell you that when I don’t have enough Calcium, magnesium and potassium, I get horrid leg cramps. When I do get enough, I don’t. And it does have to be all three. *shrugs* I don’t know.

Linda – I think we’re all going to be on a pilates kick from Cathy!! :p

Jackie – How do the window treatments look? I’ll bet you were excited!! We do miss you! Hoping things slow down a little for you, too!

Wendy – how fun to have a boardwalk like that so close! Sounds like you had fun!! Enjoy the children’s museum and hanging out with BMF’s wife!

Cathy – Oh I get my hair cut Saturday. I’ll let you know. I’m just going to get a trim. Sorry you have to go back to finish up the root canal! Great job on the workout! Sorry you had to take on more work, but I think it may be a good thing over all for you on the Team leadership position.

Gloria – Oh how fun that you will be giving your tutoring student a present! Happy birthday to her! Good job on the running! Wow!

Carole – fortunately, the heatwave is supposed to go away this weekend. It’s been crazy!!! Great job at picking the right snacks when you were hungry! Enjoy your day! I did read what Shelly wrote about Potassium, and as I told her – I don’t know as much as she does, but I do know when I do not get enough calcium, magnesium and potassium I get nasty leg cramps. When I do, I don’t. And it does have to be all three – maybe they work together in some odd way. :p

Today is TT BIG 5, and P90X + Abs. I may see if I can fit some Rumble in there, too. We’ll see. We have guests coming over for dinner tonight, so that should be fun. But it’s Indian food – right before a long ride. *sighs* I will have to be careful.
Christine...Our heat wave should be gone this weekend too. Sunday is supposed to be 88!! I cannot wait...:)..I have always read potassium is linked to cramps. I am lucky there as the only cramps I ever got was toe cramps during marathon training. I would get them at night...YEOW, it made turning over tough. I was very surprised at my grades after eating that stuff. I just don't have any kind of "bad food" in my house. Let me know how you like Rumble. Enjoy your workout...:)
Good morning, cheetahs~

I have been up and down this morning since 4.

Gloria :: I know a lot of people have fear of the dentist. I don't, probably 'cause I've had so much dental torture over the years.
But what freaks me out is the MRI machine!! I'm a wuss about that thing...Anyway, I would say I probably do have a fairly high pain threshold. It doesn't hurt at all during the procedure, but it feels sore after (like when you've had a cavity filled or work done). It does hurt me some today, perhaps b/c the infection is still active, and will probably affect what I eat...I had to smile about the pamperfest. Too funny. :)...Nice job puttin' in the miles...You have to tell us how much your tutee loves her gift. :)

Christine :: oh, oops! Somehow I thought you were getting a cut yesterday. IA with you on the team leadership thing. Looks like a killer workout today. But ut oh, I hope the yummy Indian food doesn't wreak havoc on your insides!

Carole :: is the fire situation this threatening every year, or is this year, in particular, worse?...*lol* about the pus. Thank you re: the TL! :) Looking forward to seeing new photos of Beau.

Wendy :: There is not much that deters this appetite. The pus is way down deep in the root, though, so it's not like it's oozing out of my mouth. *lol* But I do have to be careful what I eat...have fun at the museum & enjoy your rest day.

On the potassium issue:
Shelly's comments yesterday made me feel better about failing pretty much every day
, but then last night, I sat down with the Sept./Oct. issue of Muscle & Fitness Hers and read an article about potassium, which reiterated the need for 4,700 mg per day. I do eat lots of fruits and veggies, as the article suggests, but I guess not the right ones to get passing grades. Though I don't want to become "obsessed," I still think I would benefit from upping my intake.

For anyone else interested, I thought I would share the article's recommended "potassium all-stars," which include: baked potato with skin (794 mg), baked sweet potato (694 mg), 1/4 cup of tomato paste (664 mg), 1/2 cup cooked beet greens (654 mg), and 1/2 cup canned white beans (595 mg). Other good picks include: yogurt, legumes (soybeans, lima beans, lentils), spinach, fruit juices (prune, carrot, orange), fish (halibut, cod, tuna), and peaches, apricots, melons, and of course, bananas.

Today I'm feelin' the booty DOMS...I knew it was comin' as soon as I finished up Providence. I think that one, more than the other two AoS workouts, really hammers the lower body. Later will be a run and some ab work.

Have a fantastic Friday! :)
Carole - I like Rumble, but it's not for everyone. The drills are a lot more like P90X Kenpo X - the original. Very cut and dry. But, they do simulate a fight, and you can seriously imagine taking down someone, especially with the first combo. I got my HR up pretty well because of really imagining attacking my payroll specialist for not paying me my commission. :rolleyes: Glad to hear you'll be having cooler temps, too. I'm looking forward to my long ride!

Cathy - I usually get B's on potassium, so I'm not too worried. :p But, I don't see how it can be a bad thing to eat more fruits and veggies containing it. As I said, I know I get nasty leg cramps if I don't get enough - and as long as I'm getting B's, I've been avoiding those cramps. I agree that Providence hits the legs harder - more concentrated leg work.

I ended up swinging the bells today. I did Newport - OUCH! The TGU's at the end were TOUGH as I have not been doing them in a while. But I prevailed. I also added the first two combos from Rumble. As I told Carole - it's a great workout, but totally not for everyone. Very no-nonsense. No impact. To get your HR up, you really have to imagine yourself in a fight and give it your all. These are similar to the drills we did in Krav Maga. I did use weighted gloves.
Good morning Cheetahs! Are you ready for the weekend baby?????:D

Karen - I'm doing a few window treatments at a time. Need a side job to finance all the decorating. But, I love it! A new kitchen would be so nice. Any plans anytime soon?

Wendy - I need to check itread 32 out. Love those fast and flat ones even though the hills help with my endurance. Sounds like you had fun at the boardwalk. Yay for the DOMS! Have fun at the museum.

Cathy - Thank you for your kind words. I'll start Clarinex and Flonase in a few days. Starting to have a stuffy nose during the night. I love, love, love the window treatments. Just made the rooms pop. Still didn't get the root canal? I know you want to get that over and done. Hope the team leadership position doesn't add too much to your plate. You always have a good attitude about it. You have a good heart too. Thanks for posting the potassium stars. I eat a lot of those already. Good not to obsess about them.

Gloria - I've had so many people ask about seeing the house, I decided to do an open house instead of a house warming party. That way people can come in, tour the house, have some refreshments, hang around for a few minutes and then leave. I won't have so many in there at one time hopefully. Did your tutee like her BD gift? Nice of you to get her something. Good job on the runs.

Carole - Are you choosing more foods with potassium? Guess that's why I eat so many bananas. Have one every day. Hey, do you have the Premier membership with Picture Trail or do they have free accounts? Enjoy MM and your run today.

Christine - Glad DH is better. The window treatments turned out great. One rod was ordered wrong and it will have to be replaced. So that they all matched, the lady turned them around so that the smooth side would show instead of the decor side. She will order the correct one and come back. Told her I didn't want brackets up and no curtains because I'm getting ready for an open house. She came up with a good solution. Enjoy your workout and hope you can fit some Rumble in there. Enjoy dinner tonight too.

Today's workout was Patrick Goudeau's Body Design. Guess I would consider this one circuit training - more C + S. Didn't use any heavy weights only a body bar.

Ok, got to get to work. Have a fab day!
Took me a while to get moving this morning. I just finished my 10 mile run for today. Glad that is done. However this time I was really salty. Any suggestions. This is it in a nutshell. Normally I drink tons of water which I did. I know I'm a salty sweater but today I had salt crystals on me. I was shinning. Anyway I normally dirnk water and then sub with gatorade during my runs. I weighed myslef before and after to check and see if I lost any weight so I can drink more to put the lost water weight back on. Today I lost 2lbs of water when normally I stay the same. So this leads me to why I'm may be sparkeling with so much salt. Nothing changed in my diet. I'm telling you that you could rub my skin and peel salt off of me. Do i need a differnt sports drink.

Wendy- Have fun at the childrens museum. You need a rest day so enjoy.

Carole- I will check for the pasta when I go out today. If I don't find it there I may find it at my Natural food store near me. I hope so becasue like I said I fail potassium everday. Enjoy your run.

Christine- Have fun with the dinner guest. I dont' know if Indian food will mix with a bike ride so be careful. I know it's good but there is nothing worse then paying for it the next day. Like I have room to talk when I'm scraping salt off myself. Apparantly somthing in my food isn't right.:eek:

Cathy- Thanks for the info on potassium. I like you fail almost always. I am going to go and get me some sweet potaotes today. YUM..

Jackie- No plans on the kitchen this year. IRS sucked the life out of that plan. This year we did do alot outside so that made me happy. Maybe next year. I have all new stainless steel appliances in the kitchen other than the stove. I'm waiting for that to blow up before I get a new one but that sucker seems to be holding on forever. It's a Magic Chef stove. I dont' even think they make them anymore. It was the first appliance dh and I bought when we got married 12 years ago and it has outlived a dishwasher, 2 fridges, 2 washers and a dryer.
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Cheetahs RULE

Hi y'all! It's been a terrific start to the day for me. I got out early and had a very nice run in Fairmount park. Got back and did a good 45 minute round on the EXT in the fitness center. Later I'll try out the ab routines on the ASC3 vid. There are 2 15 minute routines, one using a kettlebell.
I think I may go to Target first and (gasp) buy myself a fitness toy, my first kettlebell!!!

Rumble was a very interesting workout! It is a very pure boxing workout with emphasis on actual fighting moves and good form. Excellent for overall toning for sure. The first 40 minutes are drills. Then there is about 20-25 minutes working with a heavy bag. They do have the other gal in the vid doing the same thing with just weighted gloves (no bag) but I think it will really be much more effective to actually use a heavy bag and I cant wait to get back home and use mine!

Jackie- Chambersburg, where I hope to be working soon is 1/2 hr away from our new home approximately. I was hoping for a shorter commuting distance but this is acceptable. That iTread Hilly & Steady sounds intriguing.... I haven't bought any at all since they raised the prices.
Do you think this one is worth it?

Cathy- Yikes, still have to go back to the dentist for more rotorooter treatment? No fun! This team leadership position sounds impressive to me! Something that will certainly look good on a resume anyway. Let me clarify that I see absolutely no harm in focusing on foods high in vital minerals and vitamins. But the body doesn't "store up" any excess... it simply eliminates it and anyone eating a basically healthy diet and has no unusual illness issues will have normal levels of electrolytes.
Kay, enuf of that!

Gloria- Glad to hear there's someone else who hates to track all the nutrients/calories. I always feel a tad like a heretic on these forums for not paying much attention to it beyond just trying for a more or less balanced diet. When the scale starts to creep up I just examine my diet for any bad habits I may have gotten into and make adjustments. Getting in some good runs lately I see!Your student that you tutor is lucky to have such a dedicated and caring teacher!!

Wendy- Had a nice run in the park today and I am getting very excited about the LBI run with you!!I'll be there to keep ya going with mindless chatter....the 18 miles will fly by!! Sounds like a fun rest day at the kiddy museum.

Carole- Long prolonged exercise will certainly temporarily deplete anyone's potassium level... didn't mean to imply that at all. But this will happen no matter how much you try to concentrate on high potassium things in your diet. If you consume alot of potassium the body uses its multiple checks and balances to keep your serum level in a certain range and you will simply "pee out" the excess.Pardon the straightforward nurse talk. Anyway, consuming a good sports drink will help to offset this as we all know. What's important is that there is certainly no harm at all in focusing on more potassium in one's diet. You know your own bod best for sure!!! Just clarifying my lunatic musings. Hummus is YUMMY!! Haven't had any for a while... hmmmm I may have to go shopping! Wow, only 88 this weekend... should make for a nice run!!

Christine- Rumble is a very unique workout for sure and I think you would enjoy it. You certainly have been on a biking binge lately! It is difficult for the average person to get enough calcium in thier diets. I take a supplement myself. That and fish oil are the only supplements I take.

Okay, enough boring babble from me. Have a good one y'all!
Good morning!

Wendy – I did enjoy my rest day yesterday and so far, today! Yummy! The ice cream with peanut brittle sprinkles sounds yummy! Enjoy your day! It sounds like fun!

Carole – I will remind him that I want the same spaghetti before the marathon! Wow! You really do well with your eating! Enjoy your MM upper and run! Speaking of hummus…..when I was on vacation, I got the BEST Mediterranean sandwich! It had hummus, cucumbers, lettuce, black olives, onions and feta, on whole wheat! It was gooood!

Christine – Enjoy your workout! Also enjoy your dinner tonight! I love Indian food….but I sure hope it doesn’t mess with your stomach before your ride! LOL….yep, Cathy is making me want to bring out my pilates again!

Cathy – Hopefully your tooth will be 100% in a day or so! I am one that hates dentists! Even if it doesn’t hurt….I hate going! Enjoy your run and abs! I remember the DOMS with Providence!!! I need to do it more often!

Jackie – I really like BBD and Patrick! He always makes me smile! I think I have all of his strength ones, but I have never done Dumb Training. I have it, but have not done it! 

Karen – That has happened to me before, with the salt! When I rub my hands over my arms and legs, it is like there is sand on me! I don’t know about you, but on the days that happened to me, when I finished the run….I was totally wiped out! I don’t know if that was why, or not! Hope you find an answer!

Shelly – I am going to have to order Amy’s new ones! Rumble sounds really good. I heard that she is not going to sell them until she gets them redone because of a glitch in her chapter menu for the “stretch” section. No vendors will carry them, either, until she gets her new shipment. From the way she described the “glitch”….I don’t think I would ever have been bothered by it at all! Hope you get your first KB!

Well….a very scary thing happened last night. Around 10:40 p.m. we were awakened by a very loud explosion and our house even “rattled” and shook. My first thought was that it was a bad storm. DH got up and went outside and looked to see what it was. We also thought maybe a tree fell on the house, etc, etc. A lot of neighbors were outside talking and looking, also. About that time my daughter called and asked if I was okay. She said the news said a large explosion at the Bayer Crop Science plant had just happened. I was awake until around 3:00 a.m. with the news on. We had a shelter in place, the Emergency Responders called the house twice with instructions...then at 2:20 a.m. to tell us it had been lifted. It killed one person and another was badly burned and they took him to Pittsburg. It turned out to be a pesticide. But….the explosion was felt for miles and miles! Anyway…..I feel like a zombie today! Sorry for the novel!!

Hope everyone has a good Friday! Hi to Everyone!

Linda- how horrible about last night. It must have been scary to hear and watch it on the news. Things always seem more ominous at night. I'm glad you were ok and you didn't have to relocate.
As a matter of fact I was wiped out today after my run. I'm just coming around now and it's dinner time. I made myself go to the grocey store but I could have easliy just sat all day long.
Cathy...Funny, as I have done a lot of research about potassium after I asked SNM about the RDA. Thanks for the add'l info! This year is worse for fires as it has been very dry. One of the big lakes looks like a creek! Way to go with the booty DOMS.

Christine...thanks for the Rumble review. As P90X Kenpo (the original) was not my fav, I will probably pass on Amy's Rumble. Good job getting in the TGU's. I saw it 112 today so cooler will be wonderful...:)

Jackie...I usually get in most of the RDA of potassium with foods. The RDA is 4700 mgs, and I get over 4000 mgs most of the time if not the total. I always thought I had a free Picturetrail account but not so. I do get charged every year. I feel it is worth it. Sounds like a fun body bar workout.

Karen...you know maybe upping your potassium will help with the salt issue. My Massage therapist said potassium is what keeps water in your body. (not those exact words but something like that). Good job with the 10 miles.

Shelly...you are such a sweetie...:)...I never thought you were implying anything at all, and you know I do trust your nurse's knowledge and always appreciate any feedback. I do use Accelerade and it does have potassium in it. I always figured I peed out most of the vitamins I took!! So if I do that with extra potassium then that could be good...:)..You know, I have stopped taking fish oil as I have been getting in the right ratio of Omega 3 and Omega 6. I do take one Cal/mag supplement every day, but I am usually a tad over my RDA with the foods I eat that have cal/mag. I am soooo looking forward to 88...Congrats on your 1st Kettleball purchase. I am still holding out!

Linda...OMG, that sandwich sounds so good!! I could be drooling...:D..WOW...tha sounds like one nasty explosion. I am so happy you are okay. I'd be feeling like a zombie too.

Sad news cheetahs...my Mom fell down her stairs today. One reason we have pushed her to sell as we all worried about this...:(...I got there as the ambulance did. Her leg was at an awful angle and she had been there for a few hours as she could not get to the phone. My niece (a Physical Therapist) does think besides her femur being broke, that it could be her hip. The ambulance crew were great and as usual when I get nervous I tend to crack jokes. I will be going to the hospital after my DH comes home from work. He can drive as I have had a couple of CABS.

On a happier note, here is Beau getting read for MM with me:

Carole- Oh my goodness your poor mom. First the fire and now this. My heart goes out to both of you. I hope when you get there its' better news than what you suspect. I wish this black cloud would go away from this Cheetah forum and rain somewhere else. Until then you have my families prayers for your mom. Try and relax as best you can. It's going to be ok.

Beau is too cute for words.
Carole – {{{HUGS}}} To both you and your mom! I hope she did not break her hip! I’m sending healing vibes and prayers to her. I’ll bet you are just beside yourself!!!! {{{HUGS}}} again. Love the pic of Beau. He’s a cutie. :)

Linda – OMG! Too much action today in the Cheetah Den! :( I’m glad you and your neighbors are fine, but how sad for the workers!! I actually heard about that on the news this morning, too.

Jackie – I am SOOO ready for the weekend!!! It has officially started for me! I’m sorry the rod was ordered incorrectly, but good for your window lady to come up with a good solution. Enjoy your open house!

Karen – great job on your ten miler! It may simply be that it was more or less humid or you had an interesting day. I think I may do the long ride on Sunday instead. We’ll see. I really don’t want to *poot* my way up the hill – it does not help. :p

Shelly! Welcome to the dark side! :pI think you may just like kettlebells. I liked Rumble, too. It is very different, but different is good. I am riding so much because I feel I need to justify my bike. A new pair of running shoes is about $75. My bike was a lot more than that. Plus, I just like being out on it. I’m such a cyclist at heart. DH tried to turn me into a runner, but biking is sooo me. And darhling… You NEVER babble boringly! :p
Carole :: oh my gosh...so sorry about your mom's fall...how is she doing?...what a week it's been for her--and you!


Beau looks so squeeze-able. Thanks for sharing the pic.

Christine :: Despite my D's and F's, I don't really have any issues--at least that I know of, but I would like to up the numbers some. Great job with Newport & Rumble. I am still feelin' Providence fiercely.

Shelly :: did you go to Target & break in your new bell?...Gotta say--didn't think yours were lunatic musings at all. :) Appreciate hearing your perspective as our resident health professional. I did a double take when I read your post. Thought you said hummus is "yummus" at first. :)

Karen :: great job with your 10 miles. I do not know what causes the salt buildup, but that happens to me on some of my long runs as well. It seems to be tapering off some with each long run I do. I don't know if my body is just adapting better to running longer or what.

Jackie :: Sounds like you're ready for the weekend! :) Any special plans?...I am not ready, mainly because I am ill-prepared for school to start next week. Slacking is not usually my style, but well. It was this summer. :) The TL role will indeed add some extra work, but it's a good leadership opp and means some extra moolah. My year shouldn't be as crazed as last year. I hope. :) Glad you're happy with the window treatments. Love to see a pic if you catch a few minutes...The root canal was started but not completed.

Linda :: sheesh, what an awful scare that was last night! I'm sorry it resulted in tragedy :(...That Mediterranean sandwich you described to Carole sounds INCREDIBLE. MMmm!

I have to admit, my tooth became somewhat more painful today. Even my face has swelled a bit on that side. Felt nauseous, too. Go fig. I napped and took a couple of Advil and really had to push myself out the door this evening. I ran 4+ (with my glutes screaming all the way--thank you, Anthony! :)) and then followed with MTV Pilates abs. Wasn't that crazy about it, so I'll probably do some more ab work tomorrow. It'll otherwise be a rest day, and I'm thinkin' I'll be enjoying it big-time!!

Have a good night, ladies!

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