****clean&tidy tuesday (detox day 2)****


Hey girls,

Just a quick check in. Have French lessons this morning and forgot to do my homework. :eek: Anyway, yesterday was pretty successful. I did have some granola because I just felt like I was mal-nourishing my body and that's not the goal. I had some this morning too but will stick with fruits and veggies for the rest of the day and then tomorrow will get back into some protein and such.

I don't know if I'll WO today or not. A lady is probably going to come from the church so I can't really be working out when she shows up. If I don't get it in tonight, I'll do it tomorrow during Ellie's nap. She's fine by the way - she really is giving me gray hairs though. I just get worried because I don't know how long she can keep it up without REALLY getting hurt. She scares me. Ugh... angels are watching over her for sure!

Ok, be back later after french lessons!
French lessons over.

My body is screaming for some protein so I'm going to give it some. I will be good. I'm going to eat some leftover chili.

I'm struggling because I can't find whole wheat/grain anything here. Everything is white. I don't know what kind of "carbs" to eat.

Kate, I loved those kashi waffles! They are so yummy. I used to eat them with pb for a snack all the time. I miss Kashi!!!

Off to pick up kids and eat lunch. BBL.
Angie, good morning! Glad day one went well. I agree, eat some protein!! I as 100% squeaky clean yesterday, YAY for us!

I overslept this morning -- when I am stressed or upset, I sleep. Given this argument I am having with Chris, I am not surprised.

I'll have to make my run a short one this morning since I slept too long -- about 30 minutes I guess.

BTW, I am VERRRYY sore today -- I guess it was all those push ups yesterday, and I did a bunch of negative chin-ups, OWWW, I am really feeling it!

Hey girls, done with chili and now snacking on some dried prunes... Ryan loves them - they're good when I need something sweet.


I just finished reading y'day's posts. I didn't realize I missed so much!

Morris, I'm SOOOO sorry about your mom. (((HUGS!!!!!))) That's horrible. I feel so bad! I'll definitely be praying for your mom. It's so good that she's in a safe place and getting help. I can't imagine how I would feel if my DH left me after all that time. Klaudia is right though, there IS hope. We're here to support you whatever you need! Please let us know!

Katie, I'm sorry about your fight with Chris. That can be so draining. It just makes me want to stay in bed all day so I'm impressed that you got up and worked out!

I was amazed with myself with all the Ellie stress yesterday that I didn't eat to deal with it. I was really proud of myself. It's a huge deal for me. I avoided bread and brie which is like my most favorite thing and I just ate that granola!

Kate, hope your day started off a little better today!

Anne, sorry you had a bad first day back from your vacation - nothing like a rude awakening! Your pics were beautiful and I'm sure you looked like a rock star in your bathing suit! :)

Colleen, sorry about the STS injury. That's one of my biggest fears with WOs! I would be so bummed to get hurt! How was your pasta?

Time to read to the girls before Anna goes back to school and Ellie to nap (in her own room today!).

a quick hello for now!

katie, im sorry you guys are having troubles right now. i hope the storms passes soon....

angie, good news about ellie!
good luck w/ lessons today!

overslept too......
groceries last nigt = $125 on the dot!!! how is that???!!!
did 20 min hiit on vc last night. hr was soaring!!
morris, im so sorry about your mom. she will def get the help she needs now.
take care of yourself and kiss theos sweet boys.
Reeaaalllllyyyy late. Run was good, 2.65 miles in 30 minutes, 274 cals.

Going to be late for work...as per usual!

(((Morris))) I so sorry about your mom but now she will get the help she needs. I'm praying for her and your family.

Anne sorry about your car.

Colleen Tracey is a parttime mother. Sometimes she wants to be a mom and sometimes not. I think she uses the kids to get money from her parents and the kids father.

Angie I'm glad DD is doing fine and it's normal for kids to do things like that. Teach us a new French word.

Katie good going with the DOMS and if you need to vent we are here.

Kate & Klaudia what are you up today?

Last night I fell off the wagon and ate pizza. Tracey had the day off and she wanted me to babysit her sick teenage daughter....NO!:mad: I may just pay for the Amtrac ticket to NY so that she can "get gone". Her father talked to the father of Tracey's 2 youngest daughters and he may take the girls in, but he said that he will take her to court for child support. GOOD

I'm not going to let her stress me out today.

My w/o Kelly cardiokicks and STS weight core.
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Good Morning Everyone!

Robin, Southwest has some good deals if you are willing to send Tracy to Long Island. We are flying up there this weekend.
Morris {{{HUGS}}} I can't imagine what you are going through. We are here for you if you want to talk.
Katie, hope you and Chris can make up quickly.
Kate, you are amazing with the groceries. I don't really clip coupons and honestly we buy mostly produce, dairy and meat. We only venture into the center of the store for a few things.
Angie, glad Ellie is okay. how are the French lessons going?

Quiet day at work for me so I have a chance of getting out early again. My boss is back from vacation tomorrow so I imagine it will be busier the rest of the week. Chris says he is better today but he has spent the last 2 days in bed. I bet he will be exhausted when he gets home from work today.

w/o was Lomax
b: oatmeal w/ almonds
s: 1/2 clif bar
l: grilled chicken salad
s: strawberries & yogurt, chopped veggies & hummus
d: london broil, sweet potato, asparagus
hi everyone - thanks for the kind words. i am just in shock. also sleep deprived and scared. today i am focusing on my boys and trying to stay calm and saying prayers. i did a 10 miler and abs this am. will do weights later and keep it clean - that will help with stress for sure.

katie, are you feeling better? how quickly do you and dh tend to resolve things?

kate, great wo last night and shop.

robin, pizza is not too bad. get right abck on the wagon today.

colleen, i hope your day stays quiet.

okay, i do have to go now but will be back in a few hours
robin, how are tracey's girls holding up? how aware are they tht their mom is a nutjob?:confused:
pizza - not too bad and you have been doing so awesome! how much have you lost anyway?

colleen, are you visiting fam or just getting away?
lowmax - i hate the last combo - i allways skip it!:eek:

good run, katie!

morris, TEN MILES!!!!! that would take my slow keester all day to run! i can step all day but dont make me run!!!
enjoy your boy today. have you talked to your mom?

headed to target soon. they have 6-pack of clif bars for $5!!!! im loading up! at walmart they're 5.97, at meijer they're 7.07. rip off!

it is sunny and on its way to 60*!!!!!!
Morning, everyone! Well, I was supposed to get up and do Slow and Heavy Legs and Shoulders this morning, but I was a sleepyhead and stayed in bed. I WILL get up early tomorrow, I promise! Plus, my hammies are still a little sore from the deadlifts on Sunday, so it's probably not all bad to take another day before I lift again. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

Morris, good job on the run. Your work outs amaze me. I hope your mom is doing okay. Please know that we're all thinking of you and your family. That is so hard.

Kate, I wish I could go to Target today, have fun there.

Colleen, great job on the WO, I hope Chris isn't too wiped out from going to work today.

Katie, hugs to you! I'm sorry you're fighting with DH.

Robin, good job on the attitude. It's so easy for family members stress you out, sometimes you just have to decide you're not going to let them! I do, at least.

Angie, how was the french lesson today? I'm glad Ellie is okay.

Hi Klaudia! What work out are you doing today?

Okay, gotta get caught up at work and go get my car at some point. BBL.


The sun is shining and it smells like spring-until the weekend anyway:) And I'm feeling lazy-don't want to clean bathrooms or do sheets-ugh. Today is upper body/abs. I might attempt STS. If not, then it'll be ME upper/abs. More drama in the sub-there was an ambulance/fire truck in the court behind my house this morning-neighbor's father who is recovering from prostate cancer surgery must've had complications. Not a fun way to start the day. I'm looking forward to a walk later since I don't have dance carpool duties:) And my Spartans play UofM tonight!

Angie, good job on no stress eating with the day you had yesterday. I always aim for 4 workouts/week, then if I get 5-6 in, I feel so accomplished! Enjoy your visit today:)

Katie, everything resolved? I can't stay mad at my husband-he always gets me to laugh! Hope the run relieved some tension for you.

Kate, have fun at Target. And enjoy our thaw:) $125-I wish!

Robin, pizza isn't the worst. Your eats are always great. You can afford the indulgence. I hope your cousin gets a clue, but if not, at least you're there as an advocate for those poor kids. That's a great thing.

Morris, I'm thinking of you. I'm glad your running is helping you deal with the situation. Please know that your mom is getting the help she needs-an outside perspective is often the best. Be strong!

Colleen, enjoy your little bit of freedom today! Hope Chris feels better-nothing like having a sick hubby.

Anne, I like your story;) Good luck with the car!

s-fruit, cottge cheese
l-turkey wrap, carrots

Off to clean...
anne, back to work, eh? 4 days tho! not bad! do you hane mon off next week? another 4-dayer!
i havent done sh in a longtime! over a year!

klaudia, it smells AWESOME outside! i was loving going in -out of target. i may go to walmart later just to go outside again! this has been such a crummy winter, never going out w/ julia. im happier to be out and about now!
enjoy watching te game tonight! what sport?:p:eek:

ate an energy bar from the bread store (g'harvest, anne). prob too high in cals but they are loaded w/ nutrition and so tasty! also ate a good chunk of i's clif kids bar. lunch will be light. im protein & fibered out!:D:eek:
Kate the girls are rebelling and braking things on purpose. The teen girl is so into boys, but that maybe normal. But the 2nd grader is also into boys:mad: that's not normal.

Colleen I'm glad you are having a nice day at work. You deserve it.

Kate let me know how much protein is in clif bars please

Anne sometimes you may need an extra day off went you lift heavy.

Klaudia attempt STS? Scary Cat :p Scary Cat:p

my meals
b-sweet potato
l-spinach and tuna salad
s-nuts and fruits
d-bake BBQ chicken and ??

Today I attempted STS Abs plates and weights. I thought the "plates" were BB plates. DUH:confused: she uses paper plates. It looks easier than it really is.
robin, thats sad about the girls. sounds like their mom rubbed off on them. maybe id shes out of the pic theyll come around.
may try that abs tonight - but im scared. we got a 12# med ball this weekend - 8 was too light in some spots.
the clif kids is something like 3 or 4. adults.....i dont remember. target was sold outand i got a raincheck:mad:
iPhone check in, running errands on my lunch, grabbed a salad. Not fighting with chris anymore, just not speaking much. Dinner out for SIL's bday tonight but I swear I will be good.

More later!!
So much for a quiet day - my boss decided to get on email this morning and has been treating everyone like they are 5. If you are going to go on vacation and give people responsibility for things then you need to trust they know how to do their job. If not, then don't go away. I am really pissed off about it and I just want to go home. Needless to say this afternoon won't be very productive.

Katie, glad you are not fighting - hope you start speaking more tonight.
Kate, great deal on clif bars. I usually don't buy the boxes because I like variety. I haven't had great harvest nutrition bars. Do you like them?
Robin, I thought the same thing about the plates for abs. I was shocked to see paper plates.
Klaudia, glad you are having a nice Spring day. I like having a break from winter but it is so depressing when the cold weather comes back.
Morris - more {{HUGS}} - glad you are hanging in there.
Anne, don't worry about oversleeping. It's hard to get up for the first day back after vacation.

katie, maybe dinner out will be a nice distraction

colleen, im glad i dont hae a boss!!!!:D have there been some issues lately regarding that or does he just have his knickers in a twist?
you have a great harvest???!!!! i thought that was a local place! goes to show i dont get around too much huh??? i love theier energy bars! i could exist on their 9-grain bread!
Colleen, that's a bummer, don't you hate it when bosses get like that? I know just how you feel. I used to have a manager who could write the book on micromanaging. And I didn't even report to her at the time! She picked on me through someone else. Yuck.

Kate, isn't the weather beautiful today? I walked to pick up my car (about 10-15 minutes away). It was so nice to be outside and in sunshine! I mean, I know, I had that in Mexico, but it's nice to have it at home. I like Great Harvest, too, but we usually go to Roma's for bread. I love white bread, even though I'm not supposed to.

Klaudia, did you get outside today?

Morris, hang in there. I'm glad your mom is getting the help she needs.

Robin, I didn't get STS, but I might break down and get the ab dvd. I love tough ab work outs, but those seem a tad long. I rarely do CoreMax because 20 minutes just seems excessive to me. Maybe I should try it, though, and give it a few weeks to see what it does for me.

Katie, you're always so busy! I hope you got your errands done.

Angie, how are your girls today?

Okay, I'm pretty much caught up at work. I made one of the pictures from Tulum the wallpaper on my ginormous iMac. It looks too cool. DH is such a good photographer. I have a meeting at 3, but I'll be back before I leave for the day.


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