My January Rotations


I learn so much every time I read Cathe's rotations -- some of those tapes in her new January Rotations I don't have -- but I did notice 2 days of cardio, followed by 1 day of upper body and one day of lower body. Also noticed that she put in Boot Camp right after an intense workout. My conclusions -- and I could be wrong -- but it looks as though it is perfectly fine to put an all cardio day after one of the IMAX days -- or something similar. Again, I noticed in another rotation series that whenever she combined cardio and weights workouts -- and when these were the only workouts she was doing that week, that she put a day inbetween each work out. It just shows me that when I was doing FIRM tapes every single day, that I might have been overdoing it -- perhaps -- I never went very high in my weights, though.

Well, anyway, enough. Down to next week's rotation. Would like to start the week out with a bang:9 -- so I think I'll start off with something intense.

Monday: IMAX

Tuesday: Cardio & Weights or perhaps Muscle Endurance -- we'll see -- I tend to hobby horse Muscle Endurance, since I really, really love that tape.

Wednesday: One of Tai Bo's 30 minute tapes, followed by 30 minutes of stretching with Janis Saffell -- can't wait for Cathe's new stretch DVD.

Thursday: MIC

Friday: MIS

Saturday: Nancy Tucker's Maximum Cardio Scuplt or Rhythmic Step

Sunday: Rest

Well that's the start of this new week in this New Year. And Jeanie, if you happen to read this, I wish you the very best year ever. And for all those who read this post, I wish you a wonderful year, too.:)
Karen Kay,

Looks like a tough rotation for you this week. I plan on starting Cathe's January rotation today. I have all the tapes listed for the first week. During the next three weeks, I'll have to substitute tapes that I don't have.

In my humble opinion, the FIRM doesn't have enough cardio for people like me who NEED cardio to drop pounds. I know a lot of people claim that aerobic weight training is sufficient for that purpose, but my body seems to respond to lengthier cardio sessions. Cathe's step tapes are perfect for that purpose.

Hey, I was thinking about you Friday. I was watching this soap opera called "The Bold and the Beautiful" and there was a very pretty and elegant lady on it who looked a lot like you! She had a very British accent. You aren't writing and acting these days are you? -- LOL!!

Well, today is my last day off work -- then it's back to the grind!

Have a great day!


Just wanted to pop in and say Hi KK!! I'm going to be trying Cathe's rotation with some subs for the ones I don't have. I started early with it on Sat. I'm a bit sore, especially when I try to sit in a chair! :7
Rhea, I told Karen Kay about you loving her new book and reading it in one day. In fact, your comments lead me to go to and place an order for two Karen Kay books. I plan to start my reading tonight (I like to take a warm bubble bath and then plop into my comfy bead with a good book).
Hi Jeanie! Hi Rhea!

Wow, it's good to see you both here. I really am going to have to get back to the FitPrime forums. I miss everybody there. Hopefully after this week, things will calm down -- at least a little.

Thank you, Rhea, for your warm compliments -- it went straight to my heart, just so you know.

Will be a little busy this week -- I'm the guest author on an online email chat -- and yesterday was on it for 3 hours. Finally, I had to go and get some exercise done -- and get to my course. Today it's not quite so busy.

Cathe's rotation looks great. The problem is that I don't have many of those tapes, and yet I own 12 of her tapes already.

Jeanie, you are so sweet to say such a wonderful thing.:p No, I'm not acting, as well -- although I sometimes wish I did do that -- but I think I have enough with my hands full with writing.

Even though I live in LA, I don't really have that much to do with "THE Industry," as it is called here. Although, I did get invited to attend something to do with a TV show here recently, but it won't be airing until June -- to tell you the truth, my front teeth are not straight, and when I was interviewed on camera, all I could think about were my teeth, and if the camera would make me look like I had teeth missing;)

Anyway, did IMAX yesterday and loved it. :p I, too, think I needed more cardio than what the FIRM offers. Even so, I loved the FIRM, as it really gave me my start into the world of weights.:7

Today I plan to do Cardio and Weights -- I'm holding myself back from doing Muscle Endurance, only because I love that tape and if given a chance, I'd do it over and over and over.

Well, I best get back to that forum and see if anyone has any further questions of me. Hopefully next week, I'll be able to get back to the FitPrime forum and see all your smiling faces again.:7

Have a great one.
Hi Karen Kay!

Karen Kay, you are so pretty that no one would even notice your teeth! I am very self conscious about my teeth too. They are very straight and white, but I have a slight over-bite. When I was younger, the orthodontist said he would have to pull a lot of my back teeth to correct a "minimal" over-bite and he didn't recommend it. Now I wish I had had it done. Oh well, guess no one is perfect, right? LOL!!!!

Whenever I do Muscle Endurance, I think of you. I know how you love that tape! I think my favorite Cathe right now is High Step Training Advanced. I love it so much!

You'll definitely have to visit FitPrime. There is lots of talk about the new workouts that will be released in February and March. I'm afraid they might be too easy for us though....

Have a great day!

Jeanie -

I thought the same about the new workouts, just didn't want to say anything over there. ( you know how it can be on that general forum!:eek: ) After doing Cathe, I suppose we could use those on the "easy" days. I'm sort of interested in the combined yoga/pilates thing.
Hope you are having a great day, miss you over there!

KKK----hope you can come visit soon. I saw on your December rotation that you got "heavy" rewrites to do over the holidays. Hopefully that went okay. Hope you get back to the forum too.....miss talking to you.
Karen Kay,

If only you knew how many books I have ruined during my bathtub reading! Lately I've been trying to stick to magazines and paperbacks -- LOL!!!

Rhea, I miss going over to FitPrime too. To be honest, I'm a little dishearted (okay, a LOT disheartened) by the way things are working out with Anna's new venture. First, some of the forums disappear. Ginger, who is a moderator, was kind enough to find my workout diary and email it to me. But we had NO prior notice. Then it turns out the infomerical airs with no prewarning despite the constant threads of loyal FitPrimers begging for information. Makes no sense to me. x( Still, I'll probably end up buying them eventually.

-- Jeanie

I know what you mean. I was very disappointed to see that the Kickbutt series may just be re-tapes of the ones we already have. I sure hope we don't have to find a new "home." I don't think there is a check in here is there? Of course, here I am yaking on KK's rotation thread!
Well Rhea, Karen Kay has her own check-in here, and I like to keep her company!

You love us, don't you Karen Kay? :D
Hi Rhea! Hi Jeanie!

I am so thrilled that you both are keeping me company here at this site -- even though sometimes I don't make it to the site. I'm doing this online email chat as a guest author and it is keeping me busy.

Rhea, I'm still doing the rewrites. My editor was kind enough to give a bit of an extension due to the fact that I'm new to Berkley and didn't know their procedures on re-writes -- so this is a good thing. The holidays were hectic.

Gee, I didn't know any of those things going on over at FitPrime. The reason why I brought my rotations schedule here to Cathe's site was because there came a time at FitPrime where I couldn't get into or post in the sitex( . This doesn't happen here and so it's easier on me. But I do miss the lo carb gang at FitPrime and soon I'll have a little time scrapped out so that I can rejoin the talk.

I, too, am afraid that the new FitPrime videos might be too easy. Weight wise I find Cathe's constant instruction and attention to form very good for me -- which the FitPrime videos don't do and I find myself -- cause it moves so fast -- using incorrect form, and sometimes injuring myself -- I think only cause I'm not educated enough on doing the weight training correctly. That's why I love Cathe's tapes -- she never fails to give you that instruction which I need so badly. Plus, with her, I can increase my weights cause I'm not worried about injury.

That said, however, I miss the gang.:-( And I'll be back as soon as I can. A lot seemed to hit all at once.

Anyway, I did Maximum Intensity Cardio today and found it more than a little challenging. I'm so used to IMAX and IMAX2 and getting some breaks inbetween the anaerobic intervals, that I found MIC very challenging and ended up doing lo impact versions of many of the moves. It's quite a high impact tape -- but very, very good. Really worked up a sweat.

Also, did Nancy Tucker's Calorie Killer yesterday -- another tape that I love. I think Nancy does a great job on that tape.

But Cathe -- boy, do I like her tapes -- I recommend them every chance I get.:p

Also did Cardio and Weights -- each time I do that workout, I find that it's a little more challenging than I remember from the previous time. It's an interesting one.

Oh, yes, Jeanie, I, too, like High Step Advanced. What an incredible workout. But Muscle Endurance -- I absolutely adore that workout.

Anyway, gotta go and get myself ready to go to course.

Oh, and by the way, thank you so much for the compliments -- mind you I don't put the photos that make me look old or anything on my site -- just the good ones.:7

Have a great one, and again, I really appreciate you both coming here to cheer me on and help me catch up on all the news.
Just thought I'd make mention of a note: the last few nights, I've been awakened with muscles shaking. At first I didn't know what to do, or the cause, but last night I took extra magnesium, and it went away. May need to keep my intake of magnesium a little higher when I do videos that I'm not used to doing. It seems to take my body a while to adjust and the magnesium does help.

I will probably do ME today instead of MIS -- we'll see. ME is calling me...
Hi Karen Kay,

Sorry to hear about your muscles shaking and awakening you. I've experienced similar shaking, but not during the night. I hope the magenesium continues to do the trick.

I'm anxiously waiting to see if ME called you loud enough!:7

-- Jeanie
Karen Kay -

I have had the muscle problem too on a lc diet, but only in my calves so far. Extra water and some calcium helped me. I'm going to have to add ME to my workout soon. I think I have only done that one a couple times when I first got it ( then I induldged in many more Cathe tapes and haven't been able to do all of them a whole lot) But I sure love her tapes. I did the FIRM upper body split in place of a Cathe I didn't have, I was bored to tears. I missed Cathe's comments and jokes. Well, have a great day! I'm off to go home because not feeling too hot. Pushed too hard this week I think. Wasn't ready to go from almost no working out to a 6 day week. :)
Hi Jeanie! Hi Rhea!

Saw my chiropractor this weekend and apparently my adrenals are on the blink -- not surprising with all the holiday rush and a deadline on top of that. Luckily the magnesium is doing the trick at night and I'm able to get some sleep -- got nine hours last night... Thanks for your thoughts on this, too, Rhea. It's interesting, isn't it about the muscles and shaking and all. Magnesium does do the trick, though.

Anyway, oh, Rhea, I, too, love Cathe's comments and jokes -- makes you feel like you're old friends. It's one of the things I like best on ME, is Cathe's jokes. There's one -- when you're in the middle of doing biceps and you go half way up and she gives this cute laugh -- knowing that you're just dying -- then she says, "these are not so nice." Understatement.

Anyway, I'm going to wait until tomorrow to post a rotation. I've been a bit under with something this weekend:-( -- I think that's why I slept so much. My chiro says I'm detoxing. Huh...

Well, I asked my husband if we had a boat built just in case. Steady pounding rain here for the last 4-5 days. My DH and brother-in-law were out this afternoon digging channels around his house and putting sand bags against his wall, as the hill behind his house was starting to slide down into his yard. Even had a news station come out and watch them work.;)

Okay, so I'm going to go try to get myself to bed now -- need to be up early to work. Last week I was on this online email chat -- and really didn't get much else done but that -- and next week I'm on call for jury duty -- plus a deadline...

Hopefully, if I get up early enough, I'll get these revisions done and then I won't have to worry about them anymore.

Well, have a great one.:7
Hey KK-

Take care of yourself. I understand the under the weather with something. I've been fighting nasty something all weekend. No workouts for me. You've got the rain and we've got the snow up here in Northern CA. In fact, it is snowing again right now. Be safe! Have a great day.
Hi Rhea,

It's great to see you here. Yes, we're getting rain, rain, and more rain. And you're getting snow? Wow!

Well, I'm up late tonight -- was reading before I went to bed and read something that made me think -- and so now I can't sleep -- decided I'd best get up and get some work done. So here I am on the Cathe forums instead...

Really, I will get to that manuscript. Got the heaviest revision done today -- it was a rewrite, but it had taken much thought on my part -- so to have that behind me is really good.

I did a 10 minute exercise today with Janis Saffel and her 10 minute Kick box routine -- then a 27 minute stretch with Janis. Couldn't believe how that 10 minute workout had me tired. The stretching felt good.

Still not going to post a workout plan, as tomorrow may be nothing, or another 10 minutes. We'll see. Sometimes I feel like I at least have to do that 10 minutes, as I do nothing but sit most of the day.

You take it easy, too, and thanks so much for joining me here. It's nice to hear from you. Once this deadline is done, I hope to be able to post at FitPrime again.

Hi Karen Kay and Rhea!

Hope you both are feeling better today. Our weather here is very odd -- we had record high temps a few days ago, and now it's cold and sleeting!

Good luck with the revisions on your manuscript Karen Kay -- that doesn't sound like fun work! It must be very fulfulling, though, when your book comes together.

Take care!


P.S. Yesterday I did "Cher Fitness" -- it's a very old step tape that features Cher and Kelli Roberts.

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