To perform a scarecrow from a standing position first form a goal post with each arm so that your elbows are at shoulder height and your forearms are pointed toward the ceiling. Then slowly rotate your forearms until they are about parallel to the floor…..Pause….then return to the starting position.
You’re always limited by your weakest link when it comes to any exercise and your shoulders are probably the most used and most vulnerable joint in your body. You use your shoulders when you do a chest fly, chest press, push up, pull up, dumbbell row, bicep curl and almost every exercise you do. Having a weak link can prohibit you from working a larger muscle in an exercise like a pull up, but by strengthening your weak links you will finally be able to work larger muscles more effectively.
With the Scarecrow 100 rep challenge you will focus on perfect form with Cathe guiding you every step while Jai demonstrates the exercise. Since you will be doing around 35 reps on the first set you will be using light weights in a very controlled and slow movement. Perfect form and going to failure every set will help you to develop neural pathways to your muscles so that you will eventually be able to activate more muscle fibers in your rotator cuff and will be able to develop and have strong healthy shoulders!
*Pre-Sale prices end Oct 30th. You can learn more or Pre- order XTRAIN now at: Click Here
Cathe and Jai look so beautiful and I love Cathe’s Cathlete t-shirt!