XTrain Legs Workout Times and Premixes

XTrain Legs is a low impact lower body routine that is broken into three regular sections and one Bonus Barre segment. This workout also features seven premixes  with several of the workouts featuring the extra Bonus leg  footage. This workout will also feature a Bonus H ip Thruster 100 rep Challenge   and a Rear Delts section with a total time of 13;35 that is also included in some of the Premixes or it can be done separately.

The format for the XTrain Legs workout is as follows: 

Warm-up  5:30, standing Legs  – 18:36, ball & chair – 9:38, floor – 12:16, stretch- 5:42 (Total Time = 51 mins)

The format for the XTrain Legs workout is as follows: 

Warm-up , standing, ball & chair, floor, stretch

Here are the Premixes for this video:

Legs (standing legs, ball & chair, floor) + Rear Delts  (Warm-up , standing, ball & chair, floor, rear delts stretch)

Legs (all sections)    (warm up, standing legs, barre, ball & chair, floor, stretch)

Legs (all sections)  + Rear Delts             (warm up, standing legs, barre, ball & chair, floor, rear delts, stretch)

Legs (standing and floor only)       (Warm-up , standing, , floor, stretch)

Legs (standing legs and floor only) + Rear Delts      (Warm-up , standing legs , floor, rear delts, stretch)

Legs (barre, ball & chair, floor)          (Warm-up , barre, ball & chair, floor, stretch)

Legs (barre, ball & chair, floor)  + Rear Delts             (Warm-up , barre, ball & chair, floor, rear delts, stretch)

Legs (standing legs, ball & chair)            (warm up, standing legs, ball & chair, stretch)

Legs (standing legs, ball & chair)    + Rear Delts        (warm up, standing legs, ball & chair, rear delts, stretch)

Legs (standing legs only)      (warm up, standing legs, stretch)

Legs (standing legs only)   + Rear Delts           (warm up, standing legs, rear delts, stretch)


100 Rep challenge  Hip Thruster  is included with this workout


With XTrain program we give you more workout options than anyone else. Besides the regular workout and the Premixes listed above you can also select any of the individual workout sections you would like to do separately for even an shorter workout or to target an area you are most interested in. XTrain Legs is totally low impact, and many of the segments require little to no equipment making XTrain Legs the perfect workout to do when you travel.



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