XTrain Burn Sets

Burn Sets … This XTRAIN workout consists of two traditional upper body heavy weight workouts: Chest/back/Shoulders and Bis/Tris. This workout also contains options for working individual muscle groups for those of you that want and need a shorter workout.

In Burn Sets you’ll work each muscle group before moving on to the next muscle group. You’ll usually do three sets for each exercise with a goal of around 10 reps for your first and second sets. On your third set you’ll always lift to failure. We’ll then add a Burn Set finisher after every third set of each muscle group to really feel the muscles heat up.You’ll need to use heavy weights in this XTRAIN workout and I suggest trying a weight that is about 75 to 80% of your one rep max. If you find a weight is too heavy or too light during your first or second set simply grab a more appropriate weight for any remaining sets, but make sure you always lift to failure on your third set. Lifting to failure is perhaps the most important requirement for developing strong and toned muscles.
*Pre-Sale prices end soon. You can learn more or Pre- order  XTRAIN now at:  Click Here