What Your Eyes Can Say About Your Health

It has often been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. But did you know that they are also portals through which you can get a pretty good glimpse of potential health problems? The eyes are the only part of the human body where doctors can see veins and arteries without having to do surgery. Because of this, an eye doctor can sometimes detect systemic illnesses such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol long before there are any other obvious symptoms present. But these aren’t the only disease that can be detected through regular eye exams.

Autoimmune Disease

An autoimmune disease is a condition that causes the body to attack its own healthy cells – rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, for example. If the inside ocular surface of the blood vessels of the eye are swollen red, itchy, and watery for no apparent reason, then there may be cause to suspect an undiagnosed autoimmune disease. However, this can be caused by allergies as well.


This disease is characterized by plaques that form in the arteries. Small bits of fatty cholesterol material, usually from the carotid arteries, break loose and travel through the blood stream to the eye area where they become lodged. These small blockages in the eyes are called Hollenhorst plaques and they might be the initial evidence that other arteries are beginning to become clogged.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Now doctors can accurately detect Alzheimer’s disease with a simple eye exam. It seems that the same amyloid protein found in the brains of those suffering from Alzheimer’s can also be also found in the fluid of the eyes. This is important because early detection of Alzheimer’s is critical to slowing the progression of the disease.

 Multiple Sclerosis

Ophthalmologist use a process called optical coherence tomography (OCT) to detect glaucoma. But researchers have discovered that this same scan can be used to detect and monitor multiple sclerosis. With OCT, doctors can determine the health of nerve tissue usually in advance of other symptoms.

There is a long list of diseases that have ocular manifestations and they can often be detected very early with the right eye exams. This list not only includes the aforementioned diseases, but others such as HIV, brain tumors, and brain aneurysms, as well. The thing to remember is that general practitioners don’t usually check the eyes thoroughly unless the patient is coming to the doctor with an eye complaint. This is why you should not neglect your yearly visit to the ophthalmologist.


Categories: Blog, Fitness Tips, Health

2 Responses

  • I was very excited to see this article because I am an optometrist from Marysville, Ohio (and a huge Cathe fan). I was a little dissapointed with the last half of the article, which isnt entirely true. During a regular eye exam, though they are VERY important, we do not check for Alzheimer’s. I dont know of a single optometrist or ophthalmologist that does this. Also, why was it that only ophthalmologist were mentioned. The vast majority of optometrist also have OCT’s and are primary care doctors for your eyes. Our friends, the ophthalmologists do surgery, so we refer to them as needed. In fact, many ophthalmologist dont do glasses or contacts, so you have to see an optometrist anyway in many cases.

  • Interesting article. I was treated for a benign brain tumor almost 5 years ago and have faithfully gone to the eye doctor since I was 10 and have worn contacts since age 12 (I’m now 35). The first thing the neurologist and neurosurgeon asked me was did I have any eye problems, blurry vision, etc and I experience none. The only clue that I had a problem was that I had a seizure while I was sleeping. If my husband hadn’t found me in bed that night, shaking and unconscious, things could have turned out worse, I could have had one while driving. I am very thankful that I had the tumor removed and while i do have to take seizure medication, it doesnt’ cause me any problems and I haven’t had a seizure since Jan 2011.