Total Transformation by Terri Jennings


I was the opposite of most growing up. I was the skinny girl who never put on weight. I weighed 107 pounds when I graduated high school. I didn’t go straight to college, but worked full time at a fast food restaurant. When I was 19 I married my first husband and was probably around 130 pounds. July 12, 1993 I gave birth to my son, Drake, and weighed probably 170 pounds. On October 25, 1996 I gave birth to my daughter, Jessica, and weighed 208 pounds. I had a job interview not too long after I had Jessica and I went to the consignment shop to buy a skirt to wear. I bought a size 22! My weight fluctuated from 1996 to 2000. In 2000, after having gone through a
divorce, I wanted to get into better shape. I worked out and ate really well and got down to 130 pounds. I felt great! In 2001, I met and married my current husband, Russ. My weight didn’t start to get back up until after

Hurricane Katrina. I let myself go again and didn’t realize it too much until I stepped on the scale and it was 190 pounds. In October of 2008 I


had shoulder surgery and carpal tunnel surgery. I decided after the surgery that I needed to get back into shape since I weighed more than my husband. I started slowly lifting water bottles and worked my way up from there. I found Cathe Freidrich on FitTv and loved her enthusiasm and workouts. I began to slowly do them because they were hard for me to do. I eventually took the plunge and ordered STS (Shock Training System) from Cathe in November 2008.

After losing 30 pounds, I decided to hire a personal trainer in September 2010. I decided if I really wanted to make some changes and compete, I would have to get a trainer. I asked around and was referred to No Holds Barred in Hattiesburg, MS. I talked with Angela Rayburn and hired her as my trainer. Even though the gym was almost an hour from my house, I made the commitment to go there 2-3 times per week to train. When I started with Angela I was 148 pounds and 21% body fat. I decided to compete in May 2011 because it was our gyms first competition. I went on stage at 113 pounds and 12% body fat. What an awesome feeling to be able to walk on stage!!! I know I have some areas to improve if I want to place better in the competitions but I know that I can do it!!!!
My long term goal is to become a personal trainer so I can help people who want to loose weight!

14 Responses

  • You got pass all your obstacles and You knew what you wanted and went for it. Such a great accomplishment. You are an inspiration to anyone wanting to get fit. Lot of hard work and dedication. Terri, so very proud of you!

  • What an inspiring, encouraging story, Terri. Like many success stories I have heard in my business, you have shown through dedication to your dreams and hard work , great things are possible. Way to go girl.

  • Congratulations on your accomplishment – takes a huge amount of commitment and you should be very proud of being that dedicated! You look amazing! Keep up the good work!!

  • Looking Good!!! Keep up the good work and congratulations on your accomplishments.

  • I have been working out for at least 2 yrs. strong everyday. p90x , Cathe Freidrick gluttes and abs and a multitude of other ones and now I even go on demand and add fit tv workouts plus run on treadmill and outside every other day. I want to know how you got your abs and thighs to look like that? I had 4 kids and my thighs and abs are driving me crazy. extra skin, cellulite . just not happy! I could use some input! Please…..

  • What an awesome story! I especially love to hear from the moms who when through a body transformation. Kids are no excuse! We can be hawt, too!

  • Thanks everyone! Its been an amazing experience.
    Michelle- clean eating is 90% of getting results. You can work out a bunch but if you aren’t eating clean you won’t get what you are looking for.
    Make sure you are eating 5-6 small meals per day. Protein at each meal. I only eat carbs before 12pm and none after that. My last meal of the day is around 6 – 6:30 pm.
    Before my competition diet I allowed one cheat meal per week. I could eat anything I wanted and dessert. But, it was only once per week. I was very good about following the diet the dietician at the gym designed for me! Keep a food log so you know exactly what you are eating and when. I even put my workouts in there to see what I’ve been doing.
    Good luck!!

  • By the way, the before picture was taken on July 5, 2010. The after picture at my first competition on May 21, 2011. So not quite one year to get the results. If you work hard, you can get the results you are looking for!

  • Awesome results, I have that same program but I havent tried it yet, you are such and inspiration. My main problem is eating clean, I dont have the finances to join a gym or to hire a professional dietician.