Success Story Spotlight: Success Thanks to Cathe by Jeanne

Hello, I am 45-year-old full-time legal assistant. I have suffered from a movement disorder my entire life. It has taken me years to get my symptoms under control. But, with determination and a little (okay A LOT) of help from Cathe, my health issues have not kept me from being in the best shape of my life.

I use Cathe workouts almost daily. I belonged to a gym for while, but decided that the convenience of working out at home along with Cathe’s challenging and always interesting workouts are a better fit for me and the physique I want to maintain.

Almost two years ago, I had bilateral bunion surgery, which left me couch-bound and in a wheelchair for over six weeks. My weight ballooned to 190 pounds (I am 5’8″). I used Cathe workouts religiously

Jeanne’s before Pic

and maintained a good, healthy diet (lots of spinach!) to get my weight down. Last January, I was still at least 160 pounds with about 27% body fat. I knew I could do better than that and am now maintaining 145 pounds or less and am at about 13% body fat.

People can not believe that I am 45-years-old. I am constantly being encouraged to “compete on stage”. Although I am a bit too shy to do that, I love hearing it. It never gets old.

I am very happy with my physique, quality of life, and health, even though my movement disorder creates a constant challenge. A lot of people with my disorder give up on themselves and staying fit. But, with Cathe, I look forward to my early morning workouts and will even squeeze in a post-workday workout when I get home, occasionally.

I thank Cathe for giving us quality, challenging workouts with tons of variety and always being a step ahead, technologically, with things like On Demand and Cathe Live.

10 Responses

  • Amazing transformation! Congratulation Cathe! You should be proud of you. I admire people like you, because you achieved your goal without excuses. I found your blog few days ago and I gain here a lot of interesting articles, keep it up!

  • Way to go Jeanne!! You look amazing! I also have a movement disorder that I struggle with on a daily basis. I gained a bunch of weight in the last 3 years and just recently got back to doing Cathe workouts and watching what I eat. You are an inspiration.

  • Oh my gosh! You guys are so awesome! Thank you!!

    I have an open diary on mfp for Brandee (or anyone). But, I don’t log every day and they are not usually sectioned off into meals. You can also add 100-200 calories of nuts, seeds, dried fruit mix. I, most likely, was still hungry and want to eat enough to get me through the night. Although, there have been several nights where I wake up starving.

    Here are some examples. Open to questions.


  • Good for you. I am sure that working out, keeping strong, and fit helps you with your movement disorder, but probably also makes working out very challenging for you. You are an inspiration!

  • Hi Jeanne. I think it is so great what you have accomplished. I’m 50 with osteoarthritis and have had it for about 10 years. I use to body build and almost competed but I’m shy like you are about it. I still do Cathe’s workouts in the morning 5 days a week but would love to know more about what you did with your diet. The links above don’t work. When I try to go in, it goes to my page, not yours. I appreciate your feedback. Thanks and congrats to your new life. 🙂