Cathe OnDemand + Live Monthly Membership Trial

$19.97 / month with a 7-day free trial

Start your free 7-day trial today! $19.97/month (recurring) after that. Cancel anytime

If you cancel your subscription before the end of the 7-day free trial, your credit card won’t be charged.

You can cancel anytime within the first 7 days by clicking the “My Account” link at Then select “view” button in “Recent Orders” . Then select the “view” button again in related subscriptions and then select the cancel button.

We’re asking for your credit card and payment information now so you can continue to enjoy your Cathe workouts uninterrupted after your 7-day free trial period ends. If you cancel your subscription before the end of the 7-day free trial, your credit card won’t be charged.

*Limit one free 7 day trial membership per person. **Cancel instructions also listed in our FAQ on our homepage



You can subscribe to Cathe’s On Demand workout video site and get access to all 300+ premium Cathe videos, 170+ Cathe Live archived videos and 1800+ workout premixes and bonus videos for only $19.97 per month (*recurring monthly charge ). Plus, you also get free access to Cathe Live broadcasts for FREE! (normally $9.97 per month).

You can watch Cathe OnDemand videos on your computer or almost any mobile device. And best of all when you subscribe to Cathe OnDemand not only do you get unlimited access to all 300+ workout and bonus videos, but you will automatically receive unlimited access to any new video production we make for Free.

Cathe OnDemand also comes with access to Cathe’s Workout Blender, which lets you create your own “premixes” from any chapters from any of Cathe’s workouts. The possibilities are endless! You can also easily import workouts that other Cathletes have created and shared…and you can share your creations too!

Our new OnDemand network has several advantages. First, we stream at three different data rates instead of just one. This should help if you have marginal download speeds since you can now select a lower quality feed by clicking on the player’s HD button. The good news is we’ve also really tweaked our settings so that our video files are smaller, but higher quality. This helps too. Lastly, our video files are cached on servers all over the world. This means you’re usually only one hop away from connecting to one of our media servers – at the most two hops away. To learn more about why our new streaming network is the best in the industry | Click Here |

With Cathe OnDemand you don’t have to worry about storing or losing Cathe video files on your computer’s hard drive or defective DVDs. Since Cathe OnDemand streams video to your computer the files are stored on our servers and you can access them whenever you like. You can also access your videos from wherever you are by simply logging into your account. This makes streaming a great option for when you travel.

Still not convinced? Don’t worry, we don’t lock you in and you may cancel your subscription at any time.

*Not sure if your system can handle our OnDemand streaming videos? Go to our free test site to find out. | Stream Test Site |