No Pause for Menopause – by Joanna


Well, my journey continues as I have now officially entered menopause (August 13th). I have been a dedicated Cathe fan since 1999. I love, love, LOVE all of her cardio workouts. I struggle, struggle, STRUGGLE with the weight workouts. But, hey, I have lots of equipment and at least I am trying?

Anyway, as I enter this new phase, I have been told by friends and acquaintances that I can expect lots of weight gain. Hah! No way! I have been off most of the summer with a bad ankle injury (my 70lb suitcase fell on it – ouch) and have been walking since I could put a shoe back on. Today I ventured back to Cathe with the Kickbox workout from the 4 day split. I made it! As I think back over all these years, and before I found Cathe, I have always been intent on fitness.

What should change now? My five grown children think I am kind of a fanatic when it comes to eating right and staying in shape. But, hey, at least I will be around for a long time, God willing!! When I think of the word success, I realize it has changed over the years. I try these days to not measure success by my weight on the scale nor by dress size. I want to be comfortable in my skin – and that is a legacy I can leave my children and future (hopefully!!) grandchildren.

So menopause? Just a new season that may require more vigilance, or maybe just a different watchfulness. One of the best books I’ve read in the last couple of years was “Younger Next Year” that submits that we send our body signals – either that we are active or that we are dying! Shocking! Cathe and all of her ‘stuff’ has greatly helped my ability to get and stay and be active. Thank you!! To life after menopause! The best is yet to come…

10 Responses

  • Joanna! What a wonderful attitude! I love the “different watchfulness” idea! I hope that you are very proud of yourself! Thanks for sharing and good luck in your continuing journey!

  • Thanks for that story! It’s great inspiration. I am not close to that stage yet, but I am trying to maintain a positive spirit about it. Thanks for your story – – I typically only hear the negative ones!

  • Joanna, your post was truly inspiring to read. I am very nearly at the same point in life. You go girl!!!

  • Joanna,

    Your story brought a tear to my eye thinking you and I have been and are going through similar issues. We are not alone!
    Thank you for sharing with us all.
    Your final words are on an old running tee I treasure.
    “The Best Is Yet To Come!”
    Keep up the good work!
    Heidi 🙂

  • I am there, right along with you. You are right, it is a different mindfulness.
    The best way to deal is to meet it head on.

  • Not only are our names the same, so are our attitudes!! I hit menopause about 10 years ago and am more physically active than ever! I, too, am so glad to have found Cathe’s DVD’s. I never thought that at 60 I would be lifting weights so faithfully – I feel stronger than ever!! By the way, I just found out this week that I’ll be a grandma for the first time! Life is good! You are so right – the best is yet to come and it has!

  • Wow what an inspiration you are! I have recently had a total hysterectomy, and that equaled an instant slightly early menopause. I am struggling with the hormones and the instant weight gain. I am trying to eat better, and starting back to exercising!! This journey of our lives is often forgotten in the fitness world , but I like the fact that Cathe’s videos can be incorporated by everyone. I like a very hard, no nonsense workout, that does not waste my time, but pushes me hard to get to those resistant spots that menopause seems to bring! I feel like I am getting my life back, and the sky is the limit! You inspire me, lets be watchful together. Best wishes…

  • Thank you all for your kind responses. As we navigate the years ahead, support is the key. Happy Holidays – may they be joyful and full of healthy celebrations…

  • JoAnna,

    Thanks for your story. It’s nice to hear about other “old” people going through the “change” but have the gumption to keep going. I face challenges associated with menopause, too. I am determined to not let it slow me down. I am even more dedicated to trying to stay healthy. Cathe’s dvd workouts keep me challenged and motivated. I love them! 2010 will be the year to sharpen my fitness goals!

  • Joanna,

    I too have gone thru the “change” and all the things that go with it. Still having hot flashes after 15 years! I started doing Cathe about 7 years ago, but really got into it 3 years ago. I lost 60 pounds and felt great! 2 deaths in the family this last year and frequent traveling have seen me gain back 15. I received the Younger Next Year book from my step daughter for Christmas. I haven’t read alot of the book, but Springtime on the Savannah in Chapter 3 really spoke to me and how I have allowed myself to decay this past year. I hope to be inspired by the rest of the book as you are!