Baby Weight Be Gone! – by laperez25


Before I got pregnant I was in great shape. When I got pregnant with my first child I gained about 70 pounds and after having her I still had 50-60 pounds on me for a whole year.I was very depressed because of all the weight I had gained. I tried a workout program that helped me loose weight but didn’t give me the results I truly was expecting. Then I heard about Cathe from a couple of my online group friends. So I went to check Cathe’s site and look at some DVDs and I decided to start with Imax 3 (yup, that’s right).

So, I fell in love with Imax 3  and loved how tough and FUN it was. So, I started buying more and more Cathe DVDs. I continued to workout to Cathe’s workouts and the first month I noticed I lost a couple of pounds and lost 1inch off my hips! I was thrilled! So I kept going until I finally got my body back to how I always wanted!


I surprised everyone that kept telling me “once you have a baby you can NEVER get back to the way you used to be.” I’m happy to say that it CAN be done and I’m proof of that. I got it done and I’m so happy! I just want to thank Cathe for making such great workouts that really give results and make us stronger then we were. I’ve truly gained so much confidence and now I’m so much stronger.

It’s been 5 years now since I’ve been working out to Cathe and now I’m working on becoming a Personal Trainer. I never thought I’d love to workout as much as I do now. I look forward to working out every day! I’m happy to say that I’ve accomplished something great!

13 Responses

  • Great job!!!!
    Proof that you can return to that “old” size and shape after baby!!
    xx, Denise

  • WOW!
    You *started* with Imax 3??? I am not worthy! LOL

    Congratulations! you look fantastic!
    Barbara P

  • Girl! I’m so proud of you, and thanks for all the inspiration!!!! You have help me transformed myself and love working out! YMCA, tomorrow???

  • Thank you Barbara! I couldn’t believe it either. Imax 3 my first Cathe DVD, LOL!

    Thank you Linnette!! You’ve been doing SO great!!! and I’m SO proud of you friend! (((HUGS)))

  • Huge congratulations! Cathe’s Imax 2 helped me shed those baby pounds. I’m stronger and in better shape at 37 post-baby than I was in college. Keep it up and thanks for sharing your story!

  • Thank you so much Jan! 🙂

    Today I even did Imax 2, I LOVE that workout! The music just ROCKS!!!

  • Wow – huge congrats that you’ve been featured!! You look fantastic, and your super positive outlook on life is so inspiring as well. I’m so glad to have met you – and happy to have you to look up to as such a super role model! Hugs!

  • Congrats! You look GREAT! I think a lot of times moms use the excuse of time and energy, but it’s just the opposite. If you workout you have MORE energy and are better for your kids! Congrats and good luck becoming a personal trainer!