Turkey zuchinni/mushroom burger

Turkey zuchinni/mushroom burger


4 ounces of 94% or more lean ground turkey
1/2 cup of the following diced veggies:
Zucchini & Mushrooms (I used white button)
3T shredded carrots
1 tablespoon dehydrated onions
1 teaspoon onion powder
.5 teaspoon garlic powder
.5 teaspoon coarse black pepper
Salt to taste


Finely dice your veggies and put in a large bowl… add your ground turkey and your seasonings and mix well by hand,and shape into a patty. Some of the veggies will fall out, so press the loose ones on top of the formed patty.

Spray a skillet with canola or safflower oil and heat, using medium/low; the burger will be very large and you don’t want to cook it too fast. When heated, add your burger and cook on one side, pressing down once, until brown and firm and turn over, and cook until done.

Internal temperature should be 165 degrees.

One Response

  • Yum!!! I am so going to make these. I could maybe add an egg white and make meatballs from this?