Green Protein Waffles


1 cup spinach
1/4 cup oatmeal
1 egg
2 Eggland’s Best egg whites
1 small banana
1 small apple
5 baby carrots
1 small celery stalk
1 tbs flax seeds
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
1 tsp cinnamon

Kale can be replaced for spinach for this healthier waffle recipe.



Blend all ingredients together (I use the Magic Bullet large cup, carefully adding the spinach to make it fit in the cup) and pour in a pre heated waffle iron or a pre heated non-stick pan. Let it cook Until both sides are lightly brown. Serve with honey or syrop, if desired.


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7 Responses

  • I haven’t tried with frozen spinach, but I’ve pretty much experimced with all kinds of greens. The key is to make sure the batter isn’t too runny. If that happens, you may need more cooking time. My concern is it getting mushy if you add too much frozen spinach. I’d try with 1/2 a cup since it’s packed.

  • Also the flax seeds can be substituted by chia seeds. For an anti inflammatory boost, I like adding a dash of powder ginger and an tea spoon of ground turmeric.

  • You could leave the protein out, but the batter will be less sweet. You could add more spices or cocoa powder for flavor. Also you can use pumpkin pie spice and a tiny bit of vanilla.
    I like doing it in the waffle iron, but you can definitely do it in a griddle or non-stick pan. Spray with a bit of coconut oil (that’s what I use in the iron). The mix does look like a pancake batter. If you find it too runny without the protein powder, add a little more oatmeal or flax/chia seeds to thicken.

  • Another thing, when using the iron, let the batter stand and start cooking a minute or two before closing it. I tend to pour too much at the same time and if I don’t do that, the uncooked batter may run on the sides. I like my waffles thick.