Great for Everyone, but Especially Moms or Moms-to-Be by Natalie


I pre-ordered the Low Impact series because I have been a huge fan of Cathe’s workouts over the years, so I can never let her new ones go by without getting them. This workout series is low impact but trust me it works my muscles in a way that I have not felt in any other workout, including the many other Cathe DVDs I already have, thanks to Cathe and those Slide N’ Glide Discs.

The first workout I did was After Burn and the next day I sure did feel it in my hip flexors, in a good way to show me that I need to work them out more. These workouts are definitely not easy, but will help increase your fitness in ways that you never thought were possible with low impact workouts.

As most of you already know, Cathe as always keeps the intensity up with fun music and new exercises. I love the new exercises she uses because they are functional, total body exercises. She has also given so much variety to this workout series. You get Hiit, Step, Weights, Floor Cardio, Cycling, and Yoga. I love the variety because I can always find something that matches my energy level, interest, and time allotment I have for the day. She also adds variety by using the Slide N’ Glide Discs. These Slide N’ Glide Discs give you more possibilities to work on your balance, strength, and coordination.

Now I am also 15 weeks pregnant with my 2nd Child so I am thrilled that I have this workout series on hand to use as I get bigger and bigger 😉 This will be perfect because I will not have to worry about the jarring movements that may happen with some higher impact workouts, but I can keep the intensity higher to keep burning those calories. This will be a great way to maintain my fitness level and help add flexibility. I highly recommend these workouts for everyone but especially to women who have kids or will be expecting kids in the future. This has been a great investment to incorporate with my other Cathe DVDs.

2 Responses

  • Hey! I’m also 15 weeks pregnant with my second baby! And yes, these workouts are great for expectant moms. Of course, there are certain modifications you have to make as you get bigger. I especially love the slide n glide workouts because they kind of mimic rollerrblading, which I love but obviously can’t do now, and the Turbo Barre workout. I highly recommend these for those moms to be because strengthening your core and lower body muscles is extremely important when having a baby. Congrats and keep it up!