Getting Fit and Having Fun! by Jamie


If you would have told me 3 years ago that I would be fit and healthy today, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. Because 3 years ago, I weighed almost 300 pounds. I was stuck in a body that I hated. I didn’t know how to break free from it. Finally, I decided to get honest with myself and make a change. I started paying attention to what I was eating and why I was eating it. I started exercising, even though it was hard. Really hard. A couple of months into my weight loss, I discovered something crazy. I liked working out! I always thought I hated it, but what I hated was the gym. I felt lost and overwhelmed there. But at home in my basement, I could work out to a DVD with no one else watching me.

I discovered Cathe on FiTV and I couldn’t believe how much she challenged me. At that point, I was spending a lot of money on DVDs that were too easy for me after doing them just a few times. I don’t get that with Cathe’s workouts! When I work out with Cathe, I know I’m going to be pushing myself to the limit every time.


I discovered Cathe right after she put out the STS series, and I thought there’s NO way I’ll ever do STS. It’s for people who are way more advanced than me. But I read online how much other people loved it and how much it challenged them. I decided to give it a shot. After all, I love the way she challenges me in all her other workouts. Why not really push myself? All I can say is I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner! What a fun, challenging, and motivating program! Cathe took all the guesswork out of lifting with this series. I love the structure that STS provides, and Cathe’s personality totally comes through the television and into my workout space. I feel like I have my own trainer. She makes me laugh, she makes me push myself, and she gets me results. Who could ask for more?

14 Responses

  • Wow!!! A pleasure to read. I agree that sometimes the gym can be overwhelming, sometimes with folks chatting, scurrying back and forth, plates/weights clanking, cardio machines beeping etc. (I have to literally block out the world to concentrate there). And I agree that ‘focus’ is one of Ms. Friedrich’s many middle names 🙂

  • Congrats on a great success story, Jamie! I think the biggest trick is finding out that working out is FUN and if it’s challenging it’s even better!

  • Holy WOW!!!!!!!!! Look at you, girl! Congrats!!! I, too, am afraid of the gym. Love me some Cathe and my basement, though 🙂

  • Who needs Jillian Michaels screaming in your face when we’ve got Cathe??? What a great job, Jamie! I know you feel as fantastic as you look!

  • You look fantastic! That’s just the bonus. The true rewards are the quality of life and the improved health you’ve given yourself. Good for you!!! Isn’t it cool how much fun working out is?

  • I agree completely. Having Cathe’s DVD’s in my basement is just like having my very own personal trainer!! It really is FUN! Congratulations on your wonderful progress. Keep it up!

  • Congratulations and keep it up. I am spoiled by working out at home with Cathe. Like you, I first discovered her on FitTv. She is admirable and so are you. I do believe you are correct in saying that many are afraid of the gym. I think many are afraid of changing themselves too. I know if I went to the gym to work out I would not work out as hard as Cathe makes me at home!

  • What an amazing transformation Jamie! I’m halfway thru Mesocycle 1, and all I can say is, if this is what happens when you do STS, bring it on!