Cathe and Lorraine in Athletic Training

This is a picture of Cathe and Lorraine during the filming of  Athletic Training.  Like most of our workouts, Athletic Training was first tested on our members at our health club in New Jersey. Cathe often refers to her class followers as her “lab rats” as they are the ones where she first test and then refines her workout ideas.

We’ve been busy filming  and haven’t really had time to check our club’s Facebook page lately, so we got a good laugh when we read some of our members comments about Cathe’s Athletic Training class she tried on them last week. Looks like everyone agrees this is going to be one tough workout!

We will be showing new pictures from our Low Impact series almost everyday, so keep checking back!

Hurry! Pre-Order Now and Save! Our Free Pre-Sale Slide N Glide offer will End on July 27th. Not only will you save over 50% on Cathe’s new Low Impact series, but you will also receive a pair of Fitness by Cathe Slide N Glide discs for Free! – Pre-Order Now and Save!

Categories: Blog, Newest Workouts

2 Responses

  • hello cathe, i was just wondering how can i order this dvd? also, can you please give me the slide plate for free because i am from australia. why do you only give it to americans for free? also, the low impact deluxe dvd’s, is it included in this package?
    So can you please let me know. Thank you

    Yous Sincerly,

    Grace Robbins WA Australia.