Back Pain Sufferers Like to Sweat, Too! – by Kathy


I have always enjoyed athletics – running, in particular. When I had my second child, I started developing back problems from lifting my new baby and my toddler, who still wanted to be carried. This escalated into a herniated and ruptured disk. It was so bad that my doctor recommended that I consider not having any more children (I really wanted 4). With all the pain medications I was taking, I had to quit breast feeding early, I couldn’t pick up my children, clean my house, or run a mile, things I really wanted to do! My therapist suggested I try alternative exercises to build the strength in my back, so I started swimming and would sit outside the aerobics class at the local YMCA and watch. It looked like fun, but I was convinced I wouldn’t be coordinated enough to do that.

Long story short, I picked up an aerobic step and inside the box was a bonus Cathe Friedrich DVD. I really liked her personality and got the distinct impression that this was no “girly” instructor. She was like me! I got the Low Max workout and was so excited to find that the workout gave me a great sweat while being gentle on my joints and back. My back and core started getting stronger and the pain went away. Wow! Over the course of 4 years, I did that workout hundreds of times (it was the only one I did, in fact!) and I never got tired of it. I still can’t run much, but Cathe has become my favorite workout companion. Am I the only one in America that talks to Cathe during workouts? “No, not another set!” “Yeah, BRING IT ON!” and “HOOO-AHHH!!” I have gone on to have 3 more children, including 1 set of twins. My husband laughs when he hears me working out and my toddler says, “{Giggle}, Mommy, she said BUTT,” which is a naughty word at our house.

After my 3rd child, I was to be inducted into an athletic hall of fame three months after she was born. I had to work fast! After gaining 45 lbs in my pregnancy, though diet and intense aerobics (yes, the same Lo Max workout) I was 4 lbs over my pre-pregnancy weight when I gave my speech 3 months later.

I honestly feel that aerobics and Cathe Friedrich’s workouts have been an answer to prayer. I can now work out to relieve stress, maintain fitness and be a better, more active mom and wife. My back feels great, considering my newborn twins. My new goal is to take off the nearly 60 lbs I gained while pregnant with my twins, and I know with time and a lot of sweat, it will happen.

Ps – I just want to clarify that most of the Cathe workouts I have seen are NOT good for people with back issues. I wouldn’t want someone with herniated disks to get one of the DVDs and hurt themselves worse on account of my story. I am SO thankful to have found a workout that supports both my back issues and gives me a great cardio session. I was shocked and tearfully happy to discover that even though I had damaged my back, I could still have the additional children I always dreamed about and have workouts that bring me to my knees (which I crave) without hurting my back.

If Cathe is ever interested in putting together workouts for those of us who love “good pain” and not “bad pain” please let me know. I’d love to help develop aerobic, stretching and strengthening routines for people with back issues, which is a huge problem in America. I have made quite a study out of trying to keep my back healthy and strengthening without injuring it.

6 Responses

  • Kathy,
    While my back problems are not as severe as yours, I have found that Cathe’s Core Max DVD has really strengthened my core and alleviated a lot of my pain. I also do her Ab Hits on a regular basis. Keep up the exercise because I know what it’s like to to have back pain and now to feel so much batter!

  • Kathy — Congratulations on all your health successes. Fun to hear! I just did Low Max this morning and thought the same thing when Cathe announced the “butt kicks” — my kids were still sleeping, but whenever they hear her say that word, their eyes get big and they look at me like “we don’t say that in our house.” So cute.

  • Your success story touched me so much. I felt like it was MY LIFE! After having 7 children including twins, I got pregnant at almost 40 years old and through a very hard back labor, my back just didn’t heal. I usually would be back into my Cathe workouts at 6 weeks post pregnancy but this time, it was different. And one day while holding my baby on my hip and dancing with him, I did something to my back and couldn’t walk. I had to be supported by my 2 teenage sons to the doctor..I couldn’t walk. I had to have an MRI which was no fun and found out I had a semi mild bulging disc. I opted do to decompression therapy which insurance didn’t pay so it was out of my pocket.e Thankfully, I healed but I couldn’t exercise or do any high impact like Imax 2,3…which I love love love interval training. My health declined, I gained weight and then my marriage failed and I was diagnosed with other health issues and had to be put on different meds that made me gain weight all the while trying to heal and be separated in my marriage and trying to take care of 8 children. Believe me, I didn’t think I could live through this. But I slowly was able to modify everything to low impact. All Cathe’s step workouts. I had done that anyway with my pregnancies but I had to do it now as well. I also can’t put any barbell on my back and I can’t do deadlifts. So i have to modify with doing wall squats and was thrilled to see Cathe included them in STS strength workouts. Anyway, I should weigh 150 since I’m t all but I’m 214 and feel just awful. I tried to do Cathe’s Cardio Fusion and could barely make it through on a 4 inch step with low impact. I march when she joggs with the stability ball.
    Anyway, I have to really be careful of my back too and your story brought tears to my eyes and encouraged me GREATLY! Thankyou so much!

  • Kathy-Thank you so much for posting your story. I started exercising in the early eighties with Jane Fonda, the early nineties with Gilad and the late nineties brought me to the Firm (boy was I firm). The 2000’s saw me into my early forties. That is when I found Cathe. I was so happy to find something that challenged me again, and Cathe is so fun to work with and watch. Within a year I was doing her most advanced step routines and weight training, and peaked at a level of fitness I had never seen before.
    Then came the time I noticed I wasn’t recovering as fast as normal, and was always sore after the most manageable routine. I would learn after months of testing that I have osteoarthritis in my spine which causes sciatic pain in my hips and occasional numbness and loss of control of my legs. I also have moderate to severe degeneration of my right hip and knee joint. Though I have opted to modify my routines and faithfully follow the advice of my therapists in lieu of immediate surgery. In spite of my pain, I will never give up my routines. They are as necessary to me as food, sleep and breathing in my life. Like you, I have found that many of Cathe’s workout are challenging for the back, and though my back problem doesn’t manifest itself as pain, it does cause numbness and loss of control, so I have to be really careful.
    The thing that we both have in common is the benefits of the Low Max routine. On days when my symptoms are more severe, I do the Basic Step routine. I modify all of my Cathe routines to fit the guidelines that my therapists have given my to manage my condition. After all that is what fitness is all about, being the best that you can be.
    It is nice to know there is someone like you who cares enough to express the need for routines to help people with issues like ours. Cathe has gone to the epitome for the advanced exerciser. I hope somehow she can put together a program for people like us.
    Until then we have Low Max. 🙂
    Thanks for letting me know I’m not alone out here. I am greatly inspired by your story.

  • I have moderate to severe pain in my neck and shoulders, constantly. Exercise worsens the pain, but like most of us, I have to do this for my own well being. Therefore, I put up with the pain. I am wondering if anyone has that problem and what you do to modify. Also, there isn’t much stretching that centers around the neck. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  • Julie- Re: Modifications to existing therapists agree, “if it hurts, don’t do it”. So I adjust any exercise I do until it doesn’t hurt, and if a particular exercise hurts no matter how I do it, I just skip the move or replace it with a move I can do. The important thing is that we keep moving. Listen to Cathe, too, as she move through the workouts. She always gives great suggestions for modifications.
    As far as stretching your neck muscles, your are right, it is hard to stretch the neck in isolation. I would suggest keeping your head in alignment with your spine while doing other upper body stretches (don’t look at the T.V), keep your head up tall, and avoid doing other exercises that would otherwise strain your neck. Try to be aware of where you carry your stress and ALWAYS check with your doctor your discomfort continues or progresses. I wish you well in all you do.