About the Music in the New Videos

We have had 21 rocking “sound a likes” created based on popular hit songs for the new workouts. We’ve hired musicians, song writers and singers to create special music just for our new workouts that we will also sell as music you can download. DJ Joe played one of the songs from the new workouts during Cathe’s announcement of the new workouts.

7 Responses

  • This is awesome! Kudos for finding a solution to the muisc licensing. This proves Cathe is always ahead of the game.

  • Brilliant! Cathe is def ahead of the curve by finding a legal way around music licensing, employing musicians, songwriters and singers for special music, using soundalikes, creating downloads and now the Workout Blender. I have just started to use her workouts and I am already impressed at how forward-thinking she is!!

  • We heard a portion of one of the songs at the RT this past weekend….OUTSTANDING! Of course the DJ was pretty cute too (I’m allowed to say that..since I’m OLD!!). HA!