About Intensity

INTENSITY is a workout that mixes favorites like Step, Bootcamp, Imax, Plyo and Hiit all in one workout. Though this advanced workout is extremely intense it also is a workout that screams with fun. Not only are you going to be jumping and pumping in every way imaginable, but you are going to find yourself reaching for this workout again and again. Not only that but we’ve designed this workout to be super versatile by making special premixes that use a low impact add- on – Low Impact HiiT.  And if that isn’t enough, you’ll love how it can be used in so many ways. Do it in its entirety for the ultimate challenge or just do any of the individual segments for a mini explosive workout for when you are short on time! And yet another option is to add a segment to the end of any one of your workouts to go out with a bang! So if you’re looking for all out intensity, you’ve met your match

Categories: Blog, Newest Workouts

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