9 Days to Go!

Hi Everyone!

It’s August 16th and we are just 9 days away from starting to film….gulp!!!! But that’s an excited gulp, tee hee!

We have just been having a blast preparing for everything from soup to nuts. But it is also a very crazy time since so many details all come together at this point. Everyday there are many phone calls to make to all involved ….make up artists….clothing reps…..Seamstress….set designers….production crew…cast members….graphics designers (who now fortunately work in house with us )….lighting technicians….photographers…. caterers……crew attendants…..and much, much, more…..its a pace that’s very similar to wedding planning in the final two weeks.

Tonight, from 6 to 9pm, we will be filming ourselves doing Body Max 2 in its entirety. This helps us get a lot of the initial anxiety out of the way so that we perform better on film day plus it is a great tool to see where we need to more work as far as synchronizing our movements …..and a great way for the cast to rehearse in case they can’t make a rehearsal.

Rehearsals are so much fun, definitely a lot of work, but fun too. We enjoy sweating it out and hopping around together….then at some point we usually enjoy a much needed little break where we bust out rice cakes, peanut butter, and water while reviewing things that need some work.

I will post the chapter points and a workout description of Body Max 2 either tomorrow or soon after that.

Well, time to get today’s plans into action….I hope you all have a great day 🙂
