walking vest on Rachael Ray show


anyone see valarie bertenelli's walking vets on RR yesterday? The concept sounds great. I think just what i need to up the calorie burn during walks. I am so conditioned to walking [and am a flat lander] that I have a hard time really getting my heart rate up. This sounds like it would do the trick. Anyone try one yet?
These have been around for a really long time--mostly used in martial arts. You can get one at almost any martial arts store. Also I'm pretty sure Sports Authority, Dick's, etc. carry them.
If you're just thinking about something to use for increasing walking intensity, you could just load a backpack with a few weight plates for the same effect.

I did this when I was rehabbing an injury before I could do any impact, throw in some hills and the old heart rate should get up there.
Another idea would be to flap your mouth as much as Rachael Ray while walking and burn an extra 400 calories per half hour. :7 :7

(Actually, I kinda like Rachael and knew her back in her common folk days. She's a cool --and now hella rich--chickie)
I own (and love) the xVest. The x2 only goes up to 20 pounds. I got a 40lber in case my SO wants to use it. I like to walk/jog with a 10 lb weighted vest; trust me, it takes walking to an entirely different level :) You can also do low impact aerobics, use it to up the amount of body weight squats, push ups, pull ups, lunges, kettlebell training, crosfit, ...the combinations are limitless. It's a safe vest, and I like the xVest b/c it is very comfortable. You can evenly distribute the weights, and the lower back strap used to secure the vest is incredibly supportive. I can't say enough good things about the xVest. It is a little pricey, but for the comfort level and design, I think it's worth it. Do some research on other types of vests if you are really considering getting one. I found great reviews on t-nation, and doing some general google searches. I saved my pennies and got what I feel is the best value for the money. You might also check ebay for some sellers. I was able to find a great seller and a great deal on the 40lb vest.

Hope this helps!

Your friend in fitness,

My Blog: http://fitgirlatx.blogspot.com/index.html
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"I am only competing with the me I have yet to be..."
>The one on the show was: www.walkvest.com
>vikinyc :)
Thanks! That one is less expensive! it only goes up to 16 lb though. For those of you who use a vest...what weight do you load into it? maybe 16 isnt enough?

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