XTrain Glute Bridges

This picture shows Cathe and Cedie doing single leg  Glute Bridges during the XTrain Legs workout.  This is an excellent exercise for the Glutes that you can also easily do wherever and whenever you travel – You just need a chair. This XTrain lower body workout has four sections:

1. Standing Legs,

2. Stability Ball Legs

3. Barre

4. Floorwork

This  XTrain Legs workout will come with several different leg and glute routines that combine or exclude each of the different lower body segments listed above .  These different options will allow  you to select a workout that fits your time schedule and to focus on the leg workout that fits your needs the best. This video is also perfect for exercisers looking for a low impact lower body workout.


*Pre-Sale prices end soon. You can learn more or Pre- order  XTRAIN now at:  Click Here