Total Body Tri-Sets: Time Breakdown

The time breakdown for Total Body Tri-Sets is as follows:

Lower Body Split 39 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 31:00 stretch 4:05)

Upper Body Split  56 mins (warm up 4:13, lower body 48:00, stretch 4:05)

Chest/Shoulders/Triceps  30 min (warm up 4:13, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps 22:07,  stretch 4:05)

Back/Biceps/Core  30 mins (warm up 4:13, Back/Biceps/Core 22:05,  stretch 4:05)

Total Body Tri-Sets is one of the most versatile strength training  workouts we have ever released. The main program features  Upper Body  and Lower Body split routines that you should do once or twice per week. But you can also train by body part if you prefer; i.e., Lower Body, Chest/Shoulders/Triceps or  Back/Biceps/Core. Prefer to train your entire body on the same day?  No problem we have two total body premixes you can select from depending on the amount of time you want to spend working out. We even have express Upper Body and Lower Body premixes for those of you that are really pressed for time.

Every exercise in Total Body Tri-Sets is chaptered so you can instantly select the exercise you want  from your DVD menu or iPod.  This is sure to be one of your favorite Cathe Strength videos!

You can now Pre-Order any of the ten individual Low Impact series DVDs. Your order will ship once it is available and in stock. Shipping updates will be posted in our forums, Facebook fan page and in our weekly newsletter. Orders will ship in the order they’re received.  Click Here to Order

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