Time to Celebrate!

Hi Everyone! I sure do miss chatting with all of you 🙂 I wanted to let you know that we finished editing….YIPPEE! Now we comb through the edited DVD’s and check for mistakes. I think Chris already wrote you a little note telling you how things progress from there but I will keep you updated with greater detail as we reach those check points.

For now, I wanted to thank you all for your premix contributions. Excellent ideas and we are using many of them in addition to our own. I hope you are all ready for the “sweatfests” that you have conjured up. These premixes are going to WORK YOU HARD (insert evil witch laugh with an extra high squeel at the end).

Tonight is our “thank you” dinner for the cast. We mighty gals are really looking forward to ordering everything on the menu and laughing off the calories as we share our “greatest filming blooper” stories with each other (little do they know I have already witnessed half of them during the edit sessions and left them on the edit floor, wink).

Well, time to get back to creating more premixes. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,