Running, but not getting anywhere – by Jennifer


I debated on buying STS, but I am so glad that I did. I have always been very physically active all my life. When I purchased STS, I was running 30 – 40 miles a week. I was not watching my diet and not lifting one weight. So I decided I needed to change because I did not like what I saw in the mirror. I had several other Cathe videos, but STS seemed so different. STS feels like I have a personal trainer right in my own home. Once I got STS, I changed my routine. I followed the plan as Cathe advised. I did the 3 month rotation, because I was wanting to see results fast.

I also watched my intake of food. I started watching my protein and carb intake. I learned slowly that good nutrition works miracles with a great workout. I started fueling my body for its needs not by my cravings.


I have lost close to 20lbs and weigh less than I have in 15 years. I feel totally amazing. I love buying smaller clothes, but my increase of energy is wonderful. I feel like I can accomplish so much more in the day. I remember when I was running 40 miles a week, I was always so tired. Now I look forward to my workouts. I am addicted to lifting heavy now.

If you give 100% to the program, you will get the results. If you want to change your body, heavy weight workouts along with cardio will do it. I also use the Shock Cardio to supplement with my running.

I am gearing up for round 2 (6 month rotation). I am so excited to start. I can’t wait to see the changes in my body. Rock on Cathe and all her fans. I look forward to see what the next 6 months bring.

6 Responses

  • Good for you Jennifer! I think the dieting aspect can be the hardest part for many. That’s great that you were able to switch the focus of your eating. You’re a great example!

  • Congratulations Jennifer!

    Wow! I’m so impressed with your results! You look fantastic!

  • Jennifer that is so great! I am proud to know you and you are a
    great inspiration to me personally as well as others! Rock on girl! See you soon at a 5k..