Meet Nancy and Amanda

Hi Everyone!  Now that filming is over and we have had a little time to share some pictures with you, I’d like to also share a little bit about our newest cast members, Nancy (left) and Amanda (right), who were the two winners of our Daytona casting call contest.  Just to recap, for those who might not be aware, we held video-taped auditions during our Daytona Road Trip this past October, and the winner of the audition won the opportunity to appear as a cast member in our next DVD.  Well, after watching all the auditions, I narrowed it down to Nancy and Amanda.  Can I tell you I watched their performances (which consisted of my pre-established step, weight, and kickboxing exercises) over and over and over, trying to decide the winner.  I just couldn’t do it.  They were both a solid tie!  So after a great deal of thinking, I decided to have them both.  You will soon see for yourself why my decision was so hard but for now I’ve asked Nancy and Amanda to share a little something about themselves so you can get to know your fellow Cathletes a little better.

Nancy – age 34

I am originally from Quebec, Canada and speak both French and English.  I am currently a sewing machine operator, in the taping department in a Skydiving gear manufacture in Deland, Florida

My hobby is competing in Figure. Cathe is my lifestyle.

My 1st Cathe DVD was actually a VHS from the cross xpress series; “ALL STEP”. I did this one until my tape died! LOL!!!

My favorite DVD…. Well I have 2 that I can’t tell which one is my favorite so here we go: IMax 2 and from the premix of Lower & Higher Intensity Step; Double cardio (so both L & H Intensity Step back to back). I can’t live without those 2 step DVDs!!!

To stay in shape I do the following:

I eat a very clean diet (6 little meals 6 x’s per day)

Do cardio 1-2 x’s per day (I do Cathe’s workouts 6-10 x’s per week)

I weight train 3-6 x’s per week

Drink 1-1.5 gallons of water per day and try to rest as much as I can!

Off season, I weight train 3-4 x’s per week and my diet is very healthy with 1-2 cheat meals per week.  During my competitive season, I weight train 6-6.5 x’s per week and am on a very strict diet (weigh all my portions and eat low carbs, high proteins and moderate essential fats)

Amanda –  age 31

I’m married & have a 4 yr. old daughter. I’ve been working out with Cathe since 2004 and have been hooked ever since.  My first and favorite Cathe DVD is Kick, Punch, & Crunch!

Prior to becoming a stay at home mom, I was a group fitness instructor and had my own personal training business. I have a degree in Fitness Management and plan to work again in the fitness industry. I now workout as a hobby and competed in my first figure competition (this past April) in which I took 1st place in both of my divisions!

I alternate between Cathe’s workouts as well as going to the gym. I eat “clean” most of the time including as many veggies in my diet as possible, lean meats, brown rice, oats, and peanut butter.  I definitely allow myself a “cheat” meal(s) 1-2 x per week, depending on the intensity of my workouts.  I usually workout 5-7 days per week incorporating split weight workouts to allow for adequate muscle recovery.

I admire Cathe for all she stands for and she is my biggest inspiration. Thanks, Cathe for getting me in the best shape of my life! You truly are the best and I’m proud to be a Cathelete!

Categories: Blog, Newest Workouts

37 Responses

  • “To stay in shape I eat a very clean diet (eat 6 little meals 6 X/day), cardio 1-2X/day (I do Cathe’s 6-10 X/week), I weight train 3-6 X/week, drink 1-1.5 gallon of water/day and try to rest as much as I can! Off season, I weight train 3-4X/week, in my competitive season, I weight train 6-6.5 X/week. Off season, my diet is very healthy with 1-2 cheat meals/week, during my competitive season, I am on a very strict diet (weight all my portions and eat low carbs, high proteins and moderate essential fats”

    As my as I appreciate Nancy’s honesty, I feel disappointed that someone has to work out that much to be in good enough shape to be included in your video. There are so few of us who can make that kind of commitment. I work out with you often, Cathe, and I look up to your work ethic, but I had no idea how hard the women in your videos had to work and how much denial was involved.

  • I have been a dedicated Cathelete since January 2010 and I was hoping that two “real” Cathletes would’ve been selected for the new workouts. Once I read their bio’s, I realized that they’re both fitness/figure competitors and know the “secret” to getting in shape for a DVD/contest. We, who workout with your DVD’s faithfully, are real women with husbands, children, careers, etc. It is hard for us to weigh our food when feeding our husband and children, workout as much as these two ladies do when balancing work and family, and I don’t know about the others out there, but I was really hoping to see the face of those who workout with you faithfully in your new workouts, not another fitness trainer with the unattainable physique.

  • I think they are “real” Cathletes. We could all have the physiques on the videos if we ate and worked out like they do. That doesn’t mean they are more or less “real” than we are. I am a trainer and an attorney and I don’t have their bodies… I have my own, and I get stronger every day as I manage my own choices in life and in fitness just like they have and just like each of us do.
    I guess I’m not sure what anyone thought Cathe was planning for a casting call. Nancy and Amanda are stellar examples of what one can achieve with dedication, training and genes. They aren’t fitness models Cathe selected– they are women who achieved their results working out with Cathe– so what more inspiration is anyone looking for?

  • Hmmm…sorry but I humbly disagree with both of the above comments. For lack of a better word, they are both excuses. I don’t see anything unattainable about Nancy or Amanda, what they have achieved, their physiques etc. I am not diminshing what they have accomplished by any means. They are both determined, motivated women who have full-time commitments but have a strong desire for fitness and have set about achieving something they have set their minds to. I have seen several regular, everyday exercisers achieve the same, It takes determination, will, motivation and hard work but once excuses are set aside, it is achievable. Way to go Amanda and Nancy. You have inspired this Cathlete!!

  • As far as I can tell from their bios, Nancy has a career and Amanda has a husband and child, and they work out faithfully with Cathe’s DVD’s. How are they less deserving of winning Cathe’s casting call because of their dedication and commitment to fitness? I have a husband, children, career, and I work out 5 or 6 days a week with Cathe, and I find Amanda and Nancy inspiring.

  • Nancy holds down a job that has nothing to do with fitness and Amanda is a mum and homemaker. I see them as “real” Cathe consumers who are exceptionally dedicated and disciplined. If Cathe had not selected them just because they put extra effort into exercise and eating clean, that would have been unfair in my opinion. Several members of this forum are unbelievably buff or work as fitness instructors. They are as much a part of the Cathe consumer base as those who simply cannot or dont wish to take as much effort with fitness. Amanda, Nancy, I wish you both luck and look forward to exercising with you when the new workouts are released.

  • Wow, with some of these comments here, I think it’s time for me to clarify something. It may come of a surprise to some of you, but I had NO IDEA who Amanda and Nancy were when they auditioned and no idea of their age, what they did for a living, etc.. Everyone who signed up for the road trip was given the same exact sheet of paper with the rules/expectations for their audition. It was an equal opportunity for each Cathlete who chose to audition. In fact, to keep things fair, I didn’t even hold the auditions. I let two staff members run them and at the end of the weekend on the flight home they handed me the video taped auditions.

    When I got home and watched them, there was no mention of what anybody did for a living. They stated their name on tape and said what they were going to demonstrate. Music was put on and they did their thing.. Upon completion they would here the words “Thank You, could you please ask the next person in line to come in”.

    When I watched these tapes, I was empowered by each person’s audition and their willingness to put their best effort forward to reach for their dreams. Everyone who auditioned was on the same level playing ground. I simply chose who I thought gave the best performance and had that extra something it takes to put yourself out there. I was looking for someone to show all the abilities of someone who could handle the stress and pressures of an audition, yet still smile, appear unaffected by the camera, and maintain good form and stamina under this pressure. After all, it would be no easier, in fact much harder, when we film the actual DVD.

    During the Daytona RT I mingled with everyone. I didn’t even know the details of all who auditioned as this was all held away from the main events of the Roadtrip.

    Now the greatest surprise to some of you may be to hear that I didn’t even know much at all about Nancy and Amanda until they flew in and we all met for dinner before our first rehearsal. That’s when I realized just HOW involved Nancy was in competing. She looked great in Daytona, and mentioned that she did some figure competitions to a group of us at dinner in Daytona, but wow, looking at her competition pictures, she took her physique to a whole other level. I admire her focus and determination.

    I also learned that Amanda was intrigued and inspired by Nancy’s mention of figure competitions and so she too became interested in trying a figure competition. It wasn’t until about 6 months AFTER the Daytona RT that she did her first (and only) figure competition.

    Other things I learned about these beautiful (inside and out) women are:

    I learned that in addition to Nancy being an active fitness competitor but she is a HUGELY devoted Cathlete. I tell you she knew more about my workouts in rehearsals than I knew. I would try to recall a move that I used in a DVD and she knew immediately. She was so excited each and every rehearsal and stated Catheisms that made us all laugh. She was so dedicated to performing her very best in these DVD’s and that she did. Her form, physique, and smile were outstanding. I couldn’t be happier or ask for a more enthusiastic and dedicated Cathlete.

    Amanda was equally fit, inspiring and dedicated (hence the reason I could not decide between the two). Her abs were the first thing we all noticed when she did her first rehearsal and she quickly became known for them…I call her AB-MANDA! She too, assisted Nancy in quickly “naming that move” when I was at a loss for words. The regular cast members laughed at how well they knew every little thing I did/said on my workouts. We all know only a true Cathlete knows those things !!!!

    I learned that Amanda used to teach group fitness too, (how cool is that), and that explained her fluid transitions, her attention to detail and overall presenter-style delivery. I actually saw myself (25 years ago) in her audition. With a physique as nice as hers, I found it surprising that she only did (and won!!) her first fitness competition 5 months ago…Way to Go Amanda!

    I’m so unbelievably inspired, pleased and proud of our newest cast members!!!!

    Amanda and Nancy….keep shining!!!

  • Cathe,I think you did great job on selecting these women! They are so inspirational and motivating! They work hard on their fitness goals and have achive them,I think anyone can do the same if they put there minds to it! If they can do it………I CAND DO IT TOO!!!!

    Thank you for all that you do for us!!!!

  • I’m so pleased that Nancy and Amanda are getting the credit they so obviously deserve! They’re true Cathletes as much as the rest of us. I am truly inspired by both of them.

  • I’m shocked at some of the negative comments regarding Amanda and Nancy. Why? These dynamic women are Cathletes and I find them inspiring. They have dedicated their lives to fitness and should be applauded for what they’ve done – it takes discipline, dedication and determination to achieve the bodies they do. These are real women with real goals. Amanda and Nancy’s physiques are NOT unattainable, but as the old adage says, if you think you can’t, then you can’t. Whatsoever a person thinks in his/her heart, so is he/she.

    Well done Cathe, for picking two inspiring women. I am motivated even more to get in the best shape of my life! AND I WILL!!!!!!

  • GREAT selections! They’re incredibly fit women – exactly what I expect to see when I work out “with” Cathe. I love they way they exude joy in all their photos. I can’t wait to see them in action on the DVDs. I wouldn’t expect anythng less. Kudos to you all.

  • Just wanted to chime in with my support for Nancy and Abmanda! They both look absolutely fantastic and it’s clear from their bios that they have been inspired to look like they do from Cathe’s DVDs. That counts as a Cathlete in my book whatever else they do in their lives. There’s no way I could ever have Nancy’s discipline, it’s just not for me, but it does not mean that I resent in any way their being chosen to appear in Cathe’s new DVDs. I also hope that this will not discourage Cathe from recruiting cast members in this way in the future.

  • Awesome job Amanda & Nancy! You both are inspirational for your tremendous dedication to fitness & health despite leading full & busy lives. Results reflect our priorities and you guys look amazing! Congratulations on winning the contest & best wishes to you both.

  • I am sorry if I gave anyone the impression that I thought it was wrong for Amanda and Nancy to be cast in Cathe’s latest workouts. That was not my intention. Rather, I am disappointed to learn just how much dedication and clean eating is required on a long term basis to meet Nancy’s, in particular, fitness goal. She is beautiful and looks great, and I agree that both Cathletes radiate enthusiasm and joy. As I worked out with Cathe this morning, I realized that I have to re-assess my own fitness goals and ask myself if I am really doing all I can to get to where I want to be and if I have the discipline to meet and maintain the lifestyle it will require to get, and most importantly, stay there.

  • Nancy! Félicitations! J’ai tellement hâte de voir les productions. J’admire votre enthousiasme qui se voit même d’après les photos; Cathe a fait d’excellents choix! Bonne chance dans vos projets futurs!

    Amanda! Congratulations! I can’t wait to see the final product. I can really feel your enthousiasm, even just looking at the pictures; Cathe made excellent choices! Good luck with your future plans!

  • The reality is that clean eating and effective training go hand in hand. I am so pleased both Amanda and Nancy reinforced this message in their bio’s. They look fantastic and I can’t wait to see the work that Cathe and the rest of the crew put into this this workout. Fitness does not have to be impeded because of family and career. As a medical professional, professor, mom and wife, I would be a lost puppy if it weren’t for my dedication to fitness, eating well and a supportive family! Cathe’s workouts has been key to my success as well. From reading the supportive posts, I’m so glad women who support other women exist…I’m so sick of envious people. Amanda, Nancy, and Cathe and the rest of the crew, congratulations on completing what looks like an awesome project. I can’t wait to get these workouts!

  • Amanda and Nancy – you ladies are sooooo inspiring!!! I can’t wait to ‘workout’ with you via the four new workouts! I’ve let my own physique and fitness regimen slide over the last two years and your determination and discipline are very motivational!!!

    Cathe – I’m so sorry that you had to take time out of your busy schedule to explain your selection process! I’m sure everyone who tried out did their very best, and I’m sure it was a tough decision. I hope people will put their speculation and this talk of ‘regular’ people to rest. Looking at all the new pictures on your blog, I can tell you made the right decision in choosing Amanda and Nancy! I am really excited for these new workouts!!!!

  • Nancy and Amanda not only have great physiques, they are stunning! It’s amazing what one can achieve with hard work and dedication. Ladies, you are an inspiration. Congratulations on being chosen for the new workouts. I look forward to working out with you. 🙂

  • You both look great and can’t wait to see you in the new videos. Now I know why I don’t look like Nancy, Amanda or Cathe. Although I work out to Cathe, attended my first Road Trip and consider myself a Cathlete, I don’t put the time in required to look like these amazing women. I work out 1 hour – 5 days a week and don’t eat nearly as clean as I should. My workouts have enabled me to feel great and maintain my weight as I get older. I applaud these women on their dedication and hard work.

  • Nancy who commented and explained her comment, please don’t feel bad. Good luck with either making peace with moderation, or finding the inspiration to meet your fitness goals. Being in good but not fabulous shape is a good way to live too.

  • Nancy (original poster Nancy), you started a really interesting discussion. I’m glad that you clarified what you meant to say in your original post and that you came away from this ‘conversation’ feeling inspired and re-energized. Me too!

    When you see it all on paper, what figure competitors and serious fitness pros like the beautiful Nancy and Amanda (and our Cathe, of course) must summon up from within themselves in order to succeed in their field is jaw-dropping. But not surprising, really, because — unlike most of us have ever done or would ever do — they’ve chosen to be professional athletes, with the same outlook and discipline and time commitment as would be required of any top-level athlete in any other sport. Any professional athlete’s daily schedule of eating, sleeping and working out would look plain crazy to most of the world, especially during their competition season. How amazing that Nancy and Amanda have been able to make — and stick to — that kind of choice in the midst of their otherwise very busy young lives!

    They’re both deserving of HUGE admiration and respect, in my book. And wow, are they an inspiring pair — focused, happy, lean (but not too lean), ripped and — most important to me personally — shining with that from-the-inside-out healthy glow.

    Just MHO, but I suspect that if the whole Cathe Nation took a little polygraph test, we’d find that very few of us are really doing everything we could be doing to reach our individual fitness goals. You said it best right here, Nancy: “…I realized that I have to re-assess my own fitness goals and ask myself if I am really doing all I can to get to where I want to be and if I have the discipline to meet and maintain the lifestyle it will require to get, and most importantly, stay there.” DITTO DITTO!!! 🙂

    I didn’t go to the Daytona RT, but I read all about the “casting call” before, during and afterwards, and I do want to toss in two observations about that. One, I do think Cathe made it quite clear that the process was going to be essentially anonymous and blind — all she ever planned to know about the participants before she made her choices was their name and what she saw on their audition tape. And two, Cathe did not say or suggest that she was searching for a cast member who’d look like the 99% of us Cathletes who DON’T look like Amanda and Nancy — she just offered the Nation a chance to audition for her crew, period. I know that there are other video instructors who’ve chosen to use more “Everywoman” or “Everyman” cast members, and that’s cool and certainly can be fun and inspiring to watch, for sure. But that’s NEVER been Cathe’s choice and she’s NEVER made any suggestion otherwise. Her approach to everything about her video productions has always been to strive for absolute professionalism and cutting-edge quality. She requires that of herself, and she clearly prefers that in choosing her cast. If you profile the crew — the ones that we’ve all “known” for years as well as the occasional “guest crew” — the fact is that they’re all fitness pros in one form or another. Cathe was spot-on when she said that Amanda and Nancy fit into her crew like a hand into a glove.

    Congratulations to Nancy and Amanda, Cathe, and the whole crew and Cathe dot Com hard-working team on the new series — I know it’s gonna be a good one!!!

  • Welcome Nancy and Amanda! I am really looking forward to working out with you in the new videos. Thanks so much for satisfying my curiosity about the work involved in making your bodies look so dang amazing! I am in awe of your dedication, and it motivates me to do even better. Maybe one if these days you could post a sample of what your week looks like with your diet and workout schedule and how you fit it in with work and home responsibilities. I know so many of us would just love that!

  • Nancy and Amanda are very inspiring. I can’t wait to see the videos…you guys are in fabulous shape and look beautiful and the photos of you have helped to keep me motivated in STS Meso 1.

  • I am very, very excited about the new workouts and I think it is really cool that Cathe had a casting call contest to select two of her fans to be in her workouts. I don’t know of any other DVD instructor that has done something like that. I wish someone, maybe Amanda or Nancy, would post what one should be eating six times a day in order to get lean like that. I know that I am busting my tail working out, trying to eat as clean as possible- which is probably easier to do when you know you have a contest or DVD to prepare for-I drink a gallon of water a day, and try to eat 5 or six times a day, but I really don’t know what to eat and when to eat it. I don’t know if I’m supposed to be consuming more calories to build muscle or fewer calories to get lean. I don’t know if its a one size fits all approach, but if somebody were to write down a sample meal plan of how to get the body those ladies have, I would buy it….it would be great to get ripped for a vacation, wedding, honeymoon, or just to prove to yourself that yes, you can do it.

  • I think they look great. Can’t wait to see them in action on these new videos. They are truly inspiring…. in fact they are making me feel a little guilty about just sitting here…so I guess I’m off to have a date with my dvd and a Cathe video!!!!

  • THANKS Nancy and Amanda for giving me the inspiration to focus on CLEAN EATING!!! I can’t wait for my new DVDs to arrive.

  • Yes, Nancy and Amanda are an inspiration–kudos to you. But I think we all need to be aware and accepting of who we are. I’d say for the most part, all of us Cathletes are kicking some butt and trying to stay in shape. For my body type–I could do a thousand of Cathe’s ab workouts and never come close Amanda’s abs no matter how much I rise to the challenge. But I’m ok with that too!

  • Nancy and Amanda, thanks for sharing some personal info. You’ve provided some great inspiration, and I can’t wait to work out with you! :o)

  • I think it is nice to hear about Nancy and Amanda’s backgrounds.

    I am just going to do my personal best and enjoy working out with the cast!

  • I do not believe that the original posters were trying to be negative in any way to Nancy and Amanda, at least that’s not how I took it. I thought they were just expecting someone who were the “average” at home work out type. Not all people truly have the time to dedicate that much time and energy to working out. I sure don’t, but I do feel proud of what I accomplished. (Then again, I would never audition because no one would want to see me flapping like a bird and tripping all over the board…lol.) I think Nancy and Amanda are amazing people who know how to committ their time and energy to something they truly aspire to. I can’t wait to see the videos. (I admit, I will aways be partial to the videos with Cede, Brenda, Jai and Lorraine…they became like family…lol)

  • I also do not believe that the original posters were trying to be negative in any way . I do want to say that if Cathe wants to have bodybuilders in her videos that is her choice but to me what the original posters were trying to express is that it would have been nice to have the underdog (for lack of a better word) to have been chosen, but that is not the real world. I actually believed I had a chance until I went to Daytona and I was 99% sure I didnt have a chance. I was 100% sure when another roadtripper told me she over heard Cathe asking these two girls how old they were way before the auditions took place. Believe me I met these two girls and they are sweet and beautiful. But I think most people that work out with Cathe are just average woman that cant do what they do or did and I think when people hear open casting call their hope just overshadows reality which is what happened to me.

  • Kay, thank you for your post, I wanted to go to the Daytona RT to have a chance to audition but wasn’t able to go. I think we would have bonded over our chances to be chosen!

  • Bodybuilders with fake tits.

    Not motivational.

    Bring back more well rounded athletic woman with natural bodies.

  • Ok, “No One”, that was so rude and NOT true!!!! These two girls are incredible!!!! I find them very inspiring and motivational. Every time I workout to one of the DVD’s Nancy and Amanda are on, I am inspired to look like them. Cathe, a very good selection of new cast members. I hope you keep them around. I really enjoy watching both of them, and I like the well, rounded cast of girls. All super fit and very good at what they do! I only hope to one day be able to complete a whole workout without pooping out half way through. That keeps me going!!! Good job to all the girls.

  • I think Cathe picked good!!! These 2 ladies are a good example of what is possible if we dedicate ourselves to eating and working out! I wouldn’t want to see a women on the dvd that was out of shape and couldn’t keep up with the rest of the cast that would Not be motivating!!!! You can Make all the excuses in the world why you can’t but that doesn’t mean other can;t!!! MORE POWER TO AMANDA AND NANCY!!