Cathe’s March Madness 2012 Rotation

Hi Everyone! Can you believe it’s March already? Before you know it the temperatures will be on the rise and you’ll be scrambling for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Don’t spend half of that beautiful day finding the right pair of shorts to cover up an area you wish you would have worked harder. Don’t try to dig up a lightweight long sleeve top because you are afraid to bear your arms that you wished you would have focused on toning up a bit more. Erase those worries and use this plan of attack in advance. That’s right, this month is March Madness and we are going to “work work”. So push those sleeves up really high and expose the top of your deltoids so you can see those beautiful arms change before your very eyes. While you at it, put some shorts on too. You’re on your way to tight, toned and top notch legs!!!


MON…Kick, Punch and Crunch

TUE….Legs and Glutes


THURS….Step Jump and Pump


SAT…..Hiit 40/20 plus Yoga Relax

SUN…..If sore today then do yoga relax. If not, do Cycle Max or a 45 minute interval treadmill run

MON…Pyramid Lower Body

TUE….Pyramid Upper Body Plus Hiit 30/30

WED…..Cardio Kicks

THURS….STS Total Body


SAT…..4Day Split Kickbox in its entirety (meaning leg and ab work are included)

SUN….. If sore today then do yoga relax. If not, do Cycle Max or a 45 minute interval treadmill run



TUE….Low Impact Challenge (or a cardio step DVD of your choice)

WED…..Lower Body Blast

THURS….Total Body Trisets Upper Body Only plus Hiit Double Wave Pyramid

FRI…..Turbo Barre plus Stretch Max segment one

SAT…..Cycle Max or a 45 minute interval treadmill run



MON…Body Max 2


WED…..Muscle Max

THURS….Hit 30/30 plus segment two Stretch max

FRI…..Low Impact Circuit

SAT….. If sore today then relax. If not, do Cycle Max or a 45 minute interval treadmill run

SUN…..Cardio Supersets