Introducing the Workout Blender

During the Glassboro Road Trip we announced that the Workout Blender we have been working on for the last several years will be available in just seven more weeks! Our Workout Blender patent pending technology puts you in control of your download workouts. You can shorten or lengthen any workout and you can eliminate or substitute one exercise for another. For example you may want to substitute a high impact move with a low impact exercise, or perhaps you hate lunges and would prefer to do step ups. The Workout Blender is the only program that makes all of this easy and simple to do, even for the computer novice.

With the Workout Blender you can create premixes by combining chapters from any of Cathe’s Workouts. You are not limited to premixes on a single disc or by the premixes we have created on the DVD. With the Workout Blender you can create a different premix every day of your life if you wanted to. We will start to tell you more details over the next several weeks as we release even more details and information.

The first release of the Workout Blender will allow you to create premixes from our downloads. This will be followed by a second release about four months later that will allow you to share the premixes you have created with others and/or to easily download premixes others have created. You will even be able to make money from the premixes you have created if you so wish to. – Learn More