I lost the baby weight by Niki

Before getting pregnant I weighed 102 pounds, worked out with my Cathe vids every day on top of teaching Martial arts! I had lost 60 pounds and felt great! In July of 2008 I found out that I was pregnant!! (2 days before my 10th anniversary- My hubby and I had tried for 10 years to have a baby with no success and just gave up trying and instead focused on building my body) we were so excited!

After seeing the doctor I continued to work and workout just with lighter weights until I hemorrhaged and had to take it easy! the baby


was ok but I had to stop all forms of exercise for the remaining of my pregnancy! that was at 14 weeks! needless to say I gained 74 pounds! yes! 74!! ha-ha as you can imagine I felt horrible! yes I did just have a precious little miracle baby that I was so blessed to have but at the same time I felt icky! I felt fat and so very unattractive!!

Well 1 week after giving birth I decided to start working out again so I starte d a slow walk on the treadmill and started back with Cathe’s weight workouts! I used no weights just my own body weight and eventually slowly started to add in light weights and her step aerobics! it’s now been 14 months since I gave birth and I can happily say that I have dropped 65 pounds and am back in my size 3 jeans!

I have roughly 20 or so videos of Cathe’s that I use and rotate out! so I never do that same workout twice in the same week! it helps keep me from getting bored!! I feel great and even better I love that my daughter loves to sit and watch Cathe as I workout! Thanks Cathe!!!

6 Responses

  • So glad you had a healthy baby, and that you listened to your dr. That is wonderful that you got right back into working out. You are also setting a very good example for your daughter to see how you are healthy because you work out. Keep it up and congratulations.

  • This is a very inspiring and uplifting artical. Right not i myself and 36 weeks pregnet and even though i have been able to continue to workout it is still a strugle and i pray that i can get back into shape as you did. My husband and myself also tried for 10 years and have given up on tring as well and then at Christmas last year our son was concieved. I am so excited and can not wait for this miricale to come into our home. I am suprised that you were able to start one week after. That is what i am hoping to do start walking within one week. Thanks again for the story.

  • Great job, Niki!! And very glad to hear you and your little miracle are both healthy! To go from looking ‘very’ pregnant to a size 3 is fantastic!

  • Which ones were your favorite step vids and which ones were your favorite strengthening vids. What would be your suggestions for starting out.

    You look fantastic and are inspiring me to get my act together ; )